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    kas vegas

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i was told to soak them in rubbing alcohol
  2. just got new drops at vg80/pg20 and they r great. thanks to all of you for your help. also i dropped the nic level to low also
  3. i looked at that web site. do you have to make your own there? if so im way to lazy for that lol
  4. thanks all now to find some vg
  5. also what does vg/pg stand for?
  6. im going to get new juice and what the smoothest hit i can get. i see alot of talk about vg and so on. do these make a diff in how smopth the hit is?
  7. it says ego on the box and looks just like the one in the vt store. cartriges or cartomizers no idea what that is. it has a small piece of what looks like a scrub brush that u put the drops on. i do think i need better drops. but not many to pick from in vt store. where do u get yours?
  8. btw im not taking a big hit. just a puff kills me. very little vapor is exhaled
  9. got it from a mall at one of those little carts payed way to much btw. i smoke lights. i looked at the vt store and they were all coffee flavors guess i need to look alittle harder. i hear theres 2 kinds of juice any thoughts as to what one could be right for me? thanks a ton too
  10. feels like the first time i smoked. im hacking and choking on this thing. what and where is a good place to get new drops? or brands
  11. pack a day smoker. and im still smoking because of this problem. could it be the juice?
  12. its a ego and the drops are 18mg. brand is totally vapor usa. doesnt say vp or vg on bottle. im putting the drops in the filter as i was shown only have hit it mabey 20 times
  13. just got my e cig and its burning my chest really bad. when i take a hit it makes me choke and chest burn. anyone had this problem?
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