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  1. Already taken into account. Most domestic PG manufacturers are practically automated and not that much more expensive than China anyhow. Once shipping is factored, it is better to find a regional supplier. I will check out the farm supply lead.
  2. So far I can only find the product at around $20 a gallon for about 11 dollars shipping. Does anybody know of any wholesaler that is less expensive?
  3. Wow. I just requested mine. Thank you.
  4. And I was about to suggest using a syringe. lol
  5. Don't be complacent. Most Americans probably still have barely heard of ecigarettes. They were banned nationwide in Mexico before just about anybody had heard of them!
  6. If you are still new to electronic cigarettes, be sure to have a backup battery or separate ecigarette, even a cheap one. You don't want to be scrambling for a pack of analogs while you wait for your battery to charge. I always carry an extra freshly charged battery.
  7. I would go with an inexpensive brand as a beginner. It is better to burn out the atomizer or mess up the battery on a 20 dollar e cigarette than on a 60 dollar model. If you look around online you will find plenty of fairly cheap models that actually work better than the overprices (IMHO) Smoking Everywhere brand.
  8. Don't worry about it. In the end the business is the one that makes the decision.
  9. I would add the term "nicostick", which is pretty much a homemade or self-assembled electronic cigarette.
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