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About Vaponaut

  • Birthday 10/28/1974

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    Houston TX

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  1. Yeah I did and tried it but i think it has more to do with the delrin drip tip hole being so small. I'm going to try the cut cart idea Brian uses and see if that works. If not, i'll just switch back to the basics. Thanks for everyones replies and suggestions.
  2. lol i agree birddog.. i'm just sick of failing.. my lips burn and i'm really just thinking of switching back to the kr808 stick and cartos.
  3. Yeah the delrin are really small and I plan to get a different one. I'm actually looking at the Pyrex drip tip from theecig.com have any of you seen this thing or know someone that uses it? it looks really nice but the price is pretty steep. http://www.theecig.com/product_p/510-fslash-901%20pyrex%20drip%20tip.htm
  4. Does anyone have a way to DD and not get the little bit of juice on your bottom lip when you take a draw off of the ecig? If anyone actually has a way to get a consistent vape with good taste and vapor please tell me what mod/device you use and what atty/DT you use. This trial and error over the last 2 months really has me wanting to just switch back to regular cigs. I haven't found an easy way to just vape. I started with kr808 style with empty cartos and filling them. Went to a reg 510 manual with reg resist att and empty cartridges. Then I bought an eGo XL battery with 2 reg atty's and a drip tip. I also got a couple tank atty's and some tank carts to try that out as well. Is there really a way to vape without so much hassle and mess everywhere? (besides the obvious prefilled cartos that usually taste like ****)
  5. ok so once again I'm at a loss. I need confirmation on what brand/type of blue filter to get. The stuff I bought isn't working anymore after a couple of sessions of vaping. I do 3 drops and vape until I get an off taste and put 3 more and repeat. I don't think what I bought is thick enough and it's letting too much juice through or something, i dont know. I tried the DT on the cartomizer but it just isn't the same.
  6. BTW egoluvr you should make a video of this tip/fix
  7. Can anyone confirm what brand/type they are using. I went to Petsmart and got a Fluval foam filter (white). edit: so I got impatient waiting on a response lol. I just tried what I got and it seems to be working very well. 3 drops seems to be working well with the amount of filter I put in. I'm using a short atty so there wasn't much room but it's great so far.
  8. I have been struggling for quite a while with direct dripping and pretty much everything else. I've tried the recommended 510 cartomizers, atty/cartridge combo, atty/drip tip combo and finally atty/cut down empty cartridge combo. I've found all of them inconsistent and very annoying. almost all are good for a few drags and then crap out. I believe this will be the solution for me. I usually do 3 drops and end up getting liquid on my bottom lip and it's even created a burn before. I'm really hoping this helps and is the solution I need for direct dripping. I love the vapor and taste DD provides but the annoyance of minute amounts of hot liquid working their way through a drip tip became to much. I'm heading to the pet store in a few to try this out. Thanks so much for the post
  9. awesome.. i've ordered from him before.. good quick service
  10. Can anyone recommend a site that sells the tank atomizer and tank carts by themselves?
  11. Indeed it does.. thanks Cheshyl
  12. So I was wondering if my Joye eGo mega battery is compatible with the Tank atomizer? I'm hoping that I dont have to buy the entire tank starter kit
  13. I would completely agree with everyone above as well. I started with one that looked like a cigarette and quickly moved to a pen style 510 e cig but found that the battery life is just not that great and found myself having to charge every few hours or so. I recently ordered the eGo and am now very satisfied with my choice. I've posted a review on the eGo but you can find a lot of videos and tutorials on how it works and what you need with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH4P3ExIKdY
  14. I put a read receipt on my email and it is very interesting how many replies I got saying the following: Subject: OPPOSE SB0910 /HB1729: Electronic Cigarettes/ Nicotine Vaporizers Sent: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 01:49:10 -0600 was deleted without being read on Thu, 10 Mar 2011 12:16:02 -0600
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