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Everything posted by zbasspro

  1. I tried beta (concept) one at Midwest Vapefest in St. Louis in August. It was HUGE. If they are able to have the same components in much smaller sleek design like that... possibly. I say possibly because it would depend on if you used a certain joose all the time and didn't switch flavors a lot. The one I tried had a 901 atty on it and when dialed in the taste 2nd to none. You still have to deal with the issue of changing out the joose bottle. In the end it comes down to do you have the money for it? Why are you buying it,so you can say you have the latest and greatest? I like dripping for the ritual and habit of it after almost a year. I don't need to be the 1st one to have something just to have it that is full of components that will be more prone to failure. boB
  2. I vote 510 due to the fact that it seems to be the most user friendly, readily available parts, as well as the latest technology seems to be catering to them such as the case with the latest T-tanks. boB
  3. I go as high as 60% VG in cartos without problems. It seems as if they get better after a "break in" period IMO. I find I can use a standard resistance Boge 510 for 2 weeks with the same flavor exclusively sometimes. I agree with the above that for the cost I pitch them. I don't get the same longevity out of the Boge LRs on an ego that I do a standard resistance @5 volts. boB
  4. I tell people when they ask that it is a vaporizer and not a cig. I explain to them it's a battery and a heating element. I also tell them I have been vaping over a year and no longer use nicotine, I just like the hand to mouth experience that resembles smoking which are both true. I'll blow them a cloud if they how any interest and once they see how quickly it dissipates they usually either comment on the nice aroma or if they are a smoker or know of one that they would like to see quit ask questions on what to buy and how to get started which I always take he time to explain in detail. I didn't read all the responses but did see the one about the one jerk everyone will run into. The best thing in the case IMO is to apologize and don't do it around them. No sense in arguing with someone close minded and uninformed, never seem to get anywhere that way. Again JMO, boB
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