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  1. Just about to buy 2 eGo LR tank attys and tanks until I read this. So, you're telling me the tanks provide little to NO throat hit? I vape for the throat hit and without it I'll go back to analogs.
  2. One other thing I found, when I drip directly on the LR atty its everything it should be. When I drip on the regular atty that came with my eGo, its not as fulfilling. Guess the regular attys are useless for me at this point.
  3. Is there anyway to clean the LR atty? I was thinking about wiping it out with a paper towel, blowing it out, etc. Can you run water through it or will that kill it? Once its not tasting as well is it just time to get a new one? Your help is always appreciated, thanks.
  4. I ordered the one below. http://www.shop.goodprophets.com/product.sc?productId=132&categoryId=49 The one you just sent looks like the correct one though. Super confused, sorry. The drip tip link above says it works with my eGo, but I cannot for the life of me get that damn thing to fit on the atty cover, if thats even where its supposed to go!
  5. My drip tip arrived from good prophets. I ordered 2 eGo drip tips, a cylinder and a cone. I saw the video about direct dripping onto the atty, got that part. I've modified the empty cart by pulling out the end pieces, not too bad when vaping but a little harsh. It does make a strange hissing noise once I release the button on the eGo. I'm confused on how to install the drip tip or where it goes. The most logical spot at the end of the cover seems forceful. Any help, as always, is appreciated.
  6. Ok its starting to click, I hope. The carts that came with the eGo had no cotton piece. Pulled out the 5 extra I ordered and there was the cotton. Its gotten better and I'm pulling slower and smoother. I have noticed the carts run out quick. Anyway drip tips and flavors on their way. No more throat pain. Coughed like a first timer with fresh cart. Thanks everyone! Going to blow out attys later. Does it matter if I use LR Atty with drip tip?
  7. My eGo arrived late last week from Liberty Flights before I went skiing. Took analogs with me because I was overwhelmed when opening the box and decided I needed more time to sit down and analyze the equipment and setup. Vaped Monday for testing purposes, yesterday not as much and today only a little. No analogs though, so that is good. Shipment came complete with eGo 510 standard kit and 2 LR atty's. Strength is 16mg of nicotine. First, when I removed everything from the packaging I noticed some leakage between the atty and the cartridge, which is still happening. I charged both batteries fully and tried both the low res atty and the atty it came with. The LR atty is hitting harder. The throat hit is actually burning and I had a sore throat earlier this morning. It tastes almost like its burning, maybe tobacco isn't my flavor. I am impressed with the amount of vapor produced. Not impressed with the sore throat or burning when taking a good hit/vape. Should I say hit or vape, trying to nail down all the terminology without sounding like a noob boob. Anyway, what am I doing right or wrong? What should I try? What should I stop doing immediately because I'm going to melt my face like I'm on the drug called Charlie Sheen? If I wanted to order a different flavor and direct drip, do I drip liquid in the cartridge or the atty? Should there be leakage between the atty and the cartridge? Thanks for any help or advice, its appreciated.
  8. Thanks so much for all the helpful advice. I've ordered the eGo starter kit and 2 low res attys. Hopefully this is what I need to get started. Once my order arrives I'm sure I'll be back for advice. Thanks again.
  9. I tried to quit "analogs" the first of the year to no avail. Worked for about 3 weeks and first night having more than 3 beers and bam, analog in hand. This was my 7th unsuccessful attempt. Hence the 7XLoser username. I don't smoke much, if at all during the week. Maybe 1-2 a day. If I start drinking its more and some nights lead to a pack. I usually smoke Marlboro Ultra Lights/Silver Box. After much review I've settled on the Joye eGo starter kit but its SOLD OUT. I found one on another site but they have an eGo and eGo-T that is supposed to revolutionize the battery life of e-cigs. For someone who finds his cell phone dead more often than not I should probably go with the longer battery life. I'm also in belief that 16mg will suit me just fine and I won't need the 24mg. Am I right in all my assumptions? Where can I find the eGo-T? One other thing, the eGo has an above average throat hit when comparing other e-cigs, right? I find that is what I miss the most when I don't smoke. I tried gum, candy, mints, nicorette and tooth picks. Nothing works. I'm more than ready to give this a go. Any helpful information you can provide is appreciated.
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