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MissKitty47 reacted to flowersbl in Are You Kidding Me
Last night was tough, I had an old pack of smokes just laying on the table and I kept thinking about them last night maybe it was the wine but I told my wife to go get them and hide them or destroy them or whatever just dont let me get to them and she did and I have pulled through yet another day..
Thanks to all of you for your comments
MissKitty47 reacted to juliery in Are You Kidding Me
When I smoked I NEVER coughed or hacked or had to clear my throat...>NOTHING....30 years of smoking, no cough. BUT when I started vaping I was coughing like a crazy maniac, tons of phlegm. All that moisture of vaping was loosening up the garbage that was in my lungs that I didn't even know what there. I talked to my doctor about it, he TOTALLY supports my vaping and he said that the vapor was loosening up stuff that wasn't ever loose enough to cough up. So after a few weeks of that, I was fine. It is amazing how fast you start getting healthy. Congrats.
MissKitty47 reacted to Nanna in How Many Of You Have A Ddd?
I see a new movie title. "Dripping Miss Daisy"
MissKitty47 reacted to Brian in What Is Direct Dripping? How Do I Direct Drip?
Nicotine strength in eliquid is in mg per ml. So 16mg is 16mg per each ml. Generally, you would get about 1mg from a cigarette. Given that, 1 ml of 16mg eliquid would equal about 16 cigarettes. However, there has not been any studies on how much nic your body absorbs from vaping and it's debated. You'll find that vaping is not like smoking and usage varies greatly from person to person. Many of us find that we tend to vape more often than we smoke. Personally, I vape all the time, because I can. I don't take vape breaks like I did when I smoked, so instead of taking a break every hour to have a cigarette, I vape a few puffs regularly. Others try to vape as if they were smoking. Just depends on what works for you.
For dripping, you normally will get 5-7 hits from 2-3 drops... again, this will vary. As for overdosing, just listen to your body. If you get a headache, or nausea, it's time to back off.
Oh - Welcome to Vapor Talk!