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Everything posted by MissKitty47

  1. Sadly, I just joined this 'club.' Only it was a 510 PT...and I just got it yesterday! I had purchased two, so at least I'm not high and dry, but wow...a whole day? So, I ordered me an eGo Mega PT. I'm wondering if maybe PTs are more 'frail' for lack of a better word? I have been constantly 'on it' but, gee..it is my new toy, after all! I find myself panicking if I don't have an e-cig constantly available...I was a 1 1/2 pack a day smoker for 34 years, so that hand to mouth thang is really ingrained. I wonder if this is how a person gets started 'collecting?' I can already tell I'm going into this as a lifestyle...er, I mean hobby...so I found a really nice crafter's tote at Amazon that had locking shelves that e juice will fit into. Guess I'll already have some dead hardware to store in there...or is there a dead PV hospital where homeless e cigs can get spayed/neutered and find forever homes? Better to let someone gut it than for it to sit in a drawer. Trying to find the humor in it, cuz all I can do is laugh!
  2. Flowers, Hang in there!! I'm on day 32.. My husband just had a heck of a time with the Blu, just couldn't make it work for him, so he kept smoking. He did cut down considerably, and mainly used his Blu at work (cut down his chewing snus, too!!). But at home, he would still smoke. The funny-weird part is that he is the lighter smoker of the two of us. I was at 25-30 smoke/day...for 34 years! He would only smoke 10-12 a day. He hadn't really smoked much until the last 10 years. NOW that our 510 pass thrus have come in, we are BOTH exclusively vaping! I love it...he couldn't get over how well I was doing with vaping...I was always the one to fall off the wagon with the patch, gum, chantix, wellbutrin, etc. I finally found MY answer in vaping. Shout it from the roof-tops, this Kitty doesn't smoke anymore!! I made chili a few nights ago and told my Pirate(hubby) I think I added too much pepper because it sure tastes hotter than usual...did everything the same, though. He just laughed and said, "Say hello to your missing tastebuds!" LOL! I can taste again! I can smell again! YAY! Hey, just wanna say thanks to everyone for being so nice, willing to share...I really appreciate everyone's support and I'm ready and willing to return the love!!
  3. OK, that part makes sense...so if you have an LR atty, you wanna be 'on top' of keeping the juice topped off? I am assuming that the 'hot' taste means it's time for more loverly juice? I'm still trying to find my perfect set up...using a 510 PT with my Blu cartomizers (refilling). More cartomizers are coming in the mail, NOT from Blu...It always seems I just get all 'settled in' and I need to add more juice. Now I see why one youtube vid showed a lady with a set-up where she just attached her bottle of juice to her PV. I though that was a little extreme at first, but not anymore!More Vapor...need MORE! lol TIA! ~the Kitty
  4. DAYVAPE.....Speaking of 510 cartomizers...I was just going to ask what are the bestestest cartomizers! Now you can add 'mind-reader' to your resume!
  5. I agree that the manual button (510 PT) is much nicer than the auto batteries on my Blu...it was always going off....and then I'd have no vapor cuz I had no power. I had to go with 6 total batteries, always switching them out, and right before I got the PT, I was only getting 20 mins per battery. I even did the "lift up the battery" trick to see if that would help...NOT! I will never go back to Blu!
  6. OK, dumb question...why would I want to go to a LR? What are the bennies? All I have read is what the drawbacks are...thanks!
  7. Glad I'm not the only one who needs MORE POWER!! Very thankful I got my Pass Thru today...very happy Kitty now! Buh-bye Blu!!
  8. Awesome! I got my 501 pass thru today, too! Happy Vaping!!
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