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Everything posted by Morfeeus

  1. KickBassVapor.com has a Vanilla called V-Spot. Best vanilla I've tried.
  2. I've never tried them because they just seem to expensive. I bought 6 drip tips from GP for about the same price as a ming.
  3. Havent seen ya in awhile. Glad youre still kicking!
  4. KickBassVapor. They are about the cheapest I've found and is the only place I buy my joose from nowadays.
  5. Supposedly they are not supposed to be used on the eGo batts but I had no problems. They do drain them a lil faster so overall, they prolly wont last as long. I just recently upgraded to a Porvari and these dualies at 4.1v are amazing
  6. I just ordered mine today. I got the Black SE with charger, extended batt cap, and 3x 18650 batts. I cannot wait till it gets here!!
  7. I prefer filling with a syringe also. I'm using the Smoketech dual coil mega cartos and it would take forever to fill them by dripping. I syringe fill them before I leave for the day and will top them off by dripping every so often. I usually take 5 of them loaded with diff flavors on 5 eGo batts and rotate thru them through out the day. I can't just vape one flavor all day.
  8. Congrats on stepping up to the eGo like so many of us have. You may also want to try the newer Smoketech dual coil cartos. I started off as a dripper. Went to the MAP tanks along with the eGo-T tanks and then just found my vaping bliss with these new cartos. They hold lots of joose, produce mad vapor, and taste about as close to dripping as I think is possible without actually dripping. I would advise you to not use them on your reg 510 batts but they're fine for the eGo batts.
  9. The Smoketech's were the first carto's I've ever tried and I really am enjoying them also. I've been using them for about 10 days now and have since packed away my eGo-T LR atties and my MAP tanks and am using them exclusively. Good review by the way!!
  10. Thanks for the update although I don't bother to order from anyone except KickBassVapor.com anymore....lol
  11. Heya Wenchy, have you tried KickBassVapor? I truly love them and they have the "double flavor" option although I've never felt like any of the joose I got from them needed it. If you like vanilla, order their V-spot. It is the best vanilla flavor I have ever tried. I won't lie and say that I have loved every one of the 20 flavors or so that I've tried, but I have really enjoyed most of them with Monkey Bread, V-Spot, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, and Buttercream Icing being my fav's. There have been a few that were so so out of the mailbox but after I let them steep a couple weeks, they really popped. You can vape them all out of the mailbox but since they are freshly made to order they do seem to get even better after steeping(if you can get them to last that long....lol) I've gotten now to where I order 2 big bottles at a time so I can vape one right away and let the other steep and then will order another bottle after I finish the first to always make sure it has time to steep while I vape the one that has been steeping.
  12. By the way, I recently quit using the tanks. Not that I was having any problems with them, I just tried some of the new Smoketech Dual Coil Cartomizers and was just so impressed with flavor, vapor production, and ease of use that I prefer them to the eGo tanks. They really are awesome and so low maintenance.
  13. Average atomizer life is probably between 1-3 months although some die earlier and some last longer. I don't believe direct dripping affects atomizer life.
  14. A cartomizer is basically a cartridge and atomizer in one. They are meant to be disposable but you can refill them quite a few times before they either start tasting funky or quit producing fair amounts of vapor.
  15. I just got in 10 of the Smoketech Dual Coil Cartomizers. These are the first cartos I've ever tried mostly because I've been pretty happy with either direct dripping, MAP tanks, or the eGo-T LR and am just tired of trying new stuff. Well, I'm so glad I decided to give these a try. They are AMAZING!! Amazing enough that I packed up my 3 MAP tanks and my 8 LR eGo-T atties and put them away! These hold about 60-70 drops of liquid on first fill before they will start to leak out the bottom. You can just drip from the top but that just took to long for me. I personally use an 18gauge needle which is so much quicker. OK, now for the review. Flavor is amazing with these. I loaded one up and loaded up an atty by direct dripping to go head to head with. The flavor is just as good with these as with dripping. I couldn't tell any difference. There actually was one flavor of juice I used that tasted even better in the carto than with dripping which I just can't explain. Vapor production was also very good. You will be blowing clouds of vapor with these. Last but not least, the TH on these are very good also. I noticed about the same TH as with dripping and a lil better TH on these than the eGo-T's. Overall, I have found my vaping nirvana and will use these as my exclusive vaping method(propbably until the next latest and greatest thing comes along...lol.) If you've never used a carto, give these a try. They are worth it. I personally have never used BOGE cartos but have heard good things about them. Even die hard BOGE fans are raving about these new Smoketech Dualies over on ECF. PS. I tested these on both the eGo 650mah and 1000mah batts using 24mg nic 70/30 PG/VG juice.
  16. I just got some of the Smoketech dual cartos and am in vaping heaven. I got the 1.5ohm ones and they work awesome on eGo batts. I've also heard you can use them on higher voltage and they provide even better vapor and TH. I'm going to try the 1.25ohm ones next.
  17. I am amazed every time I look at it. It's like a little pat on the back every time I notice I've gone another week!
  18. I use the CE2 XL guts in my MAP tanks and they do provide good flavor and vapor production. I just got my first cartos in the mail today(Smoketech Dual Coils) and am really loving them. I stayed away from cartos for so long and am glad I finally gave these a chance. They produce a nice warm flavorfull vapor.
  19. I just got my first set of cartos ever(Dual coil smoketech's from KBV)and I am floored at how nice these are. They taste just like dripping. Warm vapor, good TH, and awesome flavor! I may just quit dripping altogether because of these!!
  20. Throat hit is important to me also so I used to only order PG bases joose. I have recently been ordering a 70/30 PG/VG blend because I also have realized that "clouds of vapor" is almost as important and VG does produce tons of vapor!
  21. My vote is for KickBassVapor but Sweet-Vapes also is well reviewed. Maybe try a couple different juices from each to see what you like best.
  22. I have read rave reviews on the GO-G0 but it is a proprietary unit meaning only the GO-GO cartos/batteris will work with it. I personally dont want to be limited like that. I personally would suggest the Joye eGo instead. It gives you a variety of options to find that vaping sweet spot everyone looks for. If money is an issue, you can buy the Riva instead which is basically a eGo knockoff but does perform well also with a cheaper pricetag(ordered from liberty-flights.com and dont forget to click on the 20% off banner in the top left corner of the site)
  23. Congrats!!
  24. The LR tank is way better than the regular one. Much better flavor. I bounce back and forth between the MAP tank and the eGo tanks and notice very little in taste difference. When filling the tank carts, make sure not to fill completely full. You need the air bubble to help with wicking for some reason. I usually leave about 2-3 dimes worth of space at the top. This really helps.
  25. You can try one of the 5v "Old Goat" mods. There are 2 models. 1 is a bottom feeder and one is not. It's only $25 without the batteries and charger. So after you get everything, you should still be way under the $150 mark. EDITED TO ADD LINK: http://oldgoatmods.com/Page3.html
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