Heya Wenchy, have you tried KickBassVapor? I truly love them and they have the "double flavor" option although I've never felt like any of the joose I got from them needed it. If you like vanilla, order their V-spot. It is the best vanilla flavor I have ever tried. I won't lie and say that I have loved every one of the 20 flavors or so that I've tried, but I have really enjoyed most of them with Monkey Bread, V-Spot, Pineapple Upside Down Cake, and Buttercream Icing being my fav's. There have been a few that were so so out of the mailbox but after I let them steep a couple weeks, they really popped. You can vape them all out of the mailbox but since they are freshly made to order they do seem to get even better after steeping(if you can get them to last that long....lol) I've gotten now to where I order 2 big bottles at a time so I can vape one right away and let the other steep and then will order another bottle after I finish the first to always make sure it has time to steep while I vape the one that has been steeping.