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turtle11c got a reaction from JonHitThingWithRock in What To Buy Next?
I have tried cartomizers, clearomizers, e2 cartomizers, and the tank system and I prefer the e2 cartomizers myself. I tried the tank system and it doesnt produce enough flavor for me and clearomizers (ce2) all cracked over time which caused me to loose a lot of liquid. Now i just stick with the e2 cartomizers (same thing as clearomizers but with a better body instead of thin plastic). They dont crack and leak and one will last me almost half a day ( if i even leave it on that long; I change flavors a lot through out the day). I use those while I am out and about and then I use a lr510 atty while I am at home.
turtle11c reacted to turtle11c in Need Help With Purchasing A Good E-Cig
You should also check out the tutorials section in the forums. There is a lot of helpful information in there for people new to vaping.
turtle11c reacted to turtle11c in Need Help With Purchasing A Good E-Cig
Welcome to Vapor Talk! I hope this helps.
1) The ego is actually just the battery part of the ecig.
2) The tanks are a type of atomizer you can use which have a lot of mixed reviews as far as being good and bad. All they are is an atomizer made to work with a plastic tank that holds either 1ml or 2ml of juice depending on what type you get.
3)The ego battery is set up to work with any 510 style atomizer or cartomizers.
- The regular atomizer can be used for cartridges (mouth peace with foam that you fill with liquid) or you can direct drip (take the mouth peace off the atomizer and drip a few drops of liquid into the atomizer).
- Cartomizers are an atomizer with filling around it that absorbs liquid and you can vape for a couple hours before having to refill.
4) Then there are lr (low resistance) atomizers and cartomizers which means they have a lower ohm rating, which means more vapor and/or shorter drags.
5) A passthrough is a battery that allows you to vape while it is charging by plugging it into any usb port.
I myself use an ego passthrough with an lr 510 atty (atomizer) while at home and when I go out I either use a cartomizer or the tank atomizers.
turtle11c got a reaction from kitsune in First E Cig
Yes but I HIGHLY recommend that you get a normal atomizer when you purchase the ego tank just in case you dont like the tank system. You dont want to be stuck with only tank atomizers if you dont like them.
turtle11c reacted to Brian in My New Ego-T
The Tanks do take a little time to break in, but not much. One thing I found helpful was to remove the two plastic pieces from the mouthpiece end of the tank. Just use a paper clip or something similar - stick it in the little hole and it will pop right out. Just underneath that piece, there's another one. Do the same thing. I found this gave me better vapor and seemed to make the juice flow better to the atty.
turtle11c reacted to amlucent in Who Makes A Good Menthol Flavor?
Remember, most of the menthol flavors of liquids are just menthol but from smoking you are used to a menthol tobacco flavor which is not the same. This was the realization I came to after some thought. I would think most menthol flavors are going to be to 'mentholy' for you if you are just switching.
Look at menthol tobacco flavors. I am liking this one so far...
But I also found this place has a big selection of menthol tobacco flavors but I havnt ordered any yet to say if they are good or not.
turtle11c reacted to lovie in Who Makes A Good Menthol Flavor?
i like vt mentha plus you can add to flavors you don't like so much it only takes a little drop and bam...its all better .that being said everyones taste bubs are different hope you find what you like .
turtle11c reacted to kitsune in Need An Ego Cone
I have a black cone just collecting dust if you are interested. free to a good home. Just PM me if you still need one. happy to send it out to you. unfortunately, I only have the one.
being broke sucks.
turtle11c reacted to Beans in Need An Ego Cone
Yeah it does....I have a silver and black cone. I don't use either.... U can PM me if you want also.
turtle11c reacted to johns in Clearomizer Review
Might be the wrong forum, if so, I am sure someone will move it.
Just got some clearomizers from Indy Vapors. What a hoot. I got the 2.6ohm and am using an eGo.
Good point 1. Vapor and more vapor using freedom juice.
Good point 2. Same great vapor all the way to the end, which by the way is easy to see because they are clear.
Not so good point 1. A tad hard to fill, parts to remove and you have to use a syringe. Also a little difficult to put back together but, I am mechanically challenged, so, you may have an easier time.
Not so good point 2. With all the taking apart and putting back together it takes a bit longer to get to the vaping!
Not so good point 3. A little more expensive, may turn out to be a good point depending on how long they last. I will let you know when I find out.
I think the amount of vapor overrides the bad points
Happy Vaping!
turtle11c reacted to VIPOD in The Best Ry4 From A North American Vendor
RY4 is considered the 'holy grail' of e-juice. Well, I started with the Dekang RY4, and thought that was nirvana...well, that was 16 months ago. Since then, I've purchased RY4 from many vendors across North America, and have three favorite RY4 vendors
Backwoods Brew, FSUSA, and Elixirjuice
Which one is your favorite 'holy grail'?
turtle11c reacted to kitsune in Whats With The 510 Mouth Piece?
using a standard 510 cart or cartomizer. with the standard carts--sometimes the plastic will melt when the atty gets too hot. I have since given up and only use drip tips, but the plastic burning was a pain. I know there was a certain way to line them up to help prevent burning--but no matter how I lined it up, it would occasionally melt.
The reservoir you are seeing is it in the part that goes at the atty end or is the mouth piece end??
turtle11c reacted to mcquinn in Whats With The 510 Mouth Piece?
There is a chamber between the cup the filler is in and the mouthpeice hole.This is where the vapor goes so you can inhale it.The vapor will condense in there and that is what you got.When you are topping off your cart just blow though the mouthpeice and hold the cart so the slot/slots depending on which carts you use are in a kleenex or paper towel to catch the condensation.This is one of the joys of vaping we all learn the hard way.You will get condensation with drip tips but it will just run back down into the atty.It also a lot of what people call leaky atties cause it will seep out when you rig is laying on the table.Melting is usually not a problem at 3.7 volts.
turtle11c reacted to CDATundra in Whats Wrong With My Atomizer?
It sounds to me like what you are seeing is the wick. Sometimes they do get burnt and that is probably what you are tasting. Some people remove those "fibers", it is call de-wicking. There is a video on you tube that explains how it is done.
turtle11c reacted to BirdDog in Whats Wrong With My Atomizer?
If you are getting vapor then it is still working. If you have been vaping all day then you could just be hitting that no flavor stage for the day. As I vape throughout the day the flavor will start to drop off and I find myself searching for a stronger flavor later in the evening. If you have been mixing flavors in your atomizer that can also kill flavor sometimes.
turtle11c reacted to cheshyl in Ego Tank Vs Tornado Tank
eGo Tank and Tornado Tank are a Joye product. Totally Wicked markets theirs under the Tornado name.
turtle11c reacted to cheshyl in Going To See Obama
That is a big deal. He is our President and no matter what anyones political views are, he is still in that office and we as citizens should respect the office of the President. I'm just sayin......
turtle11c reacted to DAYVAPE in Going To See Obama
I guess it's safe to assume that you seriously like yourself some Obama ! So that's nice to still see that people are still supporting him 'no matter what happens'!