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Everything posted by turtle11c

  1. so i just got that no flavor thing again and when i looked in my atomizer i saw what i thought to be a hair or something so i got a paper clip and worked it out and noticed that there is some type of fiber in my atomizer and all the ends of it are burnt. I have never put anything except e-juice into it so is it supposed to be there?
  2. well it seems you were right about the flavor going away after vaping the same thing all day. I just put a couple of drops of vt grape soda and holy crap did it taste freaking good! Thanks again for your help.
  3. I have been vaping once per hour today and I have only changed flavors once. I did not know that there was a point where you just stopped tasting a flavor though that is a nice tip. I rinsed it in warm water then blew as much out as I could but I am going to give it another hour and see if there is any difference.
  4. I have had my e-cig for 3 days now and i just put 3 drops in for a vape and recieved no flavor and very little flavor. Is my atomizer already dead?
  5. I must add one more thing: one of my favorite things about vaping is I dont have to try and save that last cigarette in the pack for the walk down to the 711 to get another pack anymore.
  6. I know a vaping schedule seems a bit ridiculous but when I quit smoking I had cut back to one per every hour during the day and around night time that went to about 2 per hour for some reason so I was smoking anywhere from 12 to 15 cigarettes a day unless I went to a party. I am not trying to vape more than I smoke but its very hard not to so I made an alarm that makes my phone vibrate every hour and then i allow myself to smoke or i guess vape.
  7. It is great! I have actually had to place a vaping schedule on my phone to keep me from just constantly vaping and burning through all my fluid. It has been 3 days and if I had to guess I would say that I have vaped 3 and a half to 4 ml out of my first bottle. With cigarettes it was easy the more I smoked the more I could feel it in my chest but with vaping the more I vape it seems to open my chest up more almost like the vapor is cleaning my lungs or something every time I take a drag
  8. Today is the beginning of my 3rd straight day vaping and I can completely tell the difference. Overall I simply just feel better with every breathe I take. My e-liquid has a lot more taste compared to my first day which is freaking amazing! I cough a lot less (except the first drag i take after i drip in some liquid gets me pretty good) and I dont have that gargle feeling in my chest when I take a deep breathe anymore. One thing that amazes me is I feel that I vape more often than I smoked analogs and I have none of the downsides as I would if I smoked this much. I dont think I would be able to move if I smoked as much as I use my e-cig.
  9. Thanks for being so helpful everyone. Right now I have 24mg and I love how the two flavors I have taste but I was just wondering if I went down in nicotine levels would theay taste any different but it seems to be that I will get the same taste which makes me happy to know. Again thanks for all of your opinions.
  10. I dont know much about e-liquid and was just wondering if taste was any different based on nicotine level. For example does an 18mg or 16mg count taste any different from a 24mg of the same flavor?
  11. the thing i dont understand is where do people get tobacco flavor? From what I can see all you do to make juice is get some pg or vg at the desired nicotine level and then add in some lorAnnes flavoring but I have never seen a tobacco flavor
  12. I wouldnt be surprised if the senator trying to pass the bill either has family or stock in the tobacco companies
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