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Everything posted by johns

  1. Try this http://indyvaporshop.com/510-xl-clearomizer--ceramic-edition-2--soft5102.html
  2. Now your talking
  3. Wyatt Earp Signature Cowboy should not be available to Vaping Virgins, Just kidding, I hope you enjoy and welcome.
  4. The only side effect I have noticed (other than breathing and tasting things better) is that vaping may lead to a total lack of credit card control. Good thing I do not need to smoke anymore because I certainly could not afford both. Mort also has a post in the General Forum about being a vapoholic. I would not know anything about that. Got to run to my 12 step meeting now
  5. I have seen the term "all day vape" and "everyday vape". I am currently enjoying the process of finding my favorite What is your favorite?
  6. Sure is a hoot trying all the flavors I hope I live long enough to try them all. P.S. Don't tell my wife.
  7. Good question, good answers Is the same thing true for a regular eGo battery?
  8. Indy Vapes has clearomizers in stock. Mine will be here tomorrow.
  9. Step 1. Admitted to ourselves and to our Higher Power that we were helpless to resist our addiction and so decided, to hell with it, we were having to much fun to quit.
  10. I will start working on a 12 step program right away. Fill you in as it gets going. LOL What is the penalty for vaping abuse?
  11. Yet another supplier to add to my collection. Thanks
  12. Welcome to the forum, keep looking and asking. I did and I am one Happy vaper.
  13. I did this and it is working great. Good Luck and welcome.
  14. Got a flavor called "Welch's Grape" from Vapor Renu. It is clear and tastes pretty good. I got the double shot because if one is good, two is better. Right? Oops, now I see you were talking about flavoring. I better let the grown ups deal with this one.
  15. So, what is the penalty for mailman stalking? Not that I would ever do that, but if my cartos don't get here today there could be trouble. I can not imagine the frustration of having all that juice and no way to vape it.
  16. Thanks, Guess I just need to work up the courage to try it.
  17. Still pretty new at this. What is this bottom feeder you mentioned?
  18. Thanks for the info. I think that makes about 12 suppliers that I have bookmarked. This could get somewhat confusing.
  19. You are da man!
  20. eGo! eGo! eGo!
  21. She is advertising something, not sure its the KR808
  22. I did not enjoy my tank system either, seemed like the flavor was different. I think though that maybe I am starting to figure out the cartomizers. I won't give advice because I am still pretty new but, read all the posts about cartos and try all the suggestions, fill and let sit overnight, clean out the tube etc. I bet some of the pros will tell you exactly what you need to do. Anything is better than going back to the analogs. Good Luck and hang in there.
  23. My wife does not read this forum. So, no plans to quit vaping. Feels like the beginning of a hobby, so much fun to be trying new stuff. Just ordered some clearomizers, what a kick. Analogs were never fun, more like a ball and chain. No stink, no holes in new shirts, don't have to go outside in the cold etc.
  24. I used to have enough food to invite you over for dinner. Now I vape. Sure is fun though.
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