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Everything posted by johns

  1. Wow
  2. My eGo batteries seem to be losing power also, after a couple of months. Might be because I'm a chain vaper. If I ever smoked analogs this much I'd be long dead.
  3. What is this "chain vaping"? Is that why I've had to learn to type one handed?
  4. You guys rock! Almost wish I had some broke stuff LOL
  5. Way cool, Thanks
  6. Way to go, congratulations. Hope I can duplicate that.
  7. Have you tried cleaning the cartomizers? What kind of results did you get? Mine seem to want to come apart after just a warm water rinse.
  8. Ditto on the birthday wishes
  9. I have used the CE2 at 2.6 ohms for a couple of weeks so far. Had to throw one away because it was leaking, think I tightened it to much. The vapor is better than any carto I have tried including the Boge. The thing I find annoying is they are hard to put back together after you fill them. I have had no problem with the wicking or any flavor change and it sure is nice to see how much juice is left. I have not tried to clean them yet, just use dedicated flavors for each one. I do notice a few of them getting gunked up so I will try to clean them and see what happens. All in all a satisfying experience.
  10. Ah, skittles and tequila, you must be a very happy person Vaping makes my mouth dry also but so much better than analogs and water is good for you.
  11. &lt;br /&gt;beans, If I Had A Vape Store Down The Street I'd Have To Move Cause I Wouldn't Be Able To Pay The Rent. Thanks For The Pm The Other Day And Congrats To You Also On 100 Days.<Br /><Br />Where Are All Of These Capital Letters Coming From, I'm Typing In Small Letters And It Is Showing Up As Caps?
  12. I Know I'm A Vapaholic Because I Wait And Check The Mail When She Isn't Looking, And I Always Know When A Package Is Arriving.
  13. Thanks, I believe I'll try some
  14. Just hit 100 days without an analog still get a cough once in a while but way better than when I was doing the analogs. Keep up the good work.
  15. What will they think of next?
  16. Did the Green Smoke thing, way over priced Moved on to the eGo. Bliss
  17. I've started using one carto for each flavor and using a rubber band to band the carto to the bottle. Working great so far.
  18. I'm reading how good Kick Bass Vapors juice is but when I try to go on the site I get a gone fishing picture. Anybody know whats going on?
  19. I have been using the condom method on new cartos and that seems to eliminate the problem. Just do it the first time you use a new one. There are videos on the method in the newbie forum. Good Luck
  20. Now that you mention it, I tried my tank with the same juice and it didn't do well either. Need to try some others before I give up on the tank. Thanks
  21. So many flavors, so many vendors. What a lovely problem.
  22. They are the CE2 and yes, they appear to wick really well.
  23. Might be the wrong forum, if so, I am sure someone will move it. Just got some clearomizers from Indy Vapors. What a hoot. I got the 2.6ohm and am using an eGo. Good point 1. Vapor and more vapor using freedom juice. Good point 2. Same great vapor all the way to the end, which by the way is easy to see because they are clear. Not so good point 1. A tad hard to fill, parts to remove and you have to use a syringe. Also a little difficult to put back together but, I am mechanically challenged, so, you may have an easier time. Not so good point 2. With all the taking apart and putting back together it takes a bit longer to get to the vaping! Not so good point 3. A little more expensive, may turn out to be a good point depending on how long they last. I will let you know when I find out. I think the amount of vapor overrides the bad points Happy Vaping!
  24. Now I can stop buying coffee and have more money for juice
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