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About johns

  • Birthday 01/20/1953

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  • Location
    Pensacola, Florida

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you guys for solving an issue I was having with a Sigellei Telescoping mechanical using a Kanger aerotank and kanger .8 ohm coils with 18650 efest 20 amp 3100mAh batteries. The coil would fire once or twice and then act like the battery was dead, load a new battery and same thing would happen, Adjusted the center pin just a hair and works great now. I assume it had something to do with the heat expanding or contracting something, Anyway problem solved so thanks again.
  2. joined, looks good
  3. I can go to sleep with my pv in my hand and not burn the house down.
  4. Greensmoke was a waste of my hard earned money, but all part of the learning curve I guess. Thanks Chris, for having this forum to help me begin doing this right.
  5. Bought 3 of them 2 weeks ago, all are still working, so I'm not sure how long they last. Bought 4 more this week. Like them a lot.
  6. After two years and at least 25 vendors I have found vaping heaven at http://tomsvapor.com/shop/ they have a scotch flavored tobacco that is the best I've tried (tobacco #1 and #2 are great also) and a 70/30 banana that is my all day vape. Using an Akston Hughes SVR and a vision standard eGo clear-o-mizer is the best experience I have had.
  7. Happened to me when I put the battery in wrong. Switch never worked again. Best place for a new switch is Ctystal Clear Vaping
  8. I have been watching the various reviews of the Akston Hughes SVR. Some good, some not so good. Well, I got one and all I can say is "AWESOME". I have been vaping an e-power and some egos but this is way better than anything I've tried. The stainless steel body looks very sharp and the included 16340 700mah batteries are getting me around 12 hours of vape time. I would consider myself a fairly heavy vaper. The unit comes with Akston MK-II cartomizers and they are some of the best I've vaped, dual coil low resistance with a tapered stainless steel body that matches up with the SVR to make a fine looking unit. The SVR has three power levels 4volts, 4.5volts and 5volts and changing the power level is accomplished by clicking the button three times. The button has an led behind it that changes color with the various voltages. The unit also has a tube that covers the carto and the drip tip when not in use. The tube is big enough to cover an ego mega dues coil cartomizer and drip tip. When using the device it screws over the battery tube so you won't lay it down and lose it. The unit is very solid in your hand and there is no battery wiggle room. All in all I am very happy with both the SVR and the MK-II cartomizers. Shipping was fast and the customer service was excellent.
  9. Get an epower kit from here http://crystalclearvaping.3dcartstores.com/Complete-Kit-with-new-button-and-cartos-and-30ml-juice-Free-priority-shipping_p_58.html
  10. I like the clears for all the reason listed above. You can get the resurrectors for a good price by buying the 15 carto deal and get a free drip tip. http://crystalclearvaping.3dcartstores.com/ Happy Holidays everyone.
  11. Bobas bounty in an e-power with 510 cartomizer and drip tip.
  12. There is an email address for the articles author at the end of the article, we should all contact her and offer our experiences in quitting the analogs
  13. Brilliant idea to use a passthrough
  14. You can get three boxes of Boge LR plus a free drip tip and free shipping from Crystal Clear Vaping, also try the Black N Mild juice ($15 for 30ml). Good Luck
  15. E-Power kit did it for me, batteries are less expensive, parts are replaceable and the price is right.
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