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About parked

  • Birthday 03/26/1980

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    Fort Worth

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  1. Email this Ethans email ethan <ethan@jantyusa.com>
  2. Stirfry always busting balls
  3. Tinwoman- Whats your order number if its not working send it to 7539 benbrook parkway benbrook, texas 76126 Once i receive it i will send you a brand new one have plenty in stock Thanks Parked
  4. horanld- whats your order number or your name you can PM it to me then i can see if it was sent etc..... I reply to several emails everyday and have not seen one like this it could be possible you are going into my spam folder but i just checked and still saw nothing it would help if i had your order number and name Thanks Parked
  5. so your questioning me here and saying this something missing ?? nothing missing at all this is the whole email thread is what the customer e-mailed me and chris today this afternoon why did he e-mail both of us because for some reason chris and I should feel ashamed ! for carrying vaprlife products i took this and copied it right here came from the source himself ! thanks parked
  6. Burn- Nothing is missing my friend !
  7. This is the THREAT !!! Really do you have to threaten a company like this !!!! do get your way thats the threat and should not be tolerated Thanks Parked
  8. edited out ? um no Thats bullying chris and I have personally seen what type of work that goes into this and also the R&D and labor that goes into each unit ! Im not ashamed and to carry vaprlife products I'm PROUD to carry vaprlife products He started bullying when he e-mailed chris and I the chain Parked
  9. Guys and Gals- I really don't know where to begin on this e-mail string it's a very sad thing that happens to us suppliers from a small few of individuals from time to time. I think this should be out in the open for a debate on how suppliers should not be treated ! It has to stop....... I decided to post this and let all of you see for yourselves how some customers act no matter what we do THREATS START COMING OUT !!! AND IT HAS TO STOP !!!! THE BULLYING TACTICS HAVE TO STOP THEY DONT WORK and its not right ! I was not going to post this but since my name got mentioned ........this whole email string was sent to all of us (Dietsmokes.com and Vaportalk.com) I have the right to do so and i think all of you should see what we have to put up with. I have taken out the Customers name and email for privacy purposes i replaced it with john doe(took out for privacy) (((((((( HOW IT SHOULD HAVE WENT DOWN)))))))))))) This customer bought a passthrough from vaprlife 5 months ago he has loved it and even did a outstanding video review of the device back in november . Well 2 days ago it broke and he realized his 90 day warranty has come to end since he has had the product of total of 5 months 2 months overdue. The team and vaprlife let this customer know that indeed is warranty ended and that if he wanted it fixed he could buy the "repair service" from vaprlife This was put in place for customers that went beyond there original warranty and want a item fixed the cost is $35.00 no questions asked you send it to us we send it back fixed ! problem solved That should have been it done, and over RIGHT !!!! NO !!!!! I will let all of you see what unfolded next with the email string below Emails from start to finish Thanks Parked -- On Tue, 5/4/10, john doe(took for privacy) <xxxxx@earthlink.net> wrote: From: john doe(took for privacy <xxxxx@earthlink.net> Subject: Please HELP Jeso!!! Vaprlife USB PT To: xxxxxx@yahoo.com Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 1:42 PM Dear ; I purchased one of your Vaprlife USB PT’s(which I absolutely LOVED) from Vapor talk store back on November 2009( 5 short months ago) . It failed unexpectedly last night. Here is the ticket I sent to VaporTalkStore: Subject: Dangerous switch malfunction on VP PT Order # 62, Code PTGR510 VP USB Passthrough Vaprlife. This WAS my go to device for nightly home use for the past 5 months. I'm a bit upset that the device malfunctioned so quickly after warranty period and the way in which it malfunctioned. The switch(for no apparent reason I can discern) suddenly shorted in the closed(ON)position. The 1st thing I noticed was the LED stayed on after I released the button(*there was also no off click from the switch). I wasn't sure what was happening at first(also it was plugged into the 2amp wall adapter, which still works fine). By the time I realized what was going on, the 510 atty was red hot , the cart partially melted(causing hot eliquid to drip down onto my hand). Before I could unplug the PT, my atty finally popped(another $12 down the drain). The situation now is the PT switch is shorted in permanent ON(closed) position(DANGEROUS!!). It technically still works(i.e LED lights up when plugged in and power is delivered to atty connector) but the only way to use it is to screw then quickly unscrew an atty between vapes(which is unacceptable and dangerous). Again, I'm quite upset as I LOVE!!! this device and now I'm out $80 so shortly after the warranty. Please tell me you guys will make this OK. And please tell me this is not a known switch issue and will continue to occur repeatedly. Thank you. If this were over a year from date of purchase, I would have no problem with sending this back & paying the $35 for the repair. But a mere 60 days after the warranty expires??? The other thing that truly scares me is that there is nothing that assures me that this won’t happen again in another couple of months(i.e I thought this thing had a resettable fuse to prevent this type of thing from occurring?????). I really LOVE this device, but I kind of feel taken at the moment. I’ve never had a e-cig device(even a cheap Chinese product) fail so quickly. Please tell me, as I asked VTStore, that you can do something to remedy this situation without me having to buck up almost 50% what I paid for the device, for a repair. Thank you. john doe(took for privacy ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== -----Original Message----- From: Customer Service - xxxxxx.com [mailto:xxxxx@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 3:41 PM To: john doe(took for privacy Subject: Re: Please HELP Jeso!!! Vaprlife USB PT Hello- Thank you very much for your inquiry. Naturally we can understand and sympathize with your frustration over the failure of your unit. As stated on our website- All VaprLife units are warrantied for (90) days from original date of sale to the original owner only- and are non-transferable If your unit is currently out-of-warranty- and requires repair- We recommend that you purchase the Repair Service offered on our website for all out-of-warranty units. The cost of the repair service also includes priority shipping of the unit back to it's owner. When sending your unit in for repair- Please ship to the following address: Vapxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx Dr xxxx,xxxx xxxxx8 Please feel free to email again if you should have any other questions or concerns. Best Regards, Mary Customer Service xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Monday-Friday 11am-6pm EST ==================================================================== ==================================================================== -----Original Message----- From: john doe(took for privacy [mailto:xxxxxx@earthlink.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 4:03 PM To: 'Customer Service - VaprLife.com' Cc: 'Support' Subject: RE: Please HELP Jeso!!! Vaprlife USB PT Thanks for you quick response Mary; Obviously, it was not the response I was looking for as I not only lost my PT but an atty as well as a burn on my hand(the internal fuse did not function). I will wait for the ticket response from VaporTalkStore. As it is now I’m out $92(the $80 PT plus a $12 atty ) From your website it states a $28 repair charge plus $6.95 shipping(plus the shipping I would have to incur to get the PT to you), So about $40 for the entire repair. That would be $132 for one PT in, barely, a 5 month period. What do I get for the $132, is the repair warrantied??? I would hope for longer then the original 90 day period??? Can you begin to see why this is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth as the numbers become clearer to you? Also, how long is the repair going to take?? Is the unit user-serviceable with some advice from your end or am I forced to pay for the repair process?? If you could please provide me with answers to these additional questions so I can make a more informed decision as to how I will, ultimately, handle this situation. Again, thank you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx john doe(took for privacy ========================================================================= ========================================================================= --- On Wed, 5/5/10, john doe(took for privacy <xxxxxx@earthlink.net> wrote: From: john doe(took for privacy <xxxxxxx@earthlink.net> Subject: FW: Please HELP Jeso!!! Vaprlife USB PT To: xxxxx.life@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 12:50 PM Hello: I haven’t heard back from you in regards to the queries in my previous email. If you could please provide the extra information I requested, it would be appreciated & help me make a decision as to repair. Thank you. John Doe ============================================================================ ============================================================================ -----Original Message----- From: Customer Service - VaprLife.com [mailto:xxxxxx.life@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 1:20 PM To: john doe Subject: Re: FW: Please HELP Jeso!!! Vaprlife USB PT joh doe- If this is what you think of VaprLife products- then you obviously have no need to business with us. Please be so kind as to take your business elsewhere- .....preferably to China- and the shame.... is yours. ================================================================ ================================================================ john doe(took for privacy WOW!!! Pride in American Made??? NOT!!! I just learned a powerful lesson a minute ago. This will be the last time I pay any kind of premium for "USA made" junk. Prompted by WillyB's switch post, I just took apart my malfunctioning $80 Vaprlife VP PT. Dietsmoke's, Vaprlife and Vaportalkstore; you should all be ashamed of yourselves. There cannot be more then , LITERALLY, $6 worth of components(especially at wholesale cost) in the whole device. It's a USB wire(surrounded by a tightened, cut-off, twist-tie so it doesn't pull through the plastic casing) , an LED, a cheap tact switch, and an 801 atty connector all held in the cheap metal/plastic case by a tiny hex screw. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!! Eighty dollars, EIGHTY DOLLARS!!!!! down the drain. & they want another $40(with shipping) to fix it(i.e. replace a $1.79 retail tact switch). Never again. GO CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone ever spends a premium again for a passthru just because it's USA made, you should have your head examined. =============================================================== =============================================================== Thanks Mary for the response. I will now be contacting the consumer protection division of the office of Andrew Cuomo(NY State Attorney General) as well as the BBB of Upstate NY. Believe me, the shame(and legal liability) is YOURS using “USA Made” as a advertising gimmick to sell such a shoddy, uncertified electrical device, then offer to “repair service” such product, after it dangerously fails for 6 times what it is worth; Then trying to use an open, public forum posting to deny said “repair service”; the shame is definitely yours. I’m sure your product liability insurance provider, if you have one, does not approve. I will also be forwarding this to your business partners. I’ve tried to be open and fair about this whole thing until I actually took apart the unit and saw the completely dangerous and shoddy production for myself. Any further communication from you will be deemed harassment at this point. And I have saved the entire email string. I’ve, at this point had it with being ripped by unregulated, unlicensed, non FCC certified e-cig “modders”, manufacturers and distributors. Good Day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 99.9% of all of my customers are great. But the .1% of you guys are a problem. The End !!!!
  10. Brain- always wait for the rest of the story my friend Parked
  11. Ken - You used the ticket system the first time when i responded to you and then send you new attys out now USPS does screw up and this obviously is what happened ! happens from time to time and anyone that uses USPS to send multiple packaging will also tell you this as well. I wished you would have filled out a ticket because since me sending the package out i have no idea about it unless you let me know. E-mail doesn't cut it because with the amount i get everday some will slip or go into a spam box etc... that's why i specifically have a ticket system in place and I have actually hired more help in the last month for this. and its working beautifully No ticket of yours since your last I will look into this tomorrow and get you what you need out Thanks Parked
  12. Your going to love it Terri !!! Parked
  13. parked


    Glad to help you but i need to know of the problem. No tickets of your sort in the ticket system if you e-mailed me over the weekend i have not had a chance to look at emails. I do not do this on the weekend my store hours are posted i do have a family and take the weekends to spend time with them. I'm sure you can understand that one I will be glad to help you with your problem is it the battery ? or unit itself ? if you think its the unit i will have you send your faulty unit to Vaprlife for repair Please PM your Order # Thanks Parked
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