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Everything posted by marymary

  1. Hello guys! Missing everyone here at vaportalk. I have been out of the loop the past couple months.. I bought a bulk supply of LR Boge Cartomizers and have been vaping away on my eGo for months, unaware of what is going on! I am in the market for a few more batteries and want to try something new and exciting, any ideas? What are you all vaping right now? Thank youuuu! Mary
  2. Lmao at that one. So true! I vape constantly.. Especially if I'm at home. I do get a lot of comments that I vape too much and I get defensive. But forget them. I am so much happier and healthier now And I don't smell like crap. Vape on!
  3. Congratulations! That's awesome you won't be sorry! He really does make a high quality product. Rob has his own sub forum on ecf if you haven't already checked it out it's tremendously helpful for getting started! I stalked it when I started with my Reos. Yay I'm so excited for you
  4. marymary

    Goat Mod

    Yes they are larger than a regular e cig. There are many video reviews on YouTube of the different mods that show you what they look like. I got mine at Reosmods.com
  5. marymary

    Goat Mod

    Bottom feeders are the bee's knees. They're basically just a larger PV with a small bottle (usually 3ml or 6ml) inside that holds juice for you. You squeeze or press a button and it feeds the juice directly into the bottom of your atomizer or cartomizer. There are many different varieties. The Old Goat Mods being one of them. Some other popular models are the Ali'i and Reo's. Good bottom feeders are sometimes hard to come by because they are custom made. I got the Reo Mini, and have retired my eGos ever since. They also come in different voltages depending on the model and batteries you use. They're definitely something to consider when upgrading your PV!
  6. I have actually lost a few since i started. I don't want to eat as often. I get a bad peppery taste if I vape after eating. Unlike analogs, where I would eat to get rid of the taste of them. Here's a video I found that talks about using vaporizers as a diet tool. Interesting, take what you will from it.
  7. 5% off at Viking Vapors.. Ty2ecf
  8. @ Erika wow! That's awesome I swear you can find any flavor you have ever dreamed of. I think I might have to try that. Thanks
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk! I was also a menthol smoker, and started out with plenty of menthol E liquid that now sits in a corner. Nothing will taste the same as your cigarettes, because nothing is on fire! menthol helps though! Get a few other flavors to try as well in small sizes. Most vapers do not stick with 'their' flavor of analogs for long even though they think they will. Trying different flavors is part of the fun. I would go with the Joye eGo or a Joye 510. Go eGo for amazingly better battery life! Best of luck!!
  10. Wow! Never thought about that. Makes sense though! Guessing it's better then fishing nasty analog gunk out of our ears.
  11. @Tags- Cool you're getting a gooseneck! Those look awesome. Make a review! You could always start an album Tags! For you and everyone to post their sexy E-cig smoking pics! hehe
  12. All I can tell you is that 2.0ohm runs at a lower resistance. And they give you warm vapor and amazing flavor. Also doesn't feel like you have to suck nearly as long or hard to get an amazing hit. Cartos aren't mean to last a long time. Both 3 ohm and 2 ohm last me 3-7 days depending on the juice I'm using. Hope this helps a little.
  13. oOoo sounds yummy! Now that I think about it I've made "jagerbomb" jello shots before with an orange jello base.. Hm I better get to mixing Wonder if anyone makes a jagermeister e-juice. I'm sure it's somewhere.
  14. Woohoo! What a great feeling that is! Keep it up it only gets better
  15. I got my Cisco LR306 atomizers in today. They were highly recommended for use with the Reo Mini which runs at 3.7 volts. I have a question if someone can answer for me. I've been using one for a few hours and am in vape heaven. The vapor is warm, flavorful and thick. I'm in love. No more LR cartomizers on my Reo, will be sticking them on the eGo. Question... I saw that you shouldn't use them with regular e cig batteries.. Is that true with the Joye eGo? Wasn't sure why you wouldn't be able to, but I don't want to chance it and pop one of them. Also, any tips to go with these would be amazing? As far as maintenance and what not. Thank you!!
  16. Thank you for the great review!! I love to see the way people organize their necessities Gives me ideas on what to do with mine.
  17. Oh wow what a great idea! You're so smart Would have never thought to do this. When I was DDing I always had trouble with too much or too little! This could help a lot. Thank you!
  18. Bahaha. I've trained him well.
  19. lol! Sharon. I don't know that's so weird. I changed both the avatar and the photo. Who knows? @ Jeffb looks like a cute little kitten to me! ...okay maybe a little.
  20. I looked it up Nana and haven't seen anyone that really popped up. I'm sure VapeTV will though!?
  21. What a very nice friend you have!!
  22. Sounds great! Thanks for the review. I just ordered again from her today too. Wish I would have added that I was on the fence between that and Boston Cream Pie! Went with the pie The way you made it sound made my mouth water!
  23. I haven't had the best of luck with my atties from LF either although I love the supplier very much.
  24. Wow that's so exciting! He can reach out to so many people! You will have a town full of vapers
  25. Very true Cheshyl! Hopefully they do some more digging if they are wanting to try one. :/ That's crummy. I would have paid a lot more for my ego though if I knew ahead of time how fantastic it is and that it would help me quit smoking. That's priceless! Well, sorta. :P
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