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  1. Ok got it working the problem was I didn't drag the right way thanks for the tip Christopher! I want to order a bottle of grape E Liquid do I need to order blank cartomizers or use the pre filled ones? Thanks to all that gave tips.
  2. The silver packaging has a W on it 24mg is stamped on the cartomizers. I took the tip off to look inside of it there is a rubber piece there. I used a tooth pick to push down on the rubber piece, liquid is there. While the tip was off I pressed the button but didn't see any vapor. Do e-cig produce vapor only when you suck on them while pressing the button?
  3. Today I received my first e-cig the revolution. It comes with 6 pre filled 24mg cartomizers. Do I have to fill the cartomizers before using it? I get NO vapor no matter how hard I try. I charge the battery before using it. When I press the button I hear sizzling sounds.
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