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  1. Hi Cheshyl. I am new to using the eGo Mega cylinder attys and had some questions, maybe you can help with? The first one worked good for about a day. Then what would happen is I would fill the cart and after a few drags the poly fill would fall out and be stuck to the bridge and it would cause liquid to seep out from the bottom of the atty! I tried a few different carts and would have the same problem. I tried using less liquid thinking maybe I used too much but that did not help. I also tried using more or less poly fill and still having the same problem. How many drops do you put when you use the carts? I've heard that they can take up to 60 to 80. I think I've experimented with 30 on up to 50 myself, but with same problems. I also noticed that the atty gurgles a lot hard to draw on sometimes. I love the flavor and vapor production when I get a few good draws but not loving having to constantly stop to pull the poly off the bridge and wasting a ton of liquid from seepage. Does yours seep when you direct drip? I want to be able to use the carts because they have such a great capacity but this is driving me nuts. I would drip but dont like having to constantly do it to avoid that burning! I also have no idea how many draws I can take before the burn! I am always nervous when I drip because of this and I'll only take short shallow draws fearing the burn! lol Do you really have to drip after two drags anyway? That would seem like a big pain to do. One last question...When you "blow out" atty's are you doing it from the thread end? Also,
  2. Ok, LF update. I goofed! I emailed them on the 21st and they replied on the 23rd, I just did not see it in my in-box before posting my comment here. Also, on the 25th a package arrived from them with the 801 drip tip that was not included in my order! So, just wanted to update on my first order/customer service experience with them! The sale batt is still working, but again, the jury is out on the true quality. I still don't see much difference in it and my others. I guess I should be happy it works, esp at the price I got it for! Hey Sharon, how are you liking your Tank atty's overall? I've tried three of them so far and they work but the flavor is so muted it's almost like vaping flavorless. I am bummed because they are great in every other way, don't leak, good vapor production and so far last long, but darn the lack of flavor is a huge bummer in my book! What has your experience been? Any suggestions?
  3. I 2nd that. Todd is awesome. Has personally replied w/helpful emails when I was a newbie with 1000 questions (prior to joining forums). The juice... wow, probably some of the best out there. The organic is tasty! Organic Vr4 is a go-to vape for me. Just ordered the caramel cream to try this week!
  4. hahahaha lol Nana... I sooooo learned this lesson as a newbie! I've got backups for almost every type of ecig I own now. I swear I am losing count. Agreed that it's hit or miss. Just when I think I've found the vendor that has the "golden" atties I'll get one that's a dud. Luckily vendors like IndyVapor & AwesomeVapor have gone above and beyond to make sure I always end up with a quality unit. I will emphasize above and beyond for both these guys! Buy from them and you wont go anywhere else! Oh, Wordupecig so far pretty good track record, but not as good as IV or AV imo
  5. I just ordered from them for the first time a week or so ago. Shipping was fast but they had one error in the shipment (sent a 510 drip tip instead of 801 I ordered). I emailed a few days ago but no reply yet. I realize a drip tip is not a huge deal, but hey, I am a first time customer and when I find good vendors I return just about weekly. Anyway, not to happy about that. I also purchased an eGo 1000mah batt from them that was "on sale". It was only $17.99 which also kind of made me think hmmmm, too good to be true? Well, been using it about a week and it works but I will say it takes FOREVER to charge and does not seem to last as long as it's supposed to. I rotate with a std 650mah and 900mah along with this new one and I really don't see that great a batt life difference here. Maybe it's a 650mah in 1000mah clothing? I am happy about the 5-click in any event. Will just have to see if I got what I paid for. The other thing I've noticed at LF is the stock does not seem to be replenished that fast. Some of the DIY juice I wanted a couple weeks from there is still listed out of stock. I will give them a few more days and see if they reply to my email. So far I'd rate shipping 5 stars but the quality of the products is still out... Anyone else buy sale batteries from them?
  6. Hey DJ.. thanks for the info. Don't know if I goofed up, but I did order a couple "Fluxomizers" from GotVapes to try. They were sold out on the 2.4-2.6 ones so I got 2.8-3.0 and 3.0-3.2 to use on my eGo batts (650 and 900mah). Hopefully I'll get a decent idea of the function and wont run into too much burning taste. On GrimmGreen's vid of them he said when he put the 3.0-3.2 on his 5v it burned but on the 3.7 he seemed like a happy camper! Also trying the eGo Tank for the first time tonight and so far so good!
  7. I was able to charge my 900mah eGo batt using the 510 battery adaptor. I assume this is ok because it seems to be charged and working ok.
  8. Yep, just put the adaptor in my 510 charger and charged up the 900mah eGo just fine
  9. Hey another question. Just read on Digitaciggz website that an eGo battery "cannot be charged on a standard Joye 510 charger of any kind". But I was able to buy an adaptor that supposedly allows me to charge my eGo on my standard Joye 510 charger. I purchased a 650mah and a 900mah eGo batt and I only have std 510 chargers both wall and AC/USB adaptor. Am I going to be able to charge these ok using the adaptor I bought?
  10. Oh boy, another item to put on my wish list... Why would the 2.4ohm be recomended for eGo batts? I would think the higher ohm would be since eGos are 3.7 volt and the lower ohm is like LR, which is supposed to be with batts of higher mah? Is this correct or as a newbie I got it wrong once again? lol May try the Fluxomizer or Clearomizer first and if I like it, migrate to MAP. Oh, and that's after I try my eGo Tank which is in delivery as we speak!
  11. Is the Mega Atty the same as the "Monster" Atty: http://www.awesomevapor.com/Monster-atomizer-for-eGo_p_183.html Or the "Jumbo" Atty: http://www.shop.wordupecig.com/eGo-Jumbo-Atomizer-eGo-Jumbo-Atomizer.htm;jsessionid=589B1D28FB7AC94833D13BEEBC13D91A.qscstrfrnt04 Both of which, I ordered along with the Tank atty and Tank Cartridges! Can't wait to try. Hoping for a non-leaking, long lasting alternative to cartos.
  12. Hey Sheff. Thank you so much for all your info. Clears up some of my confusion w/the volts/mahs and all that! I finally ordered my first eGo battery (a 650mah pass through and a 900XL mah) and a couple atty's to try (the eGo "Monster" and the eGo Tank). I soooo hope I will be on to vaping more than an hour or so at a time as has been the case w/my 510, 901's. The longest lasting battery I own now is my 801 and it gives me maybe a couple hours! Now, I am hoping the eGo atty's will live up to their hype because I have just killed three 510's in less than a month and the last one I have now is on it's last leg! I've not had great luck w/atty's so far either! The last part of my vaping experience I hope to improve on is cartos. Thought they were great, but still not going the distance. Kind of feeling like they are glorified carts really as I'm still having to stop and fill every 15 minutes or so. And this is with up to four or five different cigs going! Still eyeing these Fluxomizers as if they did what they propose to do, would be great to fill one, pop it on an eGo batt and be able to vape on the go without worrying about leaky carts, dried up cartos after a few puffs and dead batts! Hey, anyone try the "Smart Carts" on GotVapes site? Look interesting and might try them if I can find some impartial vids on them. The one I've watched so far is from one of the owners, and of course he says they are great! lol
  13. Hey Sharon, you beat me to the punch with your question... I have 510, 801 and 901 standard manual batts and wonder which Flux I should try? As a newbie this ohm/mah stuff is confusing as heck. Would be nice to know what my batts volts or mahs or ohms are or what I should or should not be using w/them! Dying to find a GOOD carto and been eyeing these for a while!
  14. Hey, you could not have said it better, everyone in this post really. I am already into my third PT (510, 901 and 801 manuals, carts, cartos, dripping, you name it). SO frustrated today after spending 1/2 hour dealing with cleaning and filling to have leaky atty's and carts and spilling and wasting eliquid and the like all to get MAYBE a few good puffs of vape. Oh, that was also after inhaling a nice bit of liquid from a carto while driving which was extra special... lol Heck, my throat is still a little sore from last night when either it was my atty or cart filling which burned the crap out of my throat upon inhale. No warning either, one puff was nice and normal and then BAM, I got hit with the dreaded hot burning vapor hit! grrrr Basically about ready to go back to analog after one month of trying 3 diff ecig models and options. Spent hundreds of dollars to end up completely frustrated. Am considering trying the eGo Tank as a last resort as it SEEMS to offer solutions to some of the things I hate most but have been hearing a lot about these Jolly mods. Anyone have a picture or video review of these? Thanks from a very frustrated and almost "ex" vaper!
  15. Forgot to ask, if anyone knows... Once a battery has been fully charged, what is it's "standby" time? Do they hold their ready charge ok or do you need to use them asap. Also, if I leave my batteries in their chargers overnight (or forget they are in them like I do often), can that harm the battery? Considering the 1000mah eGo battery at almost $30 I want to make sure I take care of it!
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