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Everything posted by y3hman

  1. i smoked a pack a day and i started vaping at 18 mg nic, which was fine. then i started to use LR attys and 18 mg nic is way to strong of a throat hit for me. i find that 12 mg nic is perfect with LR attys.
  2. thaks everyone. its a Black Silver Bullet. im a residential/commercial painter and i already scratched it up from droping it. at work i use the 18650 battery and a LR carto and when i get home i put on my atty at 6v. seems to be holding up nicely. im sure you will get one too hawkizefan, you wont be disappointed.
  3. hi kreep ive been vaping at 6v for two full weeks now and ive been using the same 306 3.5 ohm atty. around the third day with the atty i got a lil burnt taste also so what i did was i removed the wire mesh on the bridge and the wick while keeping the metal below the wire mesh intact. that completely eliminated the burnt taste for me. hope it helps.
  4. thanks i really appreciate it.
  5. been vaping for over a month now. i started out with a tornado tank system and strugled with that kit for the first two weeks. i bought that system thinking the tank will hold alot of juice and i wouldnt have to keep refilling with juice, and that part is true as it does hold good amount of juice and lasts me few hours and refilling was a snap. however i just couldnt get it taste right on a consistent basis. half the time the taste wasnt there for me, and i looked at lots of video reviews with tricks and just couldnt get the right taste all the time. so i threw out the system keeping the batteries only as the did last me a good long time. so the first two weeks i was smoking analogs. then i ordered some LR attys and cartomizers, rated at 2 ohms with some tobacco juice at 18 mg nic and then things started to get much better for me. since then, about a month ago, i havent had a single analog cigg. i finally found an equation that worked for me. two weeks ago i recieved my silver bullet and started vaping at 6v with HV 306 attys at 3.5 ohm and now im where i need to be. silver bullet at 6 v and 18 mg nic. is the closest to a analog cigg taste i can get. i like to take short drags too so 6v for me is better, especially TH, than 3.7v. i still use my ego batts with LR cartos from time to time. my advice to someone new to vaping and not liking their experience so far at 3.7v is to jump to a 6v device with HV atty. if you can afford it definately try it out, as it changed my vaping experience for the better. p.s. im not knocking the tornado tank completely as im sure there are a lot of people who like it, just wasnt for me.
  6. try a LR Cartomizer
  7. well said DAYVAPE. i see the light now.
  8. hey guys, ive been vaping on my tornado tank for a few days now and im happy with it. i recieved a pack of 510 cartomizers yesterday just to try and im not sure if im losing it but when i vaped some new ejuice, flue cured, with the tornado tank it tasted ok but not great. but then i used the flue cured with the 510 cartomizer it was really good. is this normal??
  9. just tried "555" vg and got the TH i was looking for. thanks everyone.
  10. happy with my tornado after 3 days. i was vaping coffee flavored pure vg (vaperite) with 18 mg nic, and although the flavor was ok i didnt get any TH. do i need to go higher with the nic level to get some TH? umm, i was looking forward some type of TH. thanks in advance.
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