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    Howiroll got a reaction from Beans in Affordable E-Smoke   
    Welcome to VT. I haven't been a non-smoker that long, but I vouch for the eGo. Before the eGo, I wanted to to look more stylish and have a device that was about the size of a real cig. I went with Blu and hated it. 4 different prefilled cartomizers to choose from and I didn't care for the flavor of any of them. I didn't want the hassle of filling my own cartridges. I didn't want to spend time learning 'dripping', mixing flavors, DIY juice, or all the other fancy terms that are foreign to a non-vaper. However I wanted to quit smoking more than all of the other 'not wants'. I gave it up after a week seeing the short battery life, weak throat hit, feeling like it was doing virtually nothing for my cravings of cigs.

    I got the eGo and didn't look back. Refilling cartridges is easy. Choosing and mixing flavors is great. I thought I would only like cartos, but I'm one of the few on here that doesn't like them. There are youtube videos for anything you want to try. There are the forums for any questions that you might have. If you really want to quit smoking and not waste any money on a stepping-stone type product, get a 510 or an eGo. Good luck to you and welcome to the community.
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    Howiroll got a reaction from Schizophretard in Tomorrow Is The Big Day   
    Well I started vaping earlier this month and I've been weaning off of analogs. The hardest part for me was the first thing in the morning smoke. I HATED the cig that I had this morning. I have 2 cigs left in my pack that I bought on Sunday (not bad for a pack a day smoker). Tonight I'm going to smoke one KNOWING it's the last one I'm going to smoke and going to throw the final cigarette away. I've been planning on quitting for months. Now that I found a juice flavor and strength that work for me, I know I can do this.

    I'm already feeling better since I've cut back so much. And I'm looking forward to not needing to run out to a gas station or grocery store to pick up smokes. My soon to be wife enjoys kissing me more too. Hopefully it's not long before my asthma starts letting up some. Everything seems like it's going to be great from here on out.
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    Howiroll got a reaction from vaporqueen in Tomorrow Is The Big Day   
    Well I started vaping earlier this month and I've been weaning off of analogs. The hardest part for me was the first thing in the morning smoke. I HATED the cig that I had this morning. I have 2 cigs left in my pack that I bought on Sunday (not bad for a pack a day smoker). Tonight I'm going to smoke one KNOWING it's the last one I'm going to smoke and going to throw the final cigarette away. I've been planning on quitting for months. Now that I found a juice flavor and strength that work for me, I know I can do this.

    I'm already feeling better since I've cut back so much. And I'm looking forward to not needing to run out to a gas station or grocery store to pick up smokes. My soon to be wife enjoys kissing me more too. Hopefully it's not long before my asthma starts letting up some. Everything seems like it's going to be great from here on out.
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    Howiroll reacted to WillBlack in How To Make A Pt   
    Well there is really nothing to them, and they don't require much soldering either.

    My first, powered by a modem power supply (5.1V@2A) I had laying around. Gives me a measured 4.5V with a Joye atty.

    The advantage of a modem/router power supply, hardwired, is that all the current should make it to the atty . No additional resistance due to USB connectors/thin wires. You can find router 5V@2.5A router Power Supplies on Ebay for about $10. These will give true 5V with Joye atties and run 1.5Ω LR atties at a nice ~3.7V.

    My latest, this is USB equipped, using a 2000mA adapter. This gives me a measured ~4.15V with a Joye atty (I kept the USB cable to ~28").

    The pics should be self explanatory, there's not much to them.

    Some sort of stress relief where the cable enters is a good idea. Top is just 2 layers of heat shrink, bottom is air-line tubing (some adhesive was added later).
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