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Everything posted by Vacker1229

  1. ditto!! besides once you send - it's gone!! I do like to keep a copy of correspondence.
  2. the banner does look great as you scroll through the messages, so predominant.
  3. This is fabulous!! Chris you have created such a great support system for all of us. Fritchard this is a beautiful thing you did for all of us and to help Chris with your efforts and time in invaluable. Thank you Thank you Thank you
  4. Maybe when Makayla gets here she could be number 3000 and Chris will be jumping for joy at 30,000 feet
  5. I agree on all three items, I may give them a try for a smallish investment. I will post my findings.
  6. soooo true "extra language", that's what I mean by "it opens the door". And going back to the vetoed bill of last year that actually started out referring to "green" cars, boy did she put a spin that bill!!
  7. SB400 was vetoed in 2009 by the governor. the current and correct bill is SB882 introduced by Corbett in Feb this year. We were against SB 400 now that is over, we are now against SB882. They speak of only banning sales to minors but as always once a bill like this gets started it opens the door to ban all sales. Sorry you are confused, everything mentioned in this thread is regarding SB882 the current bill. The only mention SB400 in the above link is "This legislation is similar to SB 400 that Senator Corbett introduced in 2009. That bill was passed by the Assembly and Senate but vetoed by the Governor."
  8. this is a list of links of all the Calif Senators on the "Senate Health Commitee". Members: Senator Elaine Alquist (Chair) Senator Tony Strickland (Vice-Chair) Senator Samuel Aanestad Senator Gilbert Cedillo Senator Dave Cox Senator Mark Leno Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod Senator Fran Pavley Senator Gloria Romero Here a link to all Calif Senators snail mail addresses http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/sen-addresses.html
  9. I started doing a little search to find some more info on Calif SB 882 and found this. Interesting but I don't believe it is accurate unless I am reading the bill incorrectly. It is a long and somewhat boring document. Click on the link and scroll to SB 882. http://www.center4tobaccopolicy.org/_files/_files/March%202010%20Legislative%20Update.pdf
  10. Anyone have any info or experience with VaporLites? Love to have your feedback.
  11. I scanned mine immediately after seeing the bunk. I hate it when that happens.
  12. yep!! Me too. I did find a couple of others but they didn't work for some reason got an error message. I checked out that "other" forum and I see they are not working there either. Just the UK ones seem to be live. Oh well, maybe he didn't pay his bill.
  13. hmmm, the 28th is sooo close!! call me when her water breaks!!
  14. Youngins?!? Well thank you kind sir. Heck 15 email addys!! is that all?
  15. cancel that order for a gallon of what you are vapin'
  16. Could it be that your loss is due to stress?? Otherwise send me a gallon of what you are vapin'.
  17. There are so many features to discover and we all set up our systems with how it works best for our needs, below is how to turn the "read" feature off. Give this a try, some like the pane and some don't. Tools Options Other Outlook Panes Reading Pane Then uncheck the box that says "Mark items as read..."
  18. Well it's a small club but growing rapidly. Soon you too can be a member, stick with it!! At which point we clubmembers will share the secret handshake in the VIP room.
  19. Great Job!! So Happy for you!! Welcome to the One Year Club!!
  20. Indeed!! I agree!! Very familiar with the press he got about !!
  21. I suspect we won't get real studies for quite some time, so we can only base our findings on feedback from pv users. So both you and I have put on weight and I am sure there are others that will chime in. Nicotine has been proven by real studies that it does increase metabolism, and yes I too have heard many times 'nic transport' is not 100% (could even be as low as 10%) by vaping. So that being said we have absolutely changed our metabolism. the oral thing is fine with my pv so no additional food has been consumed to justify my personal weight gain. Side note: I did just lose (over 6 weeks) 13 pounds being focused on diet and exercise, so I am heading back to previous weight.
  22. Hmm, good question re: PG or VG affecting weight. It seems many have different answers so i am speaking only on my own experience. YES I put on weight, and yes using PG. total about 8-10 pounds in one year of vaping. Although with all the info I have gathered it is more likely due to the fact that you really are NOT getting the same amount of nic, and nic speeds your metabolism (that we know is a fact). I understand that the amount of nic we are getting is much less than analogs, perhaps only about 10% depending on a lot of factors; i.e. how many analogs you did smoke and what nic strength you currently use. Now true whether it is PG or VG may or may not be an issue but I have not read anything about that yet. Good luck to you.
  23. Yes it WAS dangerous a few years ago but all those issues have been corrected with various patches. Preview pane does NOT open the email. Right clicking and deleting also does NOT open the email. But again this all depends how you have your system set. and if we are talking about a MAC OS then that can be entirely different than a PC OS, I don't use a MAC so I don't have an answer and do not profess to "know it all" so to speak.
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