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Everything posted by Vacker1229

  1. Congratulations!!! to both you and Ashley!! You slightly mentioned it a month or so ago, although I figured when it was for sure you would let us know!! Ah oh will this make Sean a GodFather??
  2. Just saw the video -- Looks Fabulous!! As always I always appreciate your honest opinions. I did check online but most are 3.6v 500ma and I don't want to blow that baby up!! What is 500ma - haha? Okay so you and Sean are barely on speaking terms and now it has come to this -- separate vacations!! Wow!! can't we all just get along!! Both of you enjoy your time away!! I hope Ashley can work the video cuz I want pics of Chris vaping as the catch of the day at the Gigling Marlin!!
  3. I have discovered the people who give me grief are really the smokers who don't want to change. My non-smoking friends love it and non-smoking strangers question it but then think it is cool, but those Gosh Darn Smokers are really a pain in the arss!!
  4. Nice read, instead of pasting entire article I have just included the link. Enjoy http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/aug/06/fda-smoke-screen-on-e-cigarettes/
  5. I placed my pre-order for the VP1-901 and I am quite excited bout ma nu toy!! Was cruising another forum and saw lot's o' chat about life expentancy of Janty Stick batts which in essence are the same as VP1 batts. Hmmm, hope VP1 doesn't have the same issues. Seems the thread talks about the batts going to hell after about 1-2 weeks of recharging basicaly not holding a charge for very long. Most seem to think it is the crap blue batteries. My question to all out there is: Where to purchase a quality 3.7v LC-10440 battery?? I have seen some 3.6v 500ma but I am no techie so I don't know if this would work? Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  6. So are you saying it is all about the battery? Please compare to the standard 801 if you could. Thanks
  7. Hmmm, bad atty? 14 day warranty. Use your existing 801 atty. He also has a 901 model I am curious about since I have a boatload of 901 attys after the fda scare
  8. Looking forward to your review. I have been eyeing this for at least a month or more. Your thoughts are always appreciated.
  9. What really caught me with this is I have a Google News Alert that pings me whenever there is an article about ecigs. Well, blogs and forums don't show up using the alert but a Press Release does show up so this, even though it is a press release it comes up as "news". I feel this particular press release is a well-written rebuttal to the FDA that will reach alot of people. So many only read the news/bad press we get, and don't realize how much more info is out there cuz they don't come to our forums and blogs, unless they are smokers/vapers. I feel they just aren't openminded enough to pursue hearing both sides. The media can be used in our favor -- this Press Release, even though he is pedalling his own products, made some statements more public than we have been able to make. They must had paid their PR firm a pretty penny to write this up for them. So many of the pr statements I have seen are so poorly written with overused buzzwords trying to hype ecigs.
  10. Where this is actually a press release from a supplier, he makes some very valid points for all to read even the naysayers. http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/electronic-cigarette-company-ecigaretteschoicecom-claims-fda-study-proves-ecigarettes-are-safer-than-tobacco-cigarettes-110939.php
  11. you get very annoyed with an analog smoker when they tell you the dangers of ecig toxins recently found by the FDA. aaaarrrrgggghhhh! Like their analog is sooooo much safer.
  12. tonight I was going to hear a band I like and just grabbed 8-10 batteries and 30ml juice just cuz I didn't want to run out of anything. When I was on analogs I used to grab 5 packs just cuz I didn't want to run out. What a freak I yam!!! Jesus woman -- get it together!!! the band was great and I was vapeing more than the fog machine on stage and i didn't care.
  13. Your right pocket has 3 charged batteries and your left pocket has 2 dead batteries and the 3 chargers plugged into your usb ports are charging spares when the 1 you are vapeing goes dead you put it in your left pocket and remove the 3 charged batteries from the usb ports and put them into your right pocket and remove the 3 in your left pocket and put them into the 3 chargers plugged into your usb ports....
  14. Thanks Chris, guess you been there - eh? you naughty boy.
  15. Pretty funny!! I don't care for asians agents either
  16. Hardee har har!!! Run a test on these -- you FrigginDumbA$$es
  17. Not sure if this was posted already, so much going on right now. http://www.examiner.com/x-13840-FDA-Policy-Examiner~y2009m7d22-Is-it-time-to-retool-the-FDA
  18. This was inevitable as they both are in on the litigation. Hmmm, same products as the "Clinical Trials".
  19. good job!! I can hardly wait to hear it. I did see that ASHhole PROFESSOR JOHN F. BANZHAF was there!! he's a freak and just loves his name in the press. Lot's of press showing up already.
  20. Stay tuned for lot's of info in the next 24 hours. Press o' Plenty I am sure. I am just posting the link as oppossed to an entire article as that just takes space. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/PublicHealthFocus/ucm172906.htm
  21. I have used the crystals although they cannot truly be measured so the flavoring is quite inconsistent. I'll stick with the menthol drops.
  22. I only use 1 drop, geez... but for Sean perhaps load his atomizer with SRIRACHA!! He might just vape it for a cookie or even a DingDong!! .
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