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Everything posted by Vacker1229

  1. Yep, this could be a Seinfeld episode, Kramer vaping and George complaining and Mr. Peterman as the boss!! Elaine of course would be the witness to this stupidity. All of them explaining to Jerry at his apartment.
  2. Some good points here first, Secondly, Don't do this UNTIL you ask your boss, cuz this is against your boss' direct request that you stop vaping. Hopefully your boss will say yes -- then bust that crybaby!!
  3. Just saw the adapter in gold, although a little pricey just for the gold finish. My adapter was $2.95 http://www.vaporkings.com/DSE901_battery_to_Joye_510_atomizer_adapter_p/adapt-901-to-510.htm But this just means they do exist so it is only a matter of time before a cheaper one appears somewhere.
  4. I too like Todd's idea - BUT to put a twist on it to really test is just show him a 0 nic bottle with 24mg in your unit. All in all I do believe he will regret trying to bust you. Stay strong!
  5. I'm guess the boss knows he is a brown nose and a crybaby and is just handling the situation to avoid any further issues from that clown. Like Lee said if you hold in the vapor what exits on the exhale is minor.
  6. What a jerk!! Let me guess, does he often brag he quit "cold turkey"? That type typically doesn't like that you are getting the best of both worlds, "gettin' your nicotine and vapeing at your desk". Reformed smokers are a *****!! All high and mighty that they quit without a device. Who cares-get over yourself!! Too late now - not much you can do be use discretion when vaping. I have been using mine at my desk for just over a year. I never brought attention to myself, some have asked about it and I gave them info. I do not do it when I think someone might see me. Cube walls are hight enough to hide me and I am not in a throughfare. Good luck just keep it on the down low and all will soon be forgotten.
  7. Thanks for sharing I certainly hope everything came out ok.
  8. Vapeing, so sorry you are having difficulty finding the right place and time. BUT give it time. If you were still smoking how would you work it out? Think about that. Just remember how nice it will be when that paycheck comes in, vapeing (formerly smoking) is certainly secondary to gettin' paid and paying bills.
  9. I used to joke that I should be allowed to have a handicap parking placard as an addicted smoker, short of breath with high blood pressure I felt I shouldn't have to walk a city block but should be allowed to park right in front of my favorite bar.
  10. Well I have not found gold ones. But when looking at adapters make sure what connection they are. Goodprophets is only 2.95 each and yes they have 801 and 901 adapters. I just got up and took a drag from the Spade GEEZ for a split second I thought I was huffin' an analog. That baby rocks!!! Flavor / Vapor / Throathit!! BTW just make sure the adapter is 510 bat to 801 or 901 atty and NOT the other way around as 510 atty to 801 or 901 bat. The pictures and descriptions on some sites are not clear about that. Goodprophets is very clear.
  11. I'm Spadeing right now too! Wow we have alot in common as my avatar makes me smile too
  12. Just got the mail Ordered Spade 1/20 from VTStore - mailed same day - received 1/22 just 5 mins ago (of course we both are in Calif) Ordered adapter 1/19 from GoodProphets - mailed 1/20 from PA - received 1/22 just 5 mins ago: Adapter is for 510 bat to 901 atty cuz I have 15 901 attys and don't want them to go to waste. I like the little sack for the Spade as it holds a variety of juice and spare batt & atty. A little sack like this is great for Princesses cuz most of us carry a girlie purse anyway. Not sure how it works for the dudes. This Spade is identical (except color) to the VP1-901 I had before from VaprLife. I had the VP1-901 1st version and l loved it. Then I upgraded to protected batts and needed to get the 2nd version and had problems til finally I gave up on it. Hopefully the Spade is v.3 and there will be no issues. I will keep you posted.
  13. Oh excuse me but the Princess has always been a prankster. Just a patient prankster Princess awaiting for the perfect opportunity. The Letter of the Day is "P" as in Perfect Patient Prankster Princess
  14. I wouldn't say beating your 3 daughters at Wii bowling makes you a pro
  15. I do agree, but tomorrow is his first day so probably best to be a little discreet at least until you are past the customary 3 month mark. BTW my boss used to bang on the inside of window on the 3rd floor when I was in the smoking pit. That window was directly above the pit. I would just tell him I was in a meeting.
  16. How would I handle this? Say nothing about vaping, deal with it if and when the topic comes up, at that point explain it does not have any affect on my ability to perform the job I was hired to do. Until then I would vape inconspicuosly. How did/would you handle telling them you smoke? How would you handle haveing a cigarette when you did smoke?
  17. I just saw soft whistle tips for 801 at VaporKings.com a 5 pack for $2.95.
  18. I agree, looks like she is gone BUT Jerry Brown will be running for Gov and he also hates ecigs!! we are in for a world of if he gets into office.
  19. thanks Chris, boy did we have some fun on E Smoke Talk. A walk down memory lane: what ever happened to PoppaC? oh and remember PuenteKid (boy was he a package) Arcade games - always one upping each other Raggin' on Sean
  20. thanks so much! changes = so many to product and "in the news" and laws everywhere spreadsheets = absolutely!! big bucks = yeehaw!! show you wife = of course and yes keep your spreadsheet going and post your numbers in one year!!
  21. thanks all, and To quote every moron on every reality show with what they think is such a original statement but ... "it's been an amazing journey" and I must thank everyone on this forum for being really good listeners and advisors
  22. Cause for celebration!! 365 days of vaping, so i decided to treat myself to a new PV -- The Spade!! I kept a running spreadsheet of all expenses. Originally it was to see if it truly was going to be cheaper. Well initially it was not, kept buying new toys and flavors and supplies. Seemed like I just couldn't keep up with supplies and the difficulty finding just the right PV for me. the first 3-6 months I spent the most, since then it has calmed down considerably as I am happy with products in hand and I just need juice supply. 12,800 analogs avoided $5,760 saved $1,900 spent on ecig supplies $3,860 spare change But the real savings is my health, no 2 ways about it -- I am healthier and I know it and my doctor says so too!!
  23. Time to protect ourselves as I feel a "girl bashing" about to take place. either that or we have left the guys speechless!!
  24. Yes now this is what I'm talking about!! Cooking, cleaning, etc. Apparently nana the guys don't have to worry about this type of thing while they kick back in the BarcaLounger with a beer in one hand and a PV in their mouth and the other hand tucked in the waistband of their pants.
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