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Everything posted by Erika

  1. has anyone tried one? i love the way they look. i just wish they were VV mods. they are so beautiful though!
  2. i have wondered the same thing. like laptops. they say you should let them drain all the way before charging. something about battery memory and those cells in the battery just won't charge any more. i don't know though.
  3. LoL. You all are funny! I don't do diet anything! Blech!
  4. A cartomizer (carto) is an attomizer and cartridge in one. There is fiiler material and a heating element down the center. They hold about 1 ml of juice. I think direct dripping gives better TH. An lr carto or atty will give warmer vapor and more th than a standard one. Lr cartos and atties simulate higher voltage vaping. Hope this helps!
  5. Lol @ the whole peepee thing. That is totally something my girls would do. You gotta love em. Glad i am not alone. Marymary- my 7 yr old would go as fast as she could to the litter box as soon as our backs were turned. It's so nasty. I guess what doesn't kill us makes us stronger:)
  6. I Lowered my nic level after one week and chain vaped for about 2 and a half weeks. Now i'm fine and the chain vaping has stopped (except at night). A higher nic level definitely decreases my usage a lot but my ultimate goal is 0 nic so i just keep lowering until i am used to it and then lower it a little more. I have gone from 24 to 10 so far. If you don't care about getting down to 0 then i wouldn't try to lower it. It will only increase your cost.
  7. Congrats to you both! Glad you found something that works! I have been having some sinus issues and was going to try different juice. I will have to check them out!
  8. I was going to try that, but sadly,i can't find ce2s anywhere. Everypne is out.
  9. Once i make a few, i would be willing to sell them, but i want to work out all the kinks first. I will let you know
  10. Easy peasy and it works like a charm! Not the prettiest but i used some scrap clay i had layin around. I will take some pics. Thanks to shan for the youtube video. This is so so simple!
  11. Making my first one and i am psyched. I hope it works!
  12. I want to so so bad but it's a 10 hour drive and with gas prices, i just can't swing it.
  13. Awww hon. I am so sorry. I wish you lived close, i would come help you sort is out. The map tanks come in about once a week. If you email or pm the owner, he will tell you when they will be in again. If you use the code "bigbuyer" you'll get 10% off.
  14. Wow! Congrats on getting to 0 nic already! Still stuck at 12 right now. Vaping rocks and i doubt i will quit either. Even after i get to 0
  15. I think that chris said nic loses potency in the fridge. This was on another thread.
  16. Yeah, i couldn't even post this one on fb. My husband would just die if he knew! I won't be winning the mother of the year award any time soon
  17. The best tobacco flavor i have tried was from unsmoke.us
  18. So, i am editing pics at the kitchen table. The little ones were outside playing and i heard the 2 year old peeing. I step outside to see where he peed and there is a puddle on the porch. So i turn around to grab the hose and spray it off......turn back around and the 1 year old is licking the pee puddle off of the porch. Yuck!! Into the bath she goes!
  19. It isn't the tank. It is listed under mods. I am just concerned because i see no reviews which is unusual. Even her syringe tank has reviews.
  20. Erika

    ! Help !

    I smoked about the same amount as you and i would splurge and the the 1000 mah kit. I have one of these batteries and several 650 mah batts. I much prefer the bigger one. Less charging and it tkes a lot longer for the drop in battery power to kick in. Good luck!
  21. Hey cheshyl. If you decide you want the big tank at some point, i am willing to trade ya! Not that i don't love the big one, i just think i would like the smaller one better.
  22. Anyone tried the vv splash mini from vapecore? It is Shan's mod. Just curious because the price was pretty low for a vv mod and i couldn't find any reviews on it.
  23. I heard a lot of negatives about the clearomizers. Something about the area inside not allowing for good wicking. Never tried one for that reason.
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