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Everything posted by Erika

  1. Shan's mod is only $60 and it is vv. I'll be sure to do a review after i get it. I'm 99% sure that is the one i'm going with.
  2. +1 for you christopher for being so kind
  3. Erika


    Awesome! Great job!
  4. Erika

    Upgrade ?

    I would get a couple ego- t batteries. They are 1000mah and last almost all day for me. $20 each.
  5. Maybe due to battery drop off when unplugged? That's the only thing i can think of.
  6. i got in touch with shan. i think i may try out the vv splash mini for now and see how i like it. she is apparently moving this week so i will have to wait until she gets settled. My ego batteries are dropping off in power pretty quickly and i really would like something i don't have to charge every 4 hours.
  7. Here is a link. Great prices for boge. Vaporsetc
  8. that sounds accurate. not sure i understand the dividing by 2 thing but i would get mostly 24 and maybe some 36 for the really strong cravings until you get used to vaping and get over that initial hump.
  9. lol. i didn't even look at that! i just assumed it was already sold! thanks Ripple!
  10. Yikes $255! Maybe i should just quit vaping all together.
  11. hmm. i was also looking at the LS vari-cool but 2 hour battery life is not going to cut it. the only thing holding me back on the provari is the price. i'm so stinkin cheap.
  12. I know i want a vv mod but there are so many! Highest on my list are jolly's war box and provari. I really have no clue which one. I also want a thag built mod just because you can put your own graphics on it. I was making myself wait until i hit 6 months but these batteries aren't going to make it that long and i would rather spend my money on something that is going to last. I am not closing my eyes to other options but i just don't know which one? Any and all input is appreciated.
  13. He is adorable! Enjoy it. They grow so quickly!
  14. So, i have noticed the lr cartos only hold about 18-20 drops vs the 30-35 i can hold in a reg carto. Also the performance is dropping off after about 2 days. I was getting a week out of the others. I have tried to clean and resuscitate them but they are not responding well. Any thoughhts?
  15. Oh, i also noticed how much harder i had to draw on the cig vs vaping. Maybe because they were 2 months old and stale?
  16. So i did actually give in and go out back last night. I took two puffs. Nasty. And thought to myself "why did i ever smoke?"
  17. Shouldn't be a problem if they are bpa free but i. Think most are not.
  18. I have actually contemplated having a cig today for the first time in 2 months, life has been stressful and i think i need one. We shall see.
  19. I use 25-50% pg. Not much because it makes me cough and my throat scratchy.
  20. I have some raging acne going on since i started. Not sure if it is actually due to vaping or to cutting my nic intake though
  21. Totally jealous of the provari. Welcome back!
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