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Everything posted by Erika

  1. Here is the company i use. Boxelder chem supply
  2. The go go has had good reviews but is proprietary. You will only be able to order go go cartos etc for it. I would get a 510 device because you can order extras much easier.
  3. Congrats! That is awesome and a great example of the fact that these work and the wonderful support group we have here at VT!
  4. I do the same as kitsune. I like more vg personally but TH is not a big deal to me either.
  5. you can always try the coke cleaning method then rinse, dry for 24 hours and do a quick dry burn. all the burnt stuff popped off mine and it was like new again. but beware of the stuff popping off. it flies literally and can hit you in the face. learned that one the hard way.
  6. Saab, i think i sent her a pink and purple one. Your replacement should get to you on monday if it hasn't already. Emile same goes for your three. I will work on the wide mouth.
  7. Aww thanks ladies! This totally made my day!
  8. lol. i'm much closer to breaking even due to selling the drip tips. still in the red though. I feel better and smell better so oh well. i still haven't given in on a vv mod so i'm proud of myself.
  9. I would get the 1000 mah over the 950. It lasts me almost a whole day. And you can shut it off so it doen't fire in your pocket. Maybe a tank? Stormy makes one or clouds of vapor. They hold a lot more liquid and you wouldn't have to worry about refilling during the day. Just my 2 cents. Good luck in your search!
  10. You're gonna love it! Good luck waiting patiently!
  11. As far as the first one, i read a news clipping about it previously. It is possible that this is the cause. As far as DIY, i do not put any flavorings in my liquid that contain oil. Only ones that state they are made of pg and water. I suppose it depends on where he got the liquid. The thing that frustrates me is that this is one single case and look how much publicity it is getting. One in years and with thousands using these devices. How many people died just today from analogs? How much press do those individuals get? None! It's crazy. They are so concerned about health risks but yet it is ok to sell cigarettes. There's my 2 cents.
  12. I mix mine 30/70 or 50/50. And can use it that way. Straight pg kills my throat. The only down side is that it will lower the nic level 50% but at least you would be able to use it.
  13. Ok, so if they didn't look like cigarettes it would be ok? They obviously don't know squat about pvs
  14. Holy cow! That was amazing! I am in awe. I love arts and crafts but no way i could do that!
  15. Dying to see this! Sounds great!
  16. House is clean laundry mostly done, off to a bday party and then working till 8. See, the housework did get done, but in my time. If ever there is anyone else in my life or if he straightens up, i will just inform him up front. I'm a lover, not a cleaner. Take it or leave it. Lol
  17. Interesting. I have lost a little but i am pretty sure it's stress related. I do find myself vaping my breakfast but i used to smoke it so not much difference there.
  18. Up and down but better every day. The house being a little messy was a big revelation. It may seem crazy or silly to some. I like a clean house as much as the next person but my hubby wanted things sparkling and perfect every day. Not easy with 4 kids. Today was a lot of running around and i really didn't have time to pick up. Then it struck me that it didn't matter and i didn't have to worry about someone having a fit over it! It felt great just to be able to let it go and know it will be there tomorrow.
  19. Very different. The map is a cylinder that holds 5 mls and the atomizer is in the tank. I love mine. You do have to tilt it when it gets low to get it to wick. They are sold by Clouds of vapor
  20. Today was awesome! Spent the morning installing new locks, the afternoon with my 7 yr old at her tea party for girl scouts and i currently have 6 kids in the house, all tucked in and i get to sit in bed, vape and enjoy a drink! My house is a disaster and i feel very liberated today!
  21. I made a little stand from sculpey clay and then baked and sanded it. Works great. Chris recommended gluing a quarter on the bottom to help it stay upright.
  22. If the 51 duo is a cartomizer (i think it is.). Yes, you can refill it that way. I refill cartos for about 2 days before cleaning them. Sounds like your 510 is ready! Let us know what you think!
  23. Maybe he will just redeliver it tomorrow. You never know.
  24. Only 85 to go tags! Come on girl!
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