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Everything posted by Erika

  1. I talked to the owner yesterday. they did not go up for sale today. i've checked about 20 times today. Checked tonight though and they added a Map mini which is cool! i was afraid of the size so that's the one i want. The owner recommended the 2.4 but i don't think i will like the hot hit. I think i'm going to get the 2.8 instead.
  2. Congrats and happy anniversary! I have to tell you....you were one of the first to respond to any questions and are always soooo helpful and encouraging! I am so glad you are here! Have a happy happy day!
  3. Keep it up flowers! Those first few days were really hard for me, but everyone here is soooo supportive! You can do it!
  4. Ooh ohh. It will work on the ego! 2.4 ohm is the reccomended one for the ego battery. Supposedly the e2 will last 3-4 weeks. I got an inside tip that he will have these up for sale tomorrow afternoon! Now if i can do it without hubby finding out. Lol
  5. The map tank is very cool. Not sure about carrying it in public. Lol. Will it work on an ego or would i need to get a beefier battery? That guy has a serious collection of devices. Holy cow! I think brian just made me want to spend more money. Lol
  6. Sounds like the way to go. I am not seeing that they come in twos. Where are you getting them nana?
  7. My dad is a family practice doc and i was actually afraid to tell him that i was vaping. I was pleasantly surprised at his reaction. He didn't know a lot about it but said that he knew the health risk was miniscule compared to analogs and was thrilled for me to quit. Not one negative from him. We live in a very small rural community. Surely if he is on board and knows something about them then docs in larger areas would be aware also. I am pretty sure he won't back them with his patients until they are approved by fda, but i haven't discussed it with him.
  8. I think my hubby is figuring out that this is more expensive than smoking to start off. Lol. I know some of you tried the ego tank and the tornado tank. Is the tornado a 510 fitting? Is one better than the other. I remember several people saying they were getting a burnt taste. Was this fixable or should i wait until it has been out a little longer and see if they get the kinks worked out? Qlso, are the little carts refillable or one time use? Thanks in advance! Erika
  9. Welcome! You have gotten some great advice already. I just wanted to say good luck on making the switch!
  10. I ordere white choc, cola caramel something and one pther i can't remember. Having them shipped to the in-laws house since thats where i will be this weekend. Some for me and some for them so i hope it gets there or i will have to have her forward it to me. I left him a voicemail begging him to ship asap but we will see.
  11. Awesome beans! I quit in the past and within a few months i could run 6 miles! You can do it! Keep it up! Erika
  12. Well there is a guy in lancaster oh but he wants $1 per ml for 30 mls. Ouch! $12 for a 10 ml bottle. Guess i will order from vapor renu.
  13. Well shoot. I checked ashland ky and charleston too. All are on the way or nearby. No luck though.
  14. I have searched online but i am coming up with nothing. Going to huntington this weekend to see the inlaws and i bought them each a joye ego kit (thanks Chris!). Anyone know if there is a physical store in that area that i can take my mother in law to for liquid? erika
  15. I gave in and had a half of one. Yuck is right. Haven't had another since but i still crave one or at least my body thinks i want one. Morning and night are the hardest. erika
  16. I was looking at liquid again. I cannot taste anything i have unless i overfill the carto and get juiced. Yuck! I thought about ordering a few double shot mixes from vapor renu but i don't know whether to get vg, pg or a mix. What do you all prefer and why? I also considered mixing my own. Is that actually cheaper or more expensive? Erika
  17. I have only one of 6 i can tast and it is red cola. If i use it for more than about 30 minutes though i can't taste it at all. They all pretty much taste the same to me. I am going to order some of the double flavor next. Erika
  18. I think all kids do that Sharon. Heaven knows they don't hear me when i tell them to get ready for bed or to clean their rooms. Lol
  19. I do agree that there are always those attention seekers that will vape in public for the attention. Ripple- we love love love darkstar! Never been patted don at a concert though.
  20. Man the difference between a prefilled carto and a properly filled one is amazing. Much more vapor production! Thank heavens for all of the awesome video tutorials on this site. I haven't had any major trouble yet! Erika
  21. i didn't forget to take it with me, i just was taking my daughter to her guitar lesson and she thinks it is cool so i have decided not to do it around her.
  22. I guess I am not sure what the big deal is. When we smoked analogs we couldn't smoke on the plane either. I personally won't Vape where smoking is not allowed. Do I think ecigs are dangerous? Probably not. I do agree that until this has been proven, they should not be allowed publicly. I am sure I will get flames for this post but I'm pretty tough. Flame away. Erika
  23. why can you not take that into consideration when thinking about how much you vape? it's all math right???
  24. so i got a 30 ml bottle of 18. actaully much less nic than the 24mg 10ml bottle. interesting. thanks for clearing that up. i was just curious as i am a geek.
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