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Everything posted by Erika

  1. so i saw where you all recommend to start with no nic pg/vg and add the flavor before trying with actual nic liquid. if i do this and find something i like then can i add the nic liquid after that or will it weaken or change the flavor of the liquid? i am guessing it would weaken the flavor and i would need to add more but that i should add flavor at the end slowly and test it as i go. is this correct? thank you for tolerating my stupidity:)
  2. The blueberry cheesecake rocks! It is my current favorite. What blend did you order 80/20? Th was weak on all of mine too. HTH
  3. So do you not clean the cartos at all? Just blow them out till they stop working and pitch them? I swear i read somewhere about tuning that little lip on the bottom with a screwdriver but i can't find that post now. At this point they are useless so i wouldn't feel bad about messing with them and possibly breaking them in the process. I am sooo sooo cheap. Lol Oh i did finally get one atty goin. It took a lot of juice but it works:)
  4. Boiled 4 of my 5 cartos last night and now they don't work or barely work. Both of my atties taste totally burnt. What am i doing wrong? UGH!!
  5. Is dekang only pg? Where do you get it? Wasn't seeing it unflavored. Thanks for your help! I would have been upset if i paid $55 and it was nasty.
  6. Ok. I will give them a try. Thanks! I put this in the general forum because i was wondering if anyone here had ordered from them. Not specifically for diy, but that's fine too. They add ethyl alcohol to the vg. Is that normal?
  7. Was thinking about trying my hand @ diy liquid and they seem to have the best prices on nic liquid. They are an american company too. Has anyone had any experience with them? Just wanted to make sure they were legit before i ordered.
  8. At $8 for 30 ml. You should at least try them.
  9. My favorite right now is blueberry cheesecake from VR. I am on day 3 and it is still as good as the first hit. I love it!
  10. That happened to me yesterday and i cleaned mine last night. Going to let them dry out really well before i try them again. Hope it gets better for you today! Let us know if you figure out why this happened. I am curious.
  11. That is the same way it is at their house. You walk in and it hits you like a ton of bricks. 3 adults live there and i think they go through 5-6 packs a day between the three of them. When i left there sunday, i felt like i had smoked all of thos cigarettes. I am still a little congested but it is better today than yesterday. I hope your mom will see the light. Funny that they are worried about health risks with vaping but they continue to smoke which is obviously hurting them. Gotta love the logic that accompanies addiction;)
  12. Interesting. Good question! I never would have thought that might make a difference.
  13. I am using the joye 510 cartos. This was only my 2nd juice order and the first time i used a pg/vg blend. The previous order i made through ecigbestsave and they all tasted about the same and the th was killer on all. I can't wait to get that map.
  14. And thanks for all the kind words. I knew you all would understand!
  15. My mother in law has copd and is on oxygen several times a day. Crossing my fingers that this is the answer for them! $120 well spent.
  16. very cool info Chris. I'm a total geek so i love to know stats on things. now to figure out that info for my own site. hmmmm
  17. I bought 2 of those super ego deals from vt and only kept 2 of the batteries for myself. I also bought 60 mls of juce and gave it all to my in-laws and brother in law. Talked to my mother in law this morning and she has only had 5 analogs since yesterday at noon! She is a 2 pack a day smoker. I am sooooooooo excited and didn't have anyone to share it with that would understand what a huge deal this is! My brother in law and father in law are using them too! BIL has been on here watching all of the videos and tuts! Woooohoooooo!
  18. What liquid are you using? Could be the liquid and not the atties or tanks.
  19. I actually have determined that i don't care much about throat hit. I am more about the flavor. I am hoping i can use the caramel cappucino in my map and maybe won't get that nasty burnt rubber taste or kill my cut e2. We shall see
  20. All were 11 mg med th and double shot of flavor since i can't seem to tast any of them. Everything on a 0-5 scale. All 80/20. Vg/pg Caramel cappucino. Th is 0-1. Flavor 3. Vapor production is 3. This is the only one i would not reccommend because it has a burnt plastic taste after about the third hit with direct dripping and it killed my carto on the second fill. Rasberry cheesecake. Th 1. Flavor 4. Vapor production. 3. I love this sweet fruity flavor. It tastes and smells awesome! Cola - th 1 flavor 5. Vapor production. 3. I love love love this one! If you like coke this one is a must try! Butter rum. - th 0-1. Flavor 4. Vapor. 3. Yummy flavor. Tastes more like buttered popcorn to me. Delicious though!
  21. gotta love that! I know it only took a couple days for me to stop coughing and the thing i noticed was how salty everything tasted. guess i didn't taste it so much before. Congrats and keep it up!!!! Erika
  22. glad you are ok hon! that stinks! pina colada sounds yummy! maybe the cap had a plastic film you needed to pop with a pin (like caulk)?
  23. thanks everyone! i have it on but not all the way screwed down. this seems to help.
  24. I had the cone cover on the top of my ego and was having a hard time drawing on my cartos. i took the cone off when filling it and forgot to put it back on. i noticed it is much easier to use without the cone. is it bad to leave it off??? any risks to doing this or is it ok not to use it? Thanks! Erika
  25. i think cartos are hit and miss even within the brand. i have ordered joye cartos twice from the same place $8.99 for 5. Once i ordered pink and once black. the pink are awesome and the black ones are horrid. they don't hold hardly any liquid at all. it's very frustrating
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