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Everything posted by Erika

  1. I wonder if in the end it is decided that vaping inside anywhere is allowed, will the smells be too much? I know that some of my juce tastes good but others in my household don't like the smell. If you had a lot of people vaping in one enclosed space would the smells be too much or do they dissapate quickly enough not to bother others?
  2. 50/50 at 6 mg should not give much throat hit in my opinion. Vg gives more vapor. Pg gives less
  3. We found out yesterday that our 10 yr old golden is in the final stages of renal failure. Today we are getting her some antibiotics in case it is a bacterial infecion. It is a really long shot. I actually think she has severe lymphoma that is causing the kidney failure. We love her so much. It is really hard not to run thousands of dollars worth of tests and we are having a tough time figuring out when enough is enough and letting her go to doggy heaven. Tears rolling down my cheeks as i type this. I hate being a grown up.
  4. I have seen that one. It made it so so easy. I hate direct dripping though. I am totally lazy
  5. I have been making all my own juice and i decided that 50/50 is about perfect sonce i don't like TH. Good to know that they won't wear out any faster because of this. I am cheap and washing them using the bulb syring method seems to really bring them back to life.
  6. I think mowt of us have this experience because we order our juice from where we get our first kit. Which at least for me, was the cheapest place i could find it. Cheap supplier crappy juice. Not always but usually. Vaporrenu is certainly the exception.
  7. VT has excellent liquids
  8. Maybe the liquid. I have had the back of my throat burn but not my chest.
  9. You have to take a pic sharon. I wanna see it!
  10. Are you taking the vapor straight in? You should be taking the vapor into your mouth, then inhale and exhale. I was trying to vape like i smoked and it is not at all the same. The other possibility is that the throat hit is too much. You could try adding some vg to mellow it a bit. This will decrease your nic level though too.
  11. It will get hot enough to melt the bottom of the mouthpiece and it tastes terrible! I had one do this and for fun, i took it apart. The small vent holes were mostly melted shut which is why i think it was overheating
  12. Anyone else do this? The only thing i notice is that i have to wash them after about 3-4 fills instead of 10. Will it kill my cartos faster?
  13. 3ml clouds of vapor pear .26 ml marshmallow lorann .53 ml apple lorann 1.9 0 nic vg/pg
  14. 7 mls vg/pg 1ml blackberry loranns 2 mls cheesecake loranns This one is very sweet so you may want to do less flavoring. I like strong flavor. Yum yum
  15. Just a quck turn will help the wicking. I have to start turning it when it is about half empty.
  16. Apparently my link did not work. It is www.tractorsupply.com. Sorry
  17. not sure if you are in a rural area or not but our local tractor supply co has usp grade pg for $25 a gallon, no shipping. go to TSC Store they have a store locator on their site. hope this helps! Erika
  18. No advice on the th but i wanted to say that i might be willing to take them off your hands if you can't live with them.
  19. Maybe try it with 10% flavor and then add a few drops and test, add a few drops and test until it tastes ok. I know that i had a high flavor mix and couldn't taste it. I diluted it and it was fine.
  20. My hubby told me yesterday to pull the pacifier out of my mouth so i could eat. Lol. Yep. I do feel like a junkie but at least i am not killing myself any more.
  21. Sounds good. Yeah, we live in an old old home and the floors give a bit when you walk, inevitably shaking the countertops and tables. My ego tips every time.
  22. I do beleive that nic level has something to do with th. I have the same liquid flavor and brand in 11mg and in 24mg. The 24 has a killer th and the 11 has very little. I agree that VR juice doesn't have TH. I don't mind that though. Dekang straight pg has a great TH. Too much for me, but you might like it!
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