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Everything posted by Erika

  1. I hope so because i just ordered one saturday and didn't order the charger. I will be watching this thread too.
  2. So....i have read so smany things so many places that say they are identical. I have 2 joye battereis and 2 janty batteries. Let me tell you, i will be asking a supplier what they really have before ordering from now on. My joye batteries have no problems charging, no buttons sticking, perfect. The janty batteries are just made very poorly. The buttons stick and the battery life is about 2/3 that of the joye. I will never ever purchase or recommend these to anyone.
  3. That looks awesome! What kind of warranty do these come with?
  4. His customer service is top knotch. When i ordered, i begged him to rush it because i was having it shipped to my inlaws and needed it there while i was visiting. He got it in the mqil the next morning and it got there 2 days later. He is awesome!
  5. It is still not my favorite, but i think i prefer drinking my coffee to vaping it. Lol. On the other hand i love vaping chocolate which i didn't think i would. You never know what you'll like till you try it
  6. The caramel cap had some th but i let it sit for 2 weeks. The fist time i tried it, it had none. HTH
  7. The good thing is that the ego xl has the 5 click option to keep it turned off.
  8. I wanted the blue too but gave in and got the black because i was ordering other stuff. Then hit check out and realized they had the case i wanted. DOH!
  9. With ordering from 10 different places for 10 different things? I am annoyed with how much shipping i pay because i can't find everything at one place.
  10. Thanks all! Actually the ones i ordered prior to this were brass on the bottom but they had the little piece of mettal going down the center. These don't have anything to keep the hole open and the filler is like fabric rolled, not the normal porous stuffing. I hate throwing away $8 but i hate tasting burnt metal more, so in the trash they went. I ordered new ones. Hopefully they will work better. Lots of places just don't say what they are selling. Grr
  11. Where do you all order the boge in large quantities. I will do this tomorrow. What a nightmare. I do not want to be in this situation again. I would not order cartos from COV. I have loved everything from them, but not these.
  12. I did the second one that way and got the same result. Mcquinn- you're speaking greek buddy. I have no clue what you mean about cutting down a 901.
  13. I thought maybe it was just me messing the first one up. Filled a new one, puff puff puff and burn. Crap. Whole box of crap cartos. Waste of money. How do i know what i am getting when i order? All of the sites just say carto. Not this brand or that brand. I can't beleive how horrible these are!
  14. It is full and nothing but burnt metal. Uck uck uck
  15. Nope haven't tried that one because i had not heard good things about it. It's worth a shot though. So, should i put the clear, rubber o-ring back or pitch it. I am not sure what the purpose of it is since my others didn't have the extra ring.
  16. Ok. So my first set look just like the videos on youtube. These are from cov and look like they have a roll of cotton in them with an itty bitty hole down the center. Small enough i cant see through it. On top of the cotton is a little clear rubber 0 ring. Then the rubber cap like normal. I am having trouble getting the liquid to soak in. I used a syringe, got about three puffs and then the horrible burnt tste of a dry atty. Should i syringe fill or just drp and wait? Leave the clear rubber ring, or remove it? Ugh. I thought i knew what i was doing!
  17. Here you go. Sorry. Still 50% off! Boxelderchemicalsupply
  18. I got some from boxelder because it was 50% off but i was planning on getting it from vaporrenu prior to that.
  19. Thanks everyone! We started her on antibiotics in case it is a bacterial infection. Not likely but possible. She is also on a special diet of egg whites potatoes and a few other things and is eating and keeping it down. I just hope she either gets better or that it is obvious to us what we should do.
  20. My carto was a fresh one and i filled it 10 minutes or so prior to using it. Hmmm. The same thing happened to me when i thinned my vg with just a little water to use in a carto. I looked at a lot of the other loranns flavorings. On most, water is the second or third ingredient but on the orange cream, it is the first. Any suggestions on a different brand of flavoring. I really do love this recipe and it tasted just like it was meant to. Edited to add: and thank you for posting. I was starting to wonder if i was losing it.
  21. I somehow doubt even with fda approval there would be vaping allowed as a blanket rule indoors everywhere. I was just thinking this morning about how funny it would be to walk into a room full of vapor and all the different scents. Whether or not you would really smell anything or if it would be just a whiff of something. Just daydreaming. I don't vape where smoking is not allowed unless i sneak into the restroom.
  22. Not sure what you have on hand. Here is my recipe. Totally origial. 2ml vg/pg .3 ml choc hazelnut .6 ml orange cream .2 ml marshmallow Tastes just like those chocolate oranges they sell at the store
  23. The juice is fine in an atty but if i put it in a carto, all the water sinks to the bottom and with it goes the flavor. All i get is a mouth full of yummy water. No vapor. I think the issue is the amount of water in the flavoring. Water is the first listed ingredient in this one.
  24. I love lorann's orange cream but the main ingredient in it is water. Is their any way to reduce the water content or should i try a different brand?
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