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Everything posted by Erika

  1. Oh, beware...when you do the quick dry burn stuff could pop off of the coil. I almost got nailed in the eye.
  2. Let me know how it works nanna. My carto has been going like new for days!
  3. I am so sorry. Praying for your family. I can't imagine how tough it must be for you all. We are always here. Vent away.
  4. Holy crap Uma! Look at your collection!!
  5. I have been using a diy grape mostly and i love it. I got a free sample of a tobacco flavor several days ago from unsmoke.us and put it in the cupboard because i thought i wouldn't like it. I got it out today and i am in love. I wish i knew what flavor it was. All it said on it was bs341. It is a sweet tobacco with a little menthol TH. Yummmmy! The only issue i have with it is, it makes me want an analog. Not sure why though.
  6. Am not sure about the kiosks. You should be able to find a phone number for them and call first. It isn't likely as most of these places want you to buy only their refill carts and make sure you come back to them often. There is a store in manor pennsylvania which doesn't look like it is very far from you. Not sure if it is online only or if they have an actual storefront. Their prices are not too bad. Here is the website. Vape with us
  7. None that i know of for vg. I use anything more than 50% vg in my tank so i don't kill everything else. I can do 50/50 in a carto but don't go more than that with vg in cartos. What kind of cartos are you using? The boge work the best but they do gunk up still
  8. So, my 2 atties were all gunked up because of vg i am assuming. I tried boiling, alcohol. No luck. I saw a youtube video a while back about using coke to clean them and thought to myself "it cleans the toilet, so why not?". I soaked them over night and then rinsed them in super hot water. Then let them dry all day. After that i dry burned them for a second and voila! Working atties! I did try a couple of cartos too just for fun but i am still waiting for them to dry. Has anyone else used this method and did it work for you?
  9. What liquid are you using? Does it have sweetener added? Just a thought. I have only had that happen with the gold thread ones. My boge have lasted a month now. Started with 5 and i am down to 3. They don't work like new but too well to pitch.
  10. they may be the same battery, but the joye just seems to be better put together.
  11. yepper. i'm cleaning mine and drying now. it was lacking a little. hopefully this will help.
  12. Welcome to the forum! Be open to trying some of the other flavors too. Most of us do not end up liking the tobacco flavoed eliquids. A lot have found that though they didn't smoke menthols, they love menthol eliquid. Keep an open mind and enjoy your new hobby!
  13. It's all over. She was barely breathing this morning. The kids all said their good byes and cried. Mom came and took the kids to her house to play. My ex and i took her to the vet at 10:30 this morning. She enjoyed the car ride and we walked her all around outside. Once we took her in, it only took about 1 minute to weigh her and get the meds ready. He didn't even finish the injection before she was gone. Then we spent 3 hours digging through clay and now i am totally exhausted emotionally and physically. I am thankful we had those few more days with her and glad she is all better now. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
  14. We are taking Gracie in soon. She went downhill fast. I can barely function. This is so hard and yet i know it's the right thing. God help us get through this. I just want it to be over
  15. Those are mega cartos and yep i think you have to have a syringe.
  16. Just wanted to update. She seems to be feeling better! She is up and around more, eating and actually wagging her tail. The vets said she wouldn't make it this long. Trying not to get my hopes up but it is hard. I guess the only thing i know for sure is that she is more comfortable now even if she doesn't make it. If she makes it to the end of next week, she will have another renal panel done and we will be able to know for sure if she is actually improving. I just keep praying though i know in god's big plan, my dog is probably not his biggest priority.
  17. Boy, my hubby thinks i have spent too much. I'm going to let him read this thread. Lol Guess what i just realized..... I have saved $20 a month on water by not taking 2-3 showers a day and washing 2-3 sets of clothes for the day! I never even considered this. And laundry detergent and fabric softener. Yes i hated smelling like smoke.
  18. Unfortunately i too am in the red till about june. If i can keep myself from ordering that new mod that is;)
  19. Did you order the high performance or the 510 COV. Curious because the ones i got came in a green box that says SGS on it and i could not keep from getting the burnt atty taste.
  20. But if you only fill it part way then you have to roll it around a lot to keep from getting the burnt taste. I think the smaller one would fix that problem too. I have just been putting the juice back in the bottle when i'm tired of it. I am going through a lot more juice using the tank.
  21. I was thinking about that 2.4/2.8 issue the other day. Someone on another forum was saying they wanted to trade for a lower ohm rating and i thought to myself....duh just get a new c2. Rofl. I hope you enjoy it! 18 guage needle works the best. I don't even use a needle though. The top of mine pops off with a very slight tug on the drip tip. Easier to clean this way too. Let me know what you think.
  22. Yay! The 650 mah battery only lasts me about 4 hours. Yes i am a chain vaper.
  23. I'm so sorry. That stinks. One bad apple ruins the bunch.
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