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Everything posted by Erika

  1. that is pretty! hmmm my infinity pro just crapped out and i have one very old backup ego. I'll have to add this to my list of possible purchases.
  2. i know i need to take one of my other batteries and hook the positive to the positive and neg to neg to essentially reset it. my question is, what do i use to hook pos to pos and neg to neg? wire? is there something simpler that i would have in my house? Thanks
  3. Blackberry Champagne. It's the only thing i vape now.
  4. i do. i guess it's just a habit not something i do for any reason in particular.
  5. I placed my order for cartos late and of course ran out over the weekend. I happened to look on vapor search usa and found an actual storefront 10 minutes from my boyfriend's house in columbus. It hasn't been there long but it was awesome! Great customer service. it's called Buckeye Vapors. he has VV mods with batteries and a charger for $75! Pretty sweet! Of course i had to buy one and i love it!
  6. thanks everyone:) Miss you all. i'll try to hang out more.
  7. hey y'all! long time no see. i am totally out of cartos. using my last one now. i know i ordered bulk i thought from VK last time for around a buck a piece but i'm not seeing them now. i need the reg resistance boge ones. where's the current best deal?
  8. Yay! Congrats!
  9. i don't much like to shovel but it sure beats the doom and gloom of the rain we have had for the last few days. puts me in a much better mood. thankful for a garage so my car stays nice and dry:)
  10. praise the lord! The rain has stopped and it's snowing here in Ohio:) I love it!
  11. i have to say, i've spent a lot less not being on here and seeing all the new stuff that's out. lol and the juice is spoken for but not the vanilla flavoring.
  12. It's here! I love it! what an improvement over the original infinity.
  13. I'm so glad i saw this. This is the company i order my liquid from. well, it was. not any more. thanks for the heads up
  14. Just checking in. haven't been on here in ages. Still smoke free. Just ordered the new Infinity pro in purple. It should be here today and i can hardly stand waiting. My original infinity has had some issues with the wiring disconnecting under the 510 connection and while repairing it, i boogered up the button and it's sunken in. I rigged it to work long enough to get my new one and then i'll send it in for repair. Anyone else gotten the Ipro? pros, cons? I also have a quick question. I ordered capella's Vanilla Custard flavoring and every time i use it, my throat aches. anyone else have this experience? (yes i stopped using it. lol) i have a rather large bottle of it sitting here so if anyone wants it, let me know. I've used 4 ml's out of a 4 oz bottle. Going to the post office monday and would be happy to ship it to someone that could use it. Oh, i almost forgot. i also have about 25 ml's of 16 mg vanilla custard juice if anyone wants that also. Erika
  15. Welcome fellow ohioan! I am only about 90 minutes from cinci! I am over 100 days in and no desire to smoke. I have recently started a rigorous workout program and am getting my butt kicked by women twice my age. I am sure my lung function will take a lot longer to be 100% but it is a heck of a lot better than it was.
  16. I have never seen another soul out vaping other than me.
  17. Vapor search
  18. So..this was happening to me also. I figured out that part of the heating coil was really dry. I to an 18 guage needle and randomly poked it down in the filling to allow the juice to really sink in. Problem solved!.
  19. 39 isn't too young. i'm 32 almost 33. i have been like clockwork since i was 20 and now all of a sudden, i am irregular. a week late, a week early, some are bad, some not so bad. seems like the later i am the worse my cramping and pms are. I went to the doc about it a few months ago and he said pre-menopause. nice.
  20. Crap. I have like 45 lr cartos sitting here. Think vk would exchange them? So should i not use the reg boge? I wonder if an adapter would solve the problem?
  21. I am finally ready. Is there anything i should consider? Any negatives?
  22. Thanks lady d! Jeff- a lot of the sites state not to use them in the product description. How high of a voltage can you go with a 2 ohm carto?
  23. I don't know who that is, so i guess not.
  24. Put an lr carto on a vv mod at 3.7 volts? Wouldn't it be the same as using an ego? What am i missing?
  25. Maybe try a blend of the two. Pg makes me cough. All vg makes me cough too but about 50-75% vg works for me. I hope you get it figured out. Did you try different vendors and flavors or only one?
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