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Royce last won the day on June 23 2009

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About Royce

  • Birthday March 24

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    tangle boy1221
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  1. Yeah I found the clone and you are right that's not what I'm looking for, I'm willing to pony up for the original they just look so nice on the provari and the build quality and materials are second to none. Thanks for taking a look though looks like I need to find someone looking to sell one or just bite the bullet and order from the UK and wait on the snail mail.
  2. So I've been searching for the last few hours and it seems the only place I can find based in the us that carries them in 405vaperz and they are out of stock does anyone know of any where else to pick one one up either online or a BM in the socal area?
  3. Yup they even considered pumping it into the air supply of crowded public places like schools and offices until they discovered some people are allergic to it.
  4. Royce

    510 Mods

    just remove the cart filler drip a few drops directly on the mesh part of the atomizer replace blank cart and vape away, it really depends but 6-10 hits when it starts to lose flavor or taste burnt that means its time to re-drip
  5. usb 801 charger from diet smokes is 11 bucks http://www.dietsmokes.com/products/DSE801-Electronic-Cigarette-USB-Charger.html
  6. Royce

    510 Mods

    With the 510 you will have better luck direct dripping, removing the cart filler completely dripping 2-3 drops on the atomizer and vape away.
  7. yup yup, if it does end up being the battery shoot me a pm I have a few 901 batts laying around I have no use for shoot me a few bucks for shipping and their yours
  8. Im very picky when it comes to movies as well the last two Ive watched are 1. War INC with John Cusak good movie if your into the dark humor political satire kinda thing 2. Saltan Sea with Val Kilmer great movie great roll for Val one of the best mind F%*k (movies with a huge twist most don't see coming) movies ever IMHO
  9. Got a new one for anyone who is interested SD themed full sizes in multiple resolutions are posted above.
  10. embeded it for ya
  11. after try number two I bonze over the curb but then again I drive an suv with roughly 18 inches of travel so I can get away with being lazy and going over curbs or taking the mountains they call speed bumps out here at 50+
  12. You could be flooding the atomizer, which would result in crappy vapor I generally blow my attys out ever 10 drips or so just unscrew place on paper towl and blow through the mouth-piece end until liquid stops coming out re-drip and your good to go you would be surprised at how much liquid ends up in there these things are like black holes sometimes, give it a try.
  13. Yeah sorry about that Ive gotten a few comments about that, I used my headphones to test the sound levels and forget not everyone has expensive senhouser's Ill make sure everything sounds right on my laptop speakers next time
  14. If you could get ahold of casings I could wire that up into a battery mod.
  15. The 801 is a much "cooler" vape much bigger chamber for the vapor to cool down in before you inhale it.
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