So i thought i'd share this with the forum members to see if anyone has had the same experience
i have been a pack a day smoker for over twenty years and was on holiday over Christmas and saw the movie "tourist" with Johnny Depp.
the part when he was smoking an electronic cigarette made such an impression on me that i started doing a lot of research. when i say a lot, i mean a whole ton of research (weeks worth).
Stumbled onto this and other forums, read reviews, noob questions and answers, youtube vids and finally decided on the eGO to get started with.
i live overseas and the idea of vaping is a totally new/foreign concept where i'm from (i'm African by the way).
my friend who lives in the states is due to visit in two weeks so i ordered the eGo with a few accessories, spare bats, carts, LR atts etcs for when he was coming.
Few days later, stumbled upon a Boge Leo and ordered that from another website, also with a few accessories.
Few days later again, stumbled on the Tornado tank system and i have yet again ordered the kit with a few accessories (the idea of not dripping and messing with carts was exciting)
I must mention i have also ordered about 200-300 mls of different flavored juices to go with everything.
The kicker: i have never tried an electronic cigarette before and was wondering with three different kits, which one do i start with.
I know this is all overboard but the idea of vaping at home, in my car, at the office and stealth vaping is so exciting i might end up spending a thousand bucks before i even try one!