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Everything posted by Hank

  1. When i was a analogue roll up smoker; I never took it into my lung's. I was blowed it quickly out of my mouth. That's what i think i'm still doing. When i try and do this, to get a kick at the back of my throat, I start coughing up slime. ugh
  2. i'm sure i'm doing it wrong. It feels like i'm vaping fresh air, i want to get that kick at the back of my throat sometimes i can do it and sometimes i can't. It's not something you can explain to me i suppose.
  3. i just buy this from the Chemist to cut my juice with. I don't know is it VG or PG I don't use anything else am i mixing it ok please
  4. your right don't fill it to the brim. you need a bit of air in there so it flow's out easier and it stops you getting a foul taste when you have a vape.
  5. Good, i'm glad they are the same. I have to wait to get my ego t from china because of the new year; still i've made a saving of 29 pounds at least not counting p&p. that's the equivalent of a battery and an atty. Nice days shopping.
  6. i'm a bit confused is the Ego T the same product as the tornado tank it seems like it to me just want to make sure
  7. thank's i can't wait to get it. I've just started dripping which i like, no sticky fingers.the only draw back is 3 drops don't last very long.
  8. just a quick question that i would like an answer too . I love the idea of a cartridge without a tampon, that's why i've just got an ego t. But i don't know how many drops it hold's how many drops is 1.2 ml. |I don''t know
  9. Hank


    thank's for the reply, i am also getting more vapor with the Boge Leo, may be that has something to do with it.
  10. Hank


    I used to cough my lung's up sometimes in the mornings when i was an analogue abuser. Not done so for two weeks now. Until tonight, and i have hardly vaped today, until late tonight and i started vaping heavily. strange. Do heavy vapers still cough up slime. My chest has improved what's happening i wonder. ??
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