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Everything posted by Hank

  1. not had any problems with them, no leaks and the mouthpiece is nice to use
  2. hi again Sharon we don't have those but i have lots of BIC's I have 510 dt ego dt leo dt And i rarely use them but they are handy to have.
  3. after buying the 510 smart cart and unsuccessfully trying to make them work. My over active imagination got me thinking.....I've got some slimline filter tips how can i improvise. use a nail/screw to make a hole in the top all the way through. Cut in half. Fill cart with juice Put a cut filter with hole in on to the nail Gently ease into cart. The purpose of the nail is to prevent the hole getting squashed. A Boge Leo Cart needs two pieces of filter. Put a few drops on top And away you vape. It so simple and it works, not more bits of foam that need triming. These filters should last ages. But they are cheap.
  4. well i found something similar the Smartcart for the 510 from gotvapes.com looking forward to giving them a try.
  5. try the mega atty with it, even better
  6. A friend sent me an 510 tank cartridge to try out, excellent. As I use the 510 a lot. It doesn't fit all 510's for some reason. I know Avid Vapor sell them. But are out of stock. Any body else sell them?
  7. it's much better than i expected. No hassle with filling up carts ever again. The flavor and vapor are excellent. Decided that i will drip with my SD and 510's . I got an AA box with an adapter for the Ego Tank included. I hope the Omega will start giving out a decent vapor, when i can fully charge the battery. Not arrived yet. At the moment it is a bit limp. I've also managed to get an adapter for the Leo so i can use 510 attys on it. A lot cheaper. Yesterday was pretty awful, cos i had a sore throat. But I am enjoying vaping today.
  8. i had a look, it's not for me, i would sooner have the juice container hidden inside the box mod.
  9. I did a google for a MAP e cig and i can't find it . Where can i see it please?
  10. i have noticed by not filling the cart with foam but using a little as a plug at the top, makes the vape much stronger. I used to hold the batty button down for 5 seconds and drag for the same, but now, i can manage on two to three seconds. Should result longer batty and atty life. I hope.
  11. wonderful, I'm glad, someone sent me some fluval type foam today, it was a bit firmer, but not a better vape at all. Couldn't tell the difference.
  12. pillows don't last long, so I'm not without a pillow. I would like to try a new pillow just to see what the foam is like, before it get's crushed.
  13. and because the fluval is so small if it becomes dry you can push it down a bit, until you get to the bottom and all the juice is gone. Good eh
  14. i get 1.5ml 30 drops in my cartridge, i put a tiny bit of pillow in the end just to prevent leakage. No need to use fluval and cut it to the correct size. When finished dispose and use another piece of your pillow.
  15. yes it's like the Episcopalian Church, Church of England The way you vape i do too, just learnt it last night. much better
  16. this is off topic I've just learnt that it is much better not to suck on the cig. Just breath normally for 5 seconds.
  17. Nothing wrong with that. I go to an Anglican Church, Liberal,(Liberation Theology)
  18. mine will take 6 weeks to arrive from China $62.50 plus $6 shipping, i thought that was a good deal.for 2 e cigs.
  19. it's used a lot in new Orleans as grassroot support for it's recovery, i understand. your signature says Do everything as if you were doing it for Jesus. I didn't mean your avatar Sharan
  20. i like your signature,
  21. I've spent a fortune on kit's and juice. I am now looking forward to saving some serious money..
  22. PA, what's that short for?forgive my ignorance
  23. Tornado? you British, it's ego T in the states.
  24. and what might that be? I tried Mesona, didn't know what it was when i bought it, turn's out it's TEA, I love my tea
  25. pillow , sorry. As long as it works and it's free, who cares. by the way off topic, but here goes. I have been on another learning curve tonight. Learning the basics which i thought i knew. How to vape properly. I WAS doing it wrong. I was holding the battery down way too long and damaging the atty's, one lasted me a week. i now press the battery a few second's before i take a drag, i hold it down for 5 second's while inhaling. Then take the vape back into lungs. I get a hit every time. that's what i was wanting. but i'm sure this is the way to do it. I've had the help of a seller who i bought my Boge leo off. He's from egypt as well.I love Egypt and thank goodness Mubarak is stepping down the donkey
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