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    Andrew got a reaction from Mtdobies in NJOY does it work?   
    Dragon's Breath - Cinnamon Candy Butterscotch - Self Explanetory Didn't buy these i actually got them from a fellow vaper/truck driver. Met him this morning and hit it off, haha fellow vapers unite! Tried to look up this company but can't find anything, if anybody finds anything plz let me know. These are both great.
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    Andrew got a reaction from Mtdobies in Laws?   
    The electronic cigarette has just been released are there actually any laws banning it? I thought you could smoke it anywhere in public
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    Andrew got a reaction from spydre in NJOY does it work?   
    Dragon's Breath - Cinnamon Candy Butterscotch - Self Explanetory Didn't buy these i actually got them from a fellow vaper/truck driver. Met him this morning and hit it off, haha fellow vapers unite! Tried to look up this company but can't find anything, if anybody finds anything plz let me know. These are both great.
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    Andrew got a reaction from CascadianExotics in NJOY does it work?   
    Thanks for the fast reply. My other question is if the electronic cig actually tases like a real smoke. I went to Puresmoker and I noticed they have a lot of juice flavors which is neat but I would rather mine taste like the real thing.
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