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vaporqueen last won the day on February 9 2011

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About vaporqueen

  • Birthday 03/17/1975

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    northern Indiana

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  1. To OP: Yeah, I remember being a little "on edge" when I first made the switch from analogs to vaping. I would explode over ridiculous, meaningless things too. Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find much support in this forum.
  2. Guess I was the only one! I logged on during my lunch only to be redirected to FDA. I happen to work for the fed govt so I thought maybe somehow someone was trying to tell me something. LOL
  3. I'm really only into tabacco vapes. I've been happy with backwoodsbrew and electronicstix. Backwoodsbrew takes a little longer to ship. So, don't order from them if you need it quickly. But his tabacco juices are worth the wait.
  4. Why isn't vaping considered a smoking cessation? I've been off analogs for over 90 days! No patch, pill or gum has been that successful for me!
  5. this is very good advice. It took a few days for me to adjust to taking longer drags. I just counted and I usually take about 8 second drags now.
  6. Well, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but i promise I wasnt going to use my fingers!!! Sorry for the visual.
  7. Damn addicts! I can't even buy cold medicine at Walgreens without filling out a questionaire and giving my ID and NOW I can't even blow my atty!! I do have a milk steamer on my coffee maker. Think I'll try the steam method (trying not to burn my fingers..should be interesting)
  8. 5 weeks isnt too bad! I'll try cignot. I did see that tw had some in stock but the website said that your bank may charge a "out the country" fee and I wasnt too sure about that. Also, the shipping cost seemed a lot to me. I bought some of that computer air spray that seemed to blow some crap out of them. But I would be fine spending $17 every five or so wks. Hell, I spent about that in one day on analogs!
  9. I've had the same one for about 2 wks. I blew it out/cleaned it and changed tank once so far. The thing has been going strong. At $17 a pop I'm hoping it lasts a while. Anyone have experience? How long should I except this thing to last as I dont have a back up at this time. Most stores I've checked are out of stock.
  10. I also agree with the ego choice. However, it's going to take a while to get used to "non cig" construction of the ego. I started with a more realistic cig ecig. Then, I got tired of low battery life, found this website, and chose the ego. It's much better hit once you get past the non traditional analog and "crack pipe" look.
  11. Yes. I went straight to the lr tank. I can tell a big diff. from the reg atoms. I think I get a better TH. And I'm all about the TH!
  12. I'm shocked! I thought you would all have extra money to spare since kicking the analog habit. Guess there's just too many fancy gagets out there to temp us! Well, maybe we're able to save because hubby and I both quit. We spent about 16.50/day (3 packs total at 5.50/pk) That's about $500/mth. So even if we spend $100/mth on vape toys we are still ahead $400/mth!
  13. Other than health, money was the other big motivator in wanting to quit. Although hubby and I have invested about $200 in kits and juice, I've figured we still saved about $600! We decided to spend our mthly savings on a pretty fancy preschool. We're pretty proud of ourselves that we are able to do this for our kids! Anyone have extra money to splurge since quitting analogs?
  14. LOL I'm a bathroom-stall-vapor(er) too!!!
  15. Got my ego tank lr. LOVE this thing. No more DD for me! Tank does it for me! Insane TH and cloud. Less mess. Also, first time with a cone. LOVE the cone. Not sure if it's my new juice or the tank. Either way, I'm SUPER happy with this tank thingy.
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