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Everything posted by egoluvr

  1. Yum is all I can say vaping the sweet vapes butter pecan ice cream right now
  2. Kayo im so glad nothing bad happened to you no more lr,s on that provari... k
  3. aww poor thing- nobody's come along to help you yet? I wish I could help but i've only used the 2.0 silver threads
  4. awww so adorable - awesome that they are brothers too
  5. I would still see i they will replace the batteries, the lr cartos were made for 3.7 devices should effect the warranty.
  6. Ohh the waiting , I'm drooling can't wait to get it. I predict it will be here tomorrow or thursday. nice pics ripple - seems i made a good choice with the reo, both you an mary like yours Yay!
  7. knox- I never heard of this, something doesn't seem right- Did you try contacting nicostix to see if they have any ideas? Maybe it's the batteries that are bad and not the carto? So sorry this happened to you
  8. {{{HUGS ALL}}} thanks for the replies, miss all you guys, I've been crazy busy lately with work and my personal life and haven't posted very much, but I've been thinking of everyone. I will let you know what I think for sure.
  9. I finally took the plunge, I ordered a reo woodvil in bloodwood on friday. Can't wait to get it. ORdered my batts, and charger, and extra atty's, I hope i love it. I've been trying like heck for the ali, finally decided I wanted a juicebox now!
  10. Good luck to you Savannah Rose, - if you have any more issues feel free to post and someone will be along to try and help
  11. Best news I've heard since 9/11
  12. It can be confusing, Let me see if I can help at all. Basically all 510 cartomizers and atomizers will fit on the ego. Whether they are LR or standard resistance. Now sadly with the tank atty's and carts there is a difference there are 510 tank atomizers and there are ego tank atomizers , sadly the 510 tank atomizer does not fit on the eGO nor do the 510 tank carts. Sounds like you ordered the wrong tank atomizer, so contact them and ask them for the ego tank atomizer and I would suggest the LR version, in stead of the 510 tank atomizer, this will work with the carts you ordered and you should be set.
  13. OUCH! Funny how people's stupidty make us laugh
  14. Way to go Hodge! Congratulations!
  15. I really hope it works for you turtle - I really wanted the tank to work for me I've got 3 of em' but it frustrates the crap out of me, the flavor is great but after a few drags, always feels like i'm sucking my brains out I hope once you get the primer issue resolved you have a better experience
  16. I can't wait to try the starbuckets latte! Gonna be in my next batch for sure. THanks for the great review KaYo
  17. I'm with Burn- The owner of the establishment has the right to choose whether misinformed or not what they will permit. It's no different the my house, - I don't allow smoking in it, and anyone who enters has to take of their shoes- some will say but they're not dirty, or their brand new- doesn't matter my rule is take off your shoes. Not to say I haven't played sneak a toke... I have but I'm not going to try and get them to change their rules.
  18. I was having that problem a couple of months ago, but not sure what was causing it. I haven't changed anything but its stopped now.
  19. No worries we're good rok- I'm glad I didn't offend you but I wanted to be sure and apologize if I had as that was not my intention.
  20. Ahh mazing!
  21. I'm not sure how many you're supposed to get but i'll just do it till my hand gets tired and then someone else can take over hehe
  22. Yay I'm glad you got your juice!
  23. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you- I was only trying to help. I"m not so good at math, ratios/percentages- it gets me confused. That's why I recommended the e juice calculator it makes it really easy and accurate - for me.
  24. Some are Pg based, some are vg based. avoid any that have oil some are oil based. I use pg based flavorings. THis is where a e juice calculator comes in handy, I use eJuice Me Up made by Breaktru. It allows you to enter the percentages for all your ingredients, as well as what you want your final mix to be so you just adjust the other ingredients accordingly. some flavorings to try, flavourart, lorann's, capella drops, DIY flavorshack. Most of these are pg based.
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