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Tagsanstuff last won the day on April 12 2011

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About Tagsanstuff

  • Birthday 02/17/1971

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  1. Is this thread still active?
  2. They are awesome. I buy from them all the time now...if you do not like a flavor, try placing it in the freezer for a month. that also keeps it fresh and out of light.
  3. I use to be skinny as a rake (they would say). Since I quit smoking, uh a little over 3 yrs, I am not skinny as a rake anymore..they do say when you quit smoking you gain weight.That for sure is very true.
  4. My nose has not stopped running since I started vaping a little over 3 years ...I think it will be a forever thing for some of us vapors. my e-liquid strength is 50/50
  5. Just purchased my Black Licorice from BEJ. 25.00 for 4 oz is a great price. Hope I like them, as it is my first order to them.
  6. congrats to you on quitting smoking ..you will start feeling so much better soon. I noticed that when I would go places I could smell cig smoke out in front of stores..as x smokers, we did not notice the way cigs made us stink..but, now we do...( I was a 3 pk a day for 30 yrs smoker) I have been smoke free for almost 4 yrs and I am alive!! Congrats to you..stick with it..always have back up battery's, e-liquid and other supplies with you =)
  7. I was told if they fall and crack you can put Sally Hansen Advanced Hard as Nails clear nail polish on it and that would toughen it up.
  8. I just had to go out and buy a 5 pk of replacement carto's for the NJoy. the carto finally died Friday. So that 1 little carto lasted a while.
  9. That is the one I just ordered from Madvapes.
  10. I never thought about the condom method..I know how to do that one. oh I had spare battery's but not carto's...next time I will remember. It came with a USB charging cable for in the car and at home. 1 battery and 1 carto.
  11. no no no. I am almost 2 yrs into not smoking. on their web site it says for 5 filled carto's it is 21.95. each carto is suppose to be like 2 packs of smokes. we all know that is not true. we shall see how long this carto lasts. I been using it since 130 pm this after noon.
  12. well I ran into a problem today. my new carto stopped working. I pulled over and blew it out and cleaned my battery and it still was not doing what it should of been doing. So I thought to myself, this cant be happening because I did not have a spare carto on me. So I saw a gas station and decided I would go in a buy one of those kits. well I got a NJOY Rechargeable Express Kit 18 mg menthol for 19.99. so far so good. Carto is still going strong. flavor is great to. too bad it only came with 1 carto which I cant refill.. It looks like a reg cig but is heavy and it is not a 510 connection so my reg carto's will not fit. It is nice to have in my purse when my carto's decide to die on me.
  13. mine were the Vision eGo CE4 clearomizer ( SR) and they both where tight.. It was like sucking a milkshake through a straw type of issue. I do not know what the ( SR) means, but I do not like those.
  14. yes I have Blu. At the moment I am using a carto on my wet box. I am currently looking for a wet box mod that takes a bigger battery. one that does not die out in like 4 hours or less. Do you know of any?
  15. Ok I been using these things since April and I loved them at first. I ordered 1 almost 2 weeks ago and it lasted 3 days and then stopped working. they sent me another V2 and that stopped working after 2 days =( I am done with those and I am back to regular 510 1.5 ohm carto's.
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