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lovie reacted to Emile in How Long Until Provari Actually Ships?
ProVape is coming out with an 18650 battery soon for the ProVari that is rated at 2600mah and fits fine with the 18650 end cap.
lovie reacted to DAYVAPE in How To Contribute High Quality Threads/replies To Vt
Hey there tough guy! No need to be a prick... nobody asked for your opinion on forum reply quality anyway! I honestly don't give a what you have to say... n00b! So how about you STFU and go elsewhere so you can keep on acting like you are 'all knowing', so others can laugh at you too! You come here with the attitude that this forum should be run like you want it to... believe me, you'll will not have too many 'friends' here acting like that bro. I've been around here long enough and everyone here knows me and my 'personality'... and trust me, it's not because I'm lacking anything my friend. I would much rather have a little fun here then try to tell people how they should respond to threads!
lovie reacted to Blakeab84 in How To Contribute High Quality Threads/replies To Vt
Tough guy? No, far from it nor do I try to act in such a way. It's okay if you feel threatened by my words. People who tend to act in such a way as yourself, trolling and what not tend to catch that vibe. No one asked for my opinion, yet no one asked for your low quality and smart responses either. Here's a tip for ya, bring'n higher quality content and meaningful replies helps the community. With that being said, it isn't an opinion, it's a fact. You don't care what I say, yet you're in my thread reading my responses. Very smart on the come back bro. I'm not looking for the forum to be ran as I want it to. Maybe you're mistaken the reasoning behind this thread. I've made this thread to inspire others to put more time into a reply or a post. Having friends on this forum isn't much of a problem for me as they know I'm only stating the obvious about you. I'm only here to contribute, not troll like yourself. By the way... There is a difference between having fun and being an ***. Try being a bit more respectful and then maybe others behind closed doors won't think your as obnoxious.
You calling me a noob doesn't hurt me, if that's what you are thinking? I am a noob to this forum and electronic cigarettes. I'm not really sure how that could be insulting. Weird.
You've responded just as I thought.
lovie got a reaction from HyOnLyph in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?
hi ,Hy i have some juice i would like to donate if you would like it .i have about 90ml.of juice that could use a good home .there is nothing wrong with them just not my fav they have been opened .if thats ok you are welcome to them ..just pm me with your address and i will get them in the mail on mon..many blessings . lovie
lovie got a reaction from kitsune in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?
hi ,Hy i have some juice i would like to donate if you would like it .i have about 90ml.of juice that could use a good home .there is nothing wrong with them just not my fav they have been opened .if thats ok you are welcome to them ..just pm me with your address and i will get them in the mail on mon..many blessings . lovie
lovie reacted to HyOnLyph in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?
I think you mean me!! HyOnLyph!! My wife and I still have the home for women. We currently have 6 women living in our home and so far over 15 of our girls have embraced PVs as an alternative. We don't pressure them at all but offer them if they want. We help them get started and it is up to them to save their money and purchase their own continuing supplies. Many of the folks from this forum have generously helped us and we are so grateful. While I realize that there are a lot of spammers and scams out there.... I can assure you, we are not one of them. I sell nothing to the ladies. Everything is either donated or purchased by me to help them and they are offered the PVs and Juice for free. They purchase their own stuff after that. I've referred a number of folks to the VaporTalk Store. Midnight is still my number one all time favorite flavor. I just don't vape much and only zero nic but I sure do love the Midnight.
Greetings to all and especially Christopher.
lovie reacted to snubber in Vapor Talk Forum/store
This is more for you noobies since most of us that have been here for a while already know this.
For you that have just joined us, you're in for a treat. You have found what we here feel is the best forum on the internet. Many have tried other sites and can say with out a doubt that you will not find a more friendly or helpful group of people anywhere. This forum is set up to help and inform every one who is interested in learning about vaping and e-cigs. The staff and members are always ready with insight and help for any and all questions that you have. From the simplest to the complex. Someone is always ready to help or send you to someone who can. Unlike some other sites that are more interested in slamming each other or trying to make you feel stupid, the members here all remember what it was like to be just getting started with vaping and how confusing all the jargon and products can be to the beginner. If someone asks a question you can be sure that a response will be forthcomming in a very short time.
There are many years of experience here on the forum. And the atmosphere is friendly and family friendly as well. As long as the topics in the general area are kept decent there is never any threat of being banned or removed from the forum. There are other areas of the forum to vent your frustration in a more shall we say verbal expression if needed.
The forum also has a store that is second to none. The customer service is far and away above any you will find anywhere else. Chris is the most dedicated vendor on the net. He goes above and beyond what most would do for a customer. I can't begin to say enough about his thoughtfulness and concern for his customers. You wont find a better supplier or friend anywhere, period! If you were to take a pole of the members who have been here for any time the testimonials would be staggering. He is constantly looking out for his members and keeps his forum running like a fine machine. Always trying to improve on what we already think is perfection, he is neverending in his diligence and dedication to both the forum and the store. The Vapor Talk staff as well are always ready to do what ever it takes to keep this forum up and running in a manner that is just excellent. So..this is my view of what I feel will be a great experience for all who join us. Like I said...It's a love story for the forum and all the members and staff that make this the best place on the net for vapers to get together and enjoy the mutual experience of vaping. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I (we) do.
Good luck and Happy Vaping
To the staff...please move this to another area if this is the wrong place...thanks.
lovie reacted to Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up
Well Der, since we don't have any idea where your ex's live, thats going to be quite difficult. Its a shame all your ex's don't live in Texas!
lovie got a reaction from Christopher in Want To Buy An Ego System But Im Alittle Afraid
forever vapor has ego kits for 55.00 or 52.00
lovie got a reaction from Sharon in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
wow sorry to hear .however i can tell you this i have had nothing but great products from vapor talk and there service is steller .and if there is something wrong and i am sure it happens at times. chris and the guys at vt will take good care of you .they are really good people they love there customers . this is a great forum .there is always help here . hope everything works out for you .and welcome to vapor talk
lovie reacted to egoluvr in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
lol Did I hear cookies, I like Chocolate Chip!
I'm really sorry about your bad day yesterday. I'm also glad you came back. Please understand were like a family around here so we tend to stick up for one another- We'd really like nothing more than to welcome you to the family too should you choose to stay. So how bout it? Maybe change your profile name, and post a proper into and we'll just start this over???
lovie got a reaction from kitsune in Who Makes A Good Menthol Flavor?
i like vt mentha plus you can add to flavors you don't like so much it only takes a little drop and bam...its all better .that being said everyones taste bubs are different hope you find what you like .
lovie got a reaction from turtle11c in Who Makes A Good Menthol Flavor?
i like vt mentha plus you can add to flavors you don't like so much it only takes a little drop and bam...its all better .that being said everyones taste bubs are different hope you find what you like .
lovie got a reaction from GPurv in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
just wondering why would someone the time to put up there picture as avatar if you are so unhappy with this site i dont get it .things that make you go hmmmmmmmm
lovie got a reaction from nana in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
wow sorry to hear .however i can tell you this i have had nothing but great products from vapor talk and there service is steller .and if there is something wrong and i am sure it happens at times. chris and the guys at vt will take good care of you .they are really good people they love there customers . this is a great forum .there is always help here . hope everything works out for you .and welcome to vapor talk
lovie got a reaction from nana in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
i kinda feel bad for her really she is having a really bad day . i know i have been there my self and i am pretty sure everyone else has too. :)and don't think anyone at vapor talk would schun anyone for having a bad day i hope things work out for her . i for one will welcome her with a big hug i think thats what she really needs any way have a great day
lovie got a reaction from egoluvr in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
my mom told if you say something bad about someone as long as you say bless there heart right after its ok :)example: she's not very smart oh bless her heart.lol
lovie got a reaction from cheshyl in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
wow sorry to hear .however i can tell you this i have had nothing but great products from vapor talk and there service is steller .and if there is something wrong and i am sure it happens at times. chris and the guys at vt will take good care of you .they are really good people they love there customers . this is a great forum .there is always help here . hope everything works out for you .and welcome to vapor talk
lovie got a reaction from mwsmith1778 in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
just wondering why would someone the time to put up there picture as avatar if you are so unhappy with this site i dont get it .things that make you go hmmmmmmmm
lovie got a reaction from mwsmith1778 in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
vapor talk is not one of them i a sure you
lovie reacted to Uma in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
I echo the thoughts of the previous posters. VT/Chris is outstanding and if there's ever a problem Chris will fix it promptly. The 2nd poster provided with the link (and the info on where he found it at the store) and I hope you use it soon so you can get your vape on. You're really missing out if you miss out.
lovie reacted to easilyamused in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
i can understand frustration at having difficulty at navigating a site to find the customer support, but that surely was not the best way to approach the issue.
Chris has always been great about dealing with returns, give people a chance before you publicly jump on them. So far I have had nothing but good experiences with both Vapor Talk and Liberty Flights
I hope your issue gets resolved and if you chose not to return i hope you find what you are looking for elsewhere
lovie reacted to lightbringer in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
Wow! Umm...you must have a lot of people dissing you pretty harshly out there in your neck of the woods to jump to that level of anger so quickly. I can totally relate to people and stores being stupid or ridiculous with all there BS and there is Plenty of it out there but I have not encountered anything like that here or seen any of it on this forum. (I could be wrong, but I am usually not) I have not had any complaints personally with Vapor Talk and have ordered from them several times (mostly liquid) but I have seen 1st hand here on this forum the lengths that Christopher etc will go to to help customers.
I hope you will be helped in any form that you need, including your inevitable heart condition.
Maybe this is not a typical response from you and I can vouch that you have to yell and be the squeaky wheel a lot in this world to get anything done.