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Everything posted by easilyamused

  1. drummingchef, i have given up on my tank, mine did not leak, as for boiling, im sure you can boil the atty, but not the plastic cartridges, as for the 60/40, thats what i use too, and i have read that anything higher than 80/20 should not be used in a tank
  2. personally i think we already know all of this now, i personally was one of the morons that once bought Merritt Cigarettes because i too believed they were lower in tar and nicotine, yep i was duped.... oh well, not the first time and wont be the last... i also used to believe that Campbell soup was good for you, advertising is amazing isnt it?
  3. yeah, i was kinda leery of this post as soon as i realized the person just joined today, and the only thing the person posts is a plug for some company in china... kinda smelled like spam to me so i was avoiding it lol
  4. you are most welcome
  5. found a poll on another e cig forum about the bleeding gums... i hope its ok to post the link here? http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/health-safety-e-smoking/4418-poll-symptom-bleeding-gums-3.html
  6. actually, search any forums for quitting smoking and you will find the same problems, i went through this the last time when i went cold turkey for a few months before i fell off the wagon again, right now im back to the bleeding gums and the slightly metallic taste in my mouth
  7. i have been thinking about this post for a few days now, i just want to add something that may or may not be the case, not sure how long you have been without an analog but as im now 4 weeks without one i have been getting the usual side effects that come from quitting smoking, bleeding gums and a slight metallic taste in my mouth, this is actually common with quitting analogs... im just tossing that out there in case that might be part of the problem??? have you noticed any bleeding when you brush your teeth lately?
  8. yep, it dries you out, drink lots of fluids, hows your throat? some people get a sore throat for about a week or so when they first start vaping, again lots of fluids, that will pass
  9. funny haha, that IS my blood type LOL
  10. 500 posts? my god thats just asking for total spam... should i repeat this over and over till i can get into that room and find out LOL?
  11. im using VR 60/40 blend, in my opinion its most likely too thick for a tank, but im doing fine with the cartos, sometimes on rare occasion ill direct drip, perhaps your atty is clogged because VG actually does produce nice vapor usually
  12. oh, and about how much liquid to buy, umm, several! i dont think you can have too many... from experience its better to have a little too much than a little too little and be waiting by the mailbox for the next shipment
  13. marrymarry is right, you will get tired of tobacco flavors soon enough and long for other things... anything and everything, a whole new world of flavors is open to you! i also smoked marlb smooth so i did get some johnson creek wisconsin frost or something like that, anyhow it was nice, i enjoyed it, but i am now off onto other flavors myself, like pumkichino from vapro renu... but yeah theres a whole range of tastes so its a good idea to read some of the reviews here and get some ideas
  14. if it helps any, when mine got a burnt taste i cleaned out the cartridge and tried again, puff on it without holding the button a few times to prime it... its worth a try
  15. umm, i had no luck with the tank personally, not sure if that had anything to with the fact that my e liquid is a 60/40 blend, perhaps that is the problem? liquid might be too thick? just a guess based on my experience
  16. for my third battery i got a passthrough i figure that makes 3
  17. Cartos! get cartos! an atty and cartridge in one, better than replacing attys you dont need any special equipment to refill either the cartridges or the cartos
  18. juliery would be the queen of boiling cartos, she has it down to an art form, as for me, umm lol, i just order more since ive already killed 2 of the 5 i had without ever boiling them
  19. lol, i am hoping that i dont go mod crazy, its going to be hard enough keeping up with maintaining back ups, and eventually getting some type of kit to put all the stuff, the just in case stuff and the everyday use stuff and god forbid if i were to even entertain the idea of starting down the road of the DIY juices lol... one could become obsessed very quickly....
  20. i second the see a doctor post, what you are describing could have many causes
  21. personally, the straight PG gave me a sore throat, i loved the straight VG, but i thought i would try a blend this time around... truth be told im actually considering trying VRs custom blend next time, just out of curiosity.... but yes, the VG is quite thick, and from what i hear can be hard on attys, but im using cartos right now and doing fine
  22. did you try finding an RY4 from a DIY supplier?
  23. easy fix, you want 9 and you have 18, so buy some 0 nic and mix 50/50... or drop down to 11
  24. clove does have a numbing effect, in fact if im not mistaken theres something in real clove oil that is used to suppress the gag reflex in patients at hospitals (which im sure will have some men thinking) but yeah, the nic juices did have a numbing effect on my lip and tongue, perhaps some people are more sensitive to it
  25. Erika, im sorry to hear about the COPD, at least your mother in law wont be trying to light up an analog while on O2!
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