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Everything posted by easilyamused

  1. I am holding off til payday for more juices, and have saved that site, the prices are amazing, selection overwhelming! Im thinking about trying a 60/40 blend as i have noticed the PG does irritate my throat, i hope that a mix of PG and VG might be a good option for me... but since payday is right around the corner, anyone have a good suggestion of flavors to try, i admittedly love a smooth sweet vape, such as Tennessee Cured, i love mint, but not too minty, have never tried anything fruity yet, oh and i once had some coffee or mocha that i enjoyed, again i like it smooth and sweet, and lol, i cant help but wonder if vapeing might but down on any sugar cravings... (cant help but wonder if anyone has ever lost weight vapeing lol)
  2. i have to agree with the first poster about Johnson creek Tennessee Cured and Wisconsin Frost, as my analog of choice was marlb smooth I wanted a mellow menthol and Wisconsin Frost is just that... but ohhhhh i do love their mint chocolate as well, yummy! aside from that my experience with e liquid is limited, however, I will most likely end up turning to VG, I find the PG does irritate my throat, not so much that i wont vape, but enough that i am well aware of it
  3. so my new flavors have arrived and im really excited to stop using the clove I bought with my eGo which was not as i had expected, but not wanting to toss it out (waste not want not) I was wondering what do you do with any unused nic juices? do you end up mixing them up with other flavors? do you have an empty bottle you pour any extra into for an emergency back up? and since many of you have been doing this for a long time, do you have some method for keep all these parts and juices someplace... mine are cluttering up my desk right now...
  4. i just answered my own question by going to the site, yes, made in the USA
  5. wow, at that price i really need to check them out... any other flavors you would recommend, and call me crazy but are they made in the USA? my first experience with the made in china stuff kinda left a bad taste in my mouth, literally! lol
  6. thanks everyone, I guess i am one of the rare tales of buttons sticking lol, but i still have my training wheels on this new toy of mine, so its good to get used to all the things i need to be mindful of.
  7. thank you Uma, i was under the impression that the eGo didnt require that, but i will do that before bed from now on, cant do it in the day because it seems to be a new toy for me and i can seem to put it down just yet lol... bad bad, i think im playing with it far too much lol
  8. never had a working eGo battery? now you have me concerned lol, because i purchased this for the battery life lol... sigh, so i should keep that in mind in the future... as for the button, now that i am aware of it i will keep an eye on it
  9. just so you know my most recent discovery is that the battery button can stick, so if you hear a hissing sound after you set your eGo down check it and hit the button again.... anyone else have that problem?
  10. seems to be coming out the vent holes actually, as i draw, so lol went back to carto #1 to see of im just plain crazy of if something it defintely wrong with carto #2... perhaps i was premature in believing carto #1 was dying as it is still working well... must remember not to flood it though lol....
  11. ahhh thats a good point, because the hookah is also being used with tobacco so that device would not cut into big tobaccos profits even though it is also used for smoking dope, and yeah here in oregon it is sold in some gas stations, all sorts of drug devices are legal for sale in this state
  12. and what about the fact that more teens are turning to smoking tobacco through a hookah which they believe to be a "safe" alternative to smoking? i cannot believe the college i went to actually allowed a student to give a demonstration of hookah use and talk about its purity, which uses charcoal to ignite, although they claim the water in the hookah purifies the chemicals in the tobacco... the e cig is not being targeted to kids, the hookah is, so why is no attention being brought to that device?
  13. and just wait til you start trying new flavors! seriously, even if you think a flavor sucks the first time you try it you might find you like it when you get tired of the usual one... or you might find it tastes great when mixed with another flavor... im a newbie too, tried vapeing the mall junk and it failed me so my eGo is attempt #2 and it is one day my hope to be one of the seasoned vapers here who can say from experience "try this, it works"
  14. well... now it morning, and that carto... lets just say more vapor is leaving the device before it ever enters my mouth, im really thinking i got a bad one in the batch... btw has anyone tried to the 510 cartos from the VT store? experiences? mine are supposedly Boge, for whatever thats worth lol, i am still a newbie
  15. lol got it working, not sure what i did right, picked at it, pulled at it, flooded it, blew it out, but now its working... sigh, this is all trial and error isnt it
  16. thanks, it is definitely packed too tight, i can barely get it to budge with the paper clip... not sure if i want to give up on this one and grab another or keep trying
  17. ok, new to the eGo, love it, new to cartos... questions... ok, been topping it off, today it really started to give me some issues, and i think its leaking, so, grabbed a new carto thinking that maybe it was time for a new one, so now on cart #2 and the damn thing wouldnt fill with condom method, took forever to fill from the top and the draw is harder... could there be something wrong with the carto? and how many days do you usually get off a carto? and thanks in advance, im sure this thread will be hit by other newbies with the same questions
  18. as an eGo newbie i have to say, i do not regret going right to the eGo! i dont need something that resembles a cigarette and i actually prefer that if someone does see this in my purse they might actually think its a tube of mascara or something, i enjoy the low profile look and the battery life is great, even if i am thinking of upgrading the battery lol... go for it!
  19. well, lol, it was actually this thread and some recent talk with people about the old clove smokes from the 80s that prompted me to purchase a bottle of clove juice from the place i got my eGo.... so, if you wanna know, liberty flights (ordered from them because i could not beat the price of that eGo there) has a "clove black" and i guess i never smoked a "black" clove cigarette because that was nothing like the cloves i remember back in the day! it was harsh, not sweet at all, and if that what someone is looking for then i guess it would be perfect for them, which of course caused a kunundrum, here i was with a bottle of this stuff, and ya know waste not want not.... so i did what anyone would do, mixed it with some sweet tobacco flavor and its actually very nice, i think it was the sweetness of the good ole clove smokes that i missed, so the mix at least brought me the sweetness the juice was lacking.
  20. but wouldnt one still need to be 18 to buy one? and i have seen the disposables, i think they are a great way to introduce the concept of an e cig to people, but i know that in some places one cant even buy a lighter or matches without showing ID, i cant imagine that anyone would be selling these to minors, and that seems to be the entire basis for the4 arguments on all the e-cig ban articles
  21. i am new to the eGo as well(just got it saturday,) been playing around with a carto for the first time, i find that i top it off a lot, when the taste starts being less than pleasant i add a few drops... now here is my most recent discovery, since i am not used to how long the battery would last i did push it quite a while just to see, thats when i discovered that i get some liquid coming out of the tip... so i guess that was my signal that the battery was running out. i did try the cart condom method a couple times and i find i still need to top it off, so it actually seems less messy for me to just fill it up from the top since i tend to remove the top often anyhow (which is how i managed to lose one of the little plastic top pieces, but no worry, took one from another carto til this one dies) as for the carto, still not sure how long it will last(im pushing my luck with that too), ive been using it since Saturday and expecting it to fail at anytime lol.
  22. and yikes, the 3rd article says "Currently, children can buy the plastic devices, which contain nicotine, and they aren't covered by indoor smoking bans." seriousy, has anyone heard of any place that sells these to minors? can anyone prove that minors are buying these? and do minors have credit cards? am i missing something here? with as frustrating as it is for an adult to figure out the ins and outs of vapeing and the initial costs i cannot even imagine a kid buying these just for kicks
  23. the first article once again goes back to "oh my gosh, this could entice children to smoke" once again no actual facts regarding the supposed dangers of e-cigs and just look at who is sponsoring this: American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, and the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. first off, the ACS doesnt give a rats *** about cancer prevention, this has been proven by their refusal to take any stand against known cancer causing agents in our food and personal products. They are deeply embedded with the big pharmaceuticals, especially the makers of the cancer drug tamofaxin... lets face it, they actually benefit from a rise in cancer, there is no money to be made in a cure, and certainly no money to be made in the future if they take a stand against cancer causing agents like cigarettes. once again there is no "facts" listed about the harmful effects of vapeing, only concerns that it could entice children to use nicotine. by the way, has anyone here actually looked up the health benefits of nicotine in treatment of medical conditions such as Parkinsons? not that i personally believe that inhaling any substance is actually a good thing long term, but when weighed against the dangers of returning to analog cigarettes it is definitely a better alternative.
  24. as one of the recent newbies i just wanted to say hello and thank you. many of us newbies have been searching your forum and similar forums for quite some time. this is the only one i have felt drawn to actually register at (it was the cookies that lured me, but the friendly welcomes were an added bonus). I want to personally thank you all for offering so many helpful threads that have led to my returning to vapeing
  25. I just read the article, it is written so deceptively, first off, yeah, we know it contains a toxin, nicotine, as for the "turned up several toxic chemicals, including a key ingredient in antifreeze" part, that would be the PG, which the FDA has already approved for use in asthma inhalers and other medicines, so the article is a scare tactic, thats for sure. I think the main point in the article which has been stated by lobbyist in trying to ban the e-cig, is that it could be a gateway to smoking for children. I have heard such claims that the flavors of e- juices encourage children to smoke. which was the whole basis for banning joe camel back in the day... am i showing my age now? lol
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