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    Raleigh, NC
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    vary from day to day (short attention span)...

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  1. Welcome to VT. I was wondering what the reason for not smoking with the medication. Just making sure it's not nicotine that the meds interact with. If so, e-cigs are not going to prevent you from intaking nicotine. I am medically inept, so forgive me if this is a silly thought. Either way, no harm in getting off the analogs. Lotsa great folks and good advise here. Best of luck.^^
  2. Just a thought... Get a carto and burn a lil' filler material purposefully. I know we all hate it, but it is as close to an analog as you will come with a pv. Then throw whatever tobacco flavor in and tell him to vape away. Best of luck.^^
  3. CE2's are only good for swapping in your tank mods.... My $0.02.
  4. I travel extensively for business, and have not noticed any adverse reaction to my vaping inside of domestic airport terminals. I will stealth vape in the lavatory during the flight (usually about halfway through it) if I cant't wait until we land, but really layovers and arriving early enough to make sure I get through security without missing my flight are the worst times for me. It is tough to fly anywhere in the US today direct that is more than a 3-4 hour flight anyways, so it is usually not much of an issue. I do not see these rules changing to accommodate vapers, and don't know that they should. Space is very tight on a commercial flight. I probably wouldn't vape in my seat even if I could. Also of interest, I flew on Turkish Air over the summer, and they were totally ok with me vaping, as long as I went into the bathroom to do it. It was business class though, and a 12 hour flight.
  5. Patriot Range used to make a Double Apple Shisha. I don't know if it is still around. I haven't tried it (the juice) so Ican't speak to how closely the flavor resembles the tobacco. I have smoked the tobacco though... Classic and great. Now that I think about it, I may order some for myself if I can find it.
  6. Welcome to the forum. And don't worry. Even the most tech savvy of us had that moment of dread when we first opened our first kit and thought, "What have I gotten myself into?" That feeling will pass quickly, and the folks around here can help you greatly.
  7. I have the Madvapes 5V, non VV... It was my first mod, and it has been going strong for almost 8 months on the the 2 sets of 14550s I ordered from them as well. Sorry you got the wrong box at first, but those guys are tip top in the customer service department, in my opinion, and everything I get from them has been excellent quality so far. (Though I do have to steep the TV juices before they are really good, imho.) 5V and the 3.2 ohm cartos are what I use, and I get a nice warm hit that keeps me coming back. Happy vaping.^^
  8. Heya Tim. Whereabouts in NC are you? Do you go to Madvapes? I have not been to their new retail place yet, but used to go to the werehouse all the time. Great bunch of folks. Anyways, I am always looking for a local supplier, but I get around quite a bit travelling for work. (This lets me visit all kinds of good spots...) Oh, and congratz on not having to drip & drive anymore. I know I will feel safer on the road now.^^
  9. Welcome to VT. And congratz on the decision to toss the analogs. This is the most helpful forum I have been on, so if you have any questions, just holler.
  10. Man I dunno what I am vaping then, cuz a can hardly choke down a good hit off of my latest procurement from VR without almost losing my lung... I ordered a bottle of Pumpkicinno (thanks for a great flavor combo juliery^^) and a Ruby Relaxer... Both 36 mg, 60/40, and aggressive TH... They are both great tasting, but the Ruby Relaxer, (while starting smooth and sweet,) usually ends up sending me into hacking fits... I have tried 100% PG and 100% VG (Boba's Bounty is still a fav, but let's face it... no TH...) I am beginning to become very leery of any juice reviews based on the simple fact that taste is SOOO subjective. And apparently, so is the tickle (or flamethrower) at the back of your throat... YMMV indeed.^^
  11. I can't wait to try these.... Good job Smokie.^^
  12. Man I am hearing horror stories about PTs in general lately (the 510s and the eGo)... Maybe it's just because I am looking into one for the house that I am noticing them more. Sorry bout your battery man.^^
  13. Oh my, what an auspicious occasion... Congratulations are truly in order. I remember after my first post, you were the first one who replied. You put so much out there for this community. We will have a hard time reciprocating. Folks like you are the reason that this group is as special as it is. Stay true to yourself and again, thank you and congratz.^^ Oh and give that lil' angel of yours a treat for me.
  14. My DDD = Wifey... She also doesn't vape and secretly resents me for asking her to drip for me. I tell her it's a safety issue, and she wouldn't want me jeopardizing the family's safety for something as silly as dripping some juice into my atty... She to told me to invest in some cartos. She's probably right.
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