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Everything posted by Nanna

  1. LOL. Remember you said this!! I have come down with a bad case of Map Tank envy, but I am also content with my eGo tank and my LR cartos. Just know that I won't be able to resist when and if I can get an order in.
  2. I'm so glad you like it!!! Over a mont in now and I still just enjoy the heck out of vaping.
  3. Thank you for this!! My emails are sent including my credentials as a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience, and 35 years of trying to quit smoking that were unsuccessful until I started vaping. Please please please everybody! Make your voice heard and take 5 minutes to send emails.
  4. And THIS is why I decided to have cartos on hand. Scared to death to be suddenly atty-less.
  5. I'm gonna try the LR atty for the Tank as well. I bought some LR cartos to try out the difference and I am crazy about the difference!
  6. Me too!! One of the nurses I share an office with thinks my vaping "stinks" so I don't vape in there when she's there. Not a big deal. I happen to think she REEKS when she comes in from smoking outside, but clearly, I have better manners.
  7. Wow, I hadn't even thought of how cool it would be to not have the smoke smell in a car. I've never had that!! And about the radar detector? Nah. Just put the money into a "Kitsume Defense Fund" - I'm sure we'd all contribute.
  8. Drink more. It'll make the questions more tolerable.
  9. Congratulations on your 100 days! And what a perfect way to celebrate. I can't WAIT to hear how you guys like them!!
  10. Aimee, I don't know, since I just got them yesterday. But one of the reasons I got them is because I want to be able to toss the dang things when they need to go. I am so thrilled that I am getting flavor now where that was always a problem before. I thought I had read elsewhere that LR diminishes flavor. Maybe it's coincidental that my taste buds are coming back now?
  11. Try this one - it talks about the condom method AND the Taryn Spin. The one posted above is for the reverse Taryn spin, which takes liquid OUT of a carto. Taryn Spin AND filling method
  12. Very thorough, thanks! I wonder WHY the flavor is different with tanks??
  13. Believe me, ryeis1, you won't find any better customer service than the VT store. There are a lot of good vendors here that we all use, but Chris is top notch. I think that most of us, as new vapers, had no idea what the Chinese holiday means to vaping, and vaping has taken off by leaps and bounds! Happy vaping! And Chris, no hair loss please. The new baby doesn't want a bald daddy at your age.
  14. I can tell you that my Nurse Practitioner, who is my primary care provider, is a big fan of them, since she has seen me stop smoking with them. I am in the masters program now to get my NP, and a lot of my instructors have discussed it with me, know people who have used e-cigs, and are all in favor. As a nurse, I tell people all the time about e-cigs, and I direct them here, so they can get all the information, including reference to the FDA's concerns.
  15. I love my tank. I also love my low resistance cartomizers, but I also do NOT love cartridges. Before I got cartomizers or the tank, I judt did the "direct drip" thing, which is just putting 2-3 drops of liquid into the regular eGo atomizer, and puffing away for 5-6 draws. It's akin to just smoking an analog, really, and you get great flavor and vapor. It's still my preferred method if I'm just sitting at home.
  16. Yes! And there needs to stop being Chinese New Years as well.
  17. Try here Boge LR cartomizers
  18. So, I started with an eGo, which I love, tried some cartomizers, which were meh. Got an eGo tank, which I also loved for its ease of use, and then saw LR attys for the tank. I decided to try LT cartomizers because it was less expensive than a tank LR atty and just got it and started using it today. I fill it using the condom method and give it a Taryn spin with my new lanyard (got the cartos and the lanyard from Vapor Kings) and... ...WOW! Killer throat hit - I have to puff a lot less strenuously than I do with my regular stuff. Better flavor than I ever got otherwise - me with the "dead taste buds". Plumes of vapor production. I love them! I love my tank but one thing I like a lot is that these LR cartos are so cheap that when they go bad, I can just toss them and grab a new one, rather than worry about doing all the funky stuff we all do to preserve our attys. $8.95 for 5? Pfft! Just wanted to let you all know that I consider these to be an awesome vaping method. Everybody finds their sweet spot, but this is a good one for me.
  19. Have you tried the spicier flavors like cinnamons, mints, and pumpkin spices? As I sit and think about this, I think that since I have stopped smoking, I must prefer LESS TH than when I was smoking. I know that I smoked lights when I smoked, but when I first started using PVs with the "comes with it" starter juice - all PG and some menthol tobacco flavored stuff - the throat hit KILLED me!!! I am a happy camper now with VR juices - but I also do a little DIY (just starting). Before you throw in the towel on those juices, try adding a drop or two of methol or cinnamon to them - there's almost always a way to save juices!
  20. Grrrrr. That's happened to me before too. Glad you're okay!
  21. egoluvr, I just ordered those and they are winging their way to me as we speak. Squeeeeeee!
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