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Everything posted by Nanna

  1. Ah Cherye, I don't have fibromyalgia but I am a student nurse practitioner (and an RN for 20 years) and I have managed people with the disease. It is TOUGH and there are so many potential triggers!!! I can't think of how or why vaping would trigger more pain but of course, it is a possibility. Think back - is the weather changing where you are? Sleeping patterns? Allergies? ANything that would trigger an inflammatory response?
  2. Wow, Troop, this is awesome, thanks!
  3. I remember in the past when I quit smoking, I would be great until like 3-6 months into it and then all of a sudden the cravings would get CRAZY! I am only 100 days in right now, and still doing OK. There have been some really tense moments when stuff was happening in my life when I really wanted one, but I just vaped like a crazy woman and got through.
  4. I think most of us have our favorites. ANd we all get tempted to try someone else's new stuff - it's part of the fun. But I do think that eventually people settle into their facorites, and that's a good thing. One thing I will say is that I trust VT's integrity above all else. I have also had great expereiences with other vendors but I guess since VT basically supports this forum where I have gotten such great information and met such incredible people, I am a fan of VT.
  5. Oh I'm so glad you like it. Aren't they the nicest poeople to work with? One thing I have found is that I had a lot of trouble tasting juices before but since I got my OG, I can taste things I never tasted before. I'm like a kid in a candy store!
  6. Hey Beans that's a really good idea!!!
  7. Do a search on you tube for the reverse taryn spin. Specifically for this purpose.
  8. Way to go!
  9. Congratulations! I am closing in on my first 90 days and envisioning the 1 year mark. Great job! And yes, you have helped people along the way - including me.
  10. Are they the same juices, just different levels of nic?
  11. Mint and cinnamon flavors seem to come through as well. Hang in there - I know it's frustrating but you'll find it.
  12. BirdDog, you changed your avatar! Had me all confoooooozed!
  13. Hey I just recently got the Vanilla Bean ice cream and for me it is the perfect morning vape with my coffee. Very smooth, good strong vanilla flavor but not overwhelming and not too sweet. Me like it a lot!
  14. I'm one of those poor unfortunate souls for whom 35 years of smoking mentholds completely blew out my taste buds. Not for foods, mind you, so I didn't really know about it untiul I entered the wonderful world of vaping...and then couldn't taste all the fabulous juices everyone else was raving about. Even when I ordered extra flavor, I couldn't taste much. I finally decided I would stick with the one juice I could taste and loved - Tasty Vapor's Atomic Cinnacide. But I kept hearing about Sweet-Vape's amazing flavors, and she ran such terrific sales on sample packs. So I bit the bullet and ordered. I have 7 little 3 ml bottles to go through - the random flavors I ordered, and the freebie Fudge Brownie Dayna threw in, but I want to tell you about my first one. I started with a fully charged battery on my OG mod and a brand new LR Boge cartomizer, and filled 'er up with Margarita. Wow, is all I can say. I am a Margarita afficiaonado from way back, and this tastes EXACTLY like one, except for the salt around the rim. I got a 70/30 blend and there are plumes of vapor, the throat hit is good (although it always is on a new LR carto), but the flavor is unusual, a little sweet, a little citrus-y. On the web site it says that this is one of Dayna's favorites, but I have never seen it mentioned here. ALl I can say is that if you like Margaritas, GET THIS FLAVOR. To be able to taste something at long last, AND to have found an absolute winner that I will certainly be buying again - I am in heaven.
  15. Cheryli, I had that exact same problem and it was so frustrating having everyone rave about these fabulous juices and I couldn't taste then at all! The only thing I could taste was atomic cinnacide from Tasty Vapor, and I finally decided that was all I would even try. It's really good. Now, three months into it, I an STARTING to taste moyer, and I also love Geoff's Blend From the same vendor, and a brand new find, Margarita, from Sweet-Vapes.
  16. Erika and I started vapong at about the same time, and she has started making some homemade drip tips in all kinds of fun, pretty colors, that glow in the dark! I just got mine in the mail today and I LOVE them. They are indeed pretty, do indeed glow in the dark, but what I love about them most is the soft feel to them. Well, that and the fact that they are one of a kind. It seems silly to be this excited about something we don't think about much, like drip tips, but these ROCK! Thank you, Ericka!!
  17. Oh my. I vape cinnamon flavor alot and have never had them.
  18. Thanks, guys!!! I put a freshly charged battery on in the morning, and take my charger with another batt in it, and plug it in when I get to work, so the new one is ready just about on time. You know me - always looking to improve the experience. I LOVE having my Old Goat mod. I honestly think if new people started with this, they'd have such an easier time. As always, VT rocks.
  19. Nanna

    Goat Mod

    The other thing with the Old Goat mods is that Ron and his son Zach are super cool to work with. And Dayvape, I use LR cartos on mine - heaven!
  20. Oh you make me laugh - and how true!
  21. I agree. Awesome and simple solution.
  22. So, I got my Old Goat mod a month ago or so and I love the convenience of it. I use a Boge LR cartomizer on it mainly because I am addicted to the snap-crackle-pop and flavor burst of a new and newly wet carto. Yummmmmmmmmmmm. I bought 2 Trustfire 14500 protected batteries on it, and I have been reading about high drain batteries as being able to hold their charge to the very end, which sounds good. The one thing about a bottom feeding box mod is that it really prefers a fully charged battery, and performance drops when the battery life is dwindling. That seems to be happening sooner than I would have expected with the non-high drain so I am wondering if high drain is what I need, and where you have had good experiences in getting them. The other question is about chargers. I read about Pila chargers as being the gold standard. I also read on the Internet that they are to be used only with Pila batteries. Is that right? I bought a cheap charger with my batteries and it's getting the job done but is flimsy. The one thing that I, like every vaper, want to avoid is not having fully charged batteries available. What's your best recommendation for bagteries and a charger?
  23. Beautiful. It looks almost tribal.
  24. I would bet a lot that it's allergies. I wish I had counted the number of people that are coming into the clinics already miserable with allergies, and it runs down their throats, and they're getting sore throats from it. I've never had allergies in my life - until this spring, and my poor husband is miserable.
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