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Beans got a reaction from TechJunkie in Exercise And The E-Cig
I am just so proud, I thought I'd post about it for those still on the fence about the effects of vaping.
I was a smoker for 27 years, who suffered constantly from lung disease caused from smoking. I couldn't breath well enough to do any exercise, Shamefully I admit to getting out of breath walking from my front door to the truck. I have never been athletic or very physically active because of my breathing issues. Well that was until yesterday. Hubby and I went to the local Y and used a free pass for the day.
I got my little butt up on a treadmill , set it to 4 mph on a steep incline and walked/jogged for an entire hour. YES ME a straight hour of heavy duty(for me) exercising.
And guess what? I could breath the entire time! Hubby a non smoker couldn't even keep up with me! I feel so liberated! I am no longer a prisoner in my own body! Wholly Cow does it feel great to breath!
Well we are signing up for a membership. Amazying the things I can do now! LOL I have a new body! And I have only been off cigs for 40 days. Imagine what I'll be able to do in another year. leap small buildings in a single bound? Perhaps.
Enjoy your weekend all!
Beans got a reaction from mkauthen in Exercise And The E-Cig
I am just so proud, I thought I'd post about it for those still on the fence about the effects of vaping.
I was a smoker for 27 years, who suffered constantly from lung disease caused from smoking. I couldn't breath well enough to do any exercise, Shamefully I admit to getting out of breath walking from my front door to the truck. I have never been athletic or very physically active because of my breathing issues. Well that was until yesterday. Hubby and I went to the local Y and used a free pass for the day.
I got my little butt up on a treadmill , set it to 4 mph on a steep incline and walked/jogged for an entire hour. YES ME a straight hour of heavy duty(for me) exercising.
And guess what? I could breath the entire time! Hubby a non smoker couldn't even keep up with me! I feel so liberated! I am no longer a prisoner in my own body! Wholly Cow does it feel great to breath!
Well we are signing up for a membership. Amazying the things I can do now! LOL I have a new body! And I have only been off cigs for 40 days. Imagine what I'll be able to do in another year. leap small buildings in a single bound? Perhaps.
Enjoy your weekend all!
Beans got a reaction from Uma in Cartomizers And High Vg% E-Liquid
Hi twelveday, I make all my own liquids and have no issue with any juices between 80/20-60/40 PG/VG in my Boges. If you still want a higher VG content you can thin it out with alcohol or distilled water. Note Distilled water not regular bottled
Beans reacted to DAYVAPE in Congrats Vaportalk !
I just noticed that we're up to 10,000 members now!!! Congrats Chris, for starting up a great meeting place!
Beans reacted to twelveday in Vaping While Intoxicated, Instead Of Smoking While Intoxicated. A New Years Story.
Happy new year everyone, it was my birthday also on new years =D. Well I drank up and it was the first time I vaped while being drunk and it was like i was puffing out atomic mushroom clouds, i guess it really numbs your senses even more, i guess i was taking super long hits than i normally do. Anyways people at the party stared at me like what the **** is this guy doing, what is that thing hes holding and what is he smoking, and why does it smell like a scented vanilla candle instead of smoke, is he doing drugs? Well, after a half hour of drunken ecig talk to my friends and some random people i never seen before, I let them try out my ecig and kind of told them about what it is. I was surprised not a single person knew what it was, but my cousin and 2 friends who smoke cigarettes are trying out ecigs now, and a couple are more interested in them and probably will switch to them also. I just wanted to share a story, it kind of feels good helping someone I know switch to ecigs and hopefully get normal cigarettes outta their life, i know im glad I found vaportalk and it got me to switch to ecigs as well. Happy new year!
Beans got a reaction from Uma in Finally Quit But Not Happy With Systems
Jay gave you stellar advice, you simply can't go wrong with the eGo and Boge cartomizers from VK's. They are a fantastic company.
Chindra, this is a great thing your doing for yourself. I know how hard and frustrating trying to find what works can be, and it's often a bit depressing too. But you will get it, keep hanging in here, this is a great forum and everyone will help when you need it. Good luck!
Beans got a reaction from Uma in The Reo Grand
Month 1 with my Reo Grand.
Yes I know, everyone and their mother is doing reviews now and rarely are they worth the time to read. However I haven't really heard the Reo mentioned too often on VT and being the quality MOD it is I thought I should give my 2 cents and some tips. I hope someone will find it useful.
First, just trying to buy a Reo tends to be a bit of a headache. You have to be very patient and check daily for the sale announcements, then if you can schedule your free time around the upcoming event you must be READY. You must have a pay pal account, account already set up with Reo Mods, the batteries and charger on order with another company since they only sell the MODS and quick fingers to nab the little box of your dreams. Once you have accomplished that, your all set. Shipping was fairly quick in my case but you must sign for your package. It will NOT be left at your door.
Now for the Reo Grand......My first impression, it was big my hand and fairly heavy too. Now, I compare it to holding an eGo for the first time after being used to a real cig. You get used to it quickly. It's a solid piece of T6 aluminum. Should you be mugged it will work very well clubbing your assailant to death.
The craftsmanship of the Reo is impeccable. From the smooth machining, the slide door design and window placement to the perfect anodization job, I can not find a single flaw. These simply don't break either. And yes, I have damaged my hard wood floors with it numerous times now.
The button at the top is solid and secure, it locks easily by turning ever so slightly to the right. I really enjoy the button placement. It seems very natural to me, I guess because I was a thumb sucker so your essentially holding your hand in the same position. Talk about the pacifier effect.
The best feature isn't the beautiful design, craftsmanship or it's durability.
It's the ease of use. Prior to my Reo it seems that most of my time was spent topping off my Carto, flooding it and cleaning up the dribbles. Followed by cutting up paper towels so I would not be caught without, popping off the DT to make sure it was slushy (like 500 times a day) so I didn't get that terrible burning hit, fidgeting with the draw (Not all mods are created equal) and packing enough juice in little bottles that always seemed to leak and 2 or 3 extra batts when I leave the house.
Now, I fill my 6ml bottle for the day, slap in a set of fresh batteries and vape. When the flavor changes I squonk the bottle(a gentle squeeze) take a quick draw to pull the juice up, throughly sluchifying the filler and vape again. I have never had a single burning dry hit or any misfires. When I leave the house I grab 1 set of batteries and nothing more. At first I was a little bored with the lack of fidgeting my husband so fondly called tying lures since my tackle box was always nearby, but now I can't get enough, it's simply devine.
I'm not going into how it vapes. It works each and every time as it should.
It can be used with 3-6 volt batteries which is great for me coming from a VV mod. The 6V with SR Boge cartos is simply a great vape.
For me, this is the perfect MOD. I can't Imagine being more gratified with another PV than the Reo Grand, perhaps the woodville would be nice but for now I'm just concentrating on getting myself to the next Grand sale.
Beans reacted to Kingbtheone in Secret Message
serious? that medical stuff you have in CA is getting to you!
Beans got a reaction from ancientpuffer in Finally Quit But Not Happy With Systems
Jay gave you stellar advice, you simply can't go wrong with the eGo and Boge cartomizers from VK's. They are a fantastic company.
Chindra, this is a great thing your doing for yourself. I know how hard and frustrating trying to find what works can be, and it's often a bit depressing too. But you will get it, keep hanging in here, this is a great forum and everyone will help when you need it. Good luck!
Beans reacted to perroblanco in Finally Quit But Not Happy With Systems
I was wondering if you've found your perfect juice yet? If so, I think a reo might be the way to go.
Beans reacted to KaYoTiiC in Straw Banana Shake Frze (Sweet-Vapes)
Blake i had no problem with your review other than how you worded things.. However i don't agree with you posting status saying you and Sharon are BFF's. You need to bring that negative vibe elsewhere. There's no reason to try and carry this on further than it already has. You really need to grow up, this is a great community and have had ZERO problems like this. Just cuz you don't agree with her and she doesn't agree with you gives you no right to act like a forum troll.
Sorry but i just can't respect people like you instigating
Beans reacted to DAYVAPE in Straw Banana Shake Frze (Sweet-Vapes)
Keep me out of this you douchebag!
Beans reacted to Sharon in Straw Banana Shake Frze (Sweet-Vapes)
Blakeab84, I have to tell you that I find your review of the "other 4 liquids" to be insulting! I know that flavor is subjective, but to say that "they were far from a great tasting liquid and She also found these flavors very horrid" is far from saying that you didn't find them to be flavors that you enjoy.
And then to add more insult, you suggest that the reason maybe due to poor quality control.
"Some of your opinions" you have expressed recently on this forum, I have found to be more of a control issue on your part and I have just brushed them off. Everyone has the freedom of speech! But then you were psycho analyzing another, long standing, member, and I found it very hard to not get involved verbally. Now you have hit a nerve in me that I just can't let go of.
Since you feel comfortable expressing your opinions, with no regard as to how it is going to come across or effect other members, I am sure you will be equally comfortable with me expressing my opinion.
I know that you are interested in doing reviews for vendors, but I don't believe your review of Sweet-Vapes is going to entice other vendors to jump on your bandwagon.
Beans reacted to egoluvr in Strong E-Liquid Flavors
I have some gourmet vapor cinnabun - it tastes like big red gum, I'd be happy to send it to one of you that have trouble tasting, I'm sure you'll taste this First come , first serve, pm me your address
Beans reacted to DAYVAPE in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?
Would you expect anything less from me Sharon??
I can say with 100% certainty that I was in no way TRYING to be eloquent anyway... BUT, if I offended you in any way Sharon, I do apologize for that. I do however, take serious offense when people are knowingly taking advantage of beginners, all because they are not educated on all of the devices. I mean heck... look at what you can get eGo/Riva/Tornado kits for now! I'd for sure have much more respect for him if he was offering something akin to those... or at least something that is advertising TRUTHS about the unit and vapinng!! I'm sure we will here next that 'he is not in it for the money, he just likes helping others'... or 'it is the best device out there for new vapers because he researched all the others first'. Heck, I thought it was a joke at first, until I saw his 'website' in his signature and went and saw just exactly what kind of "deal" he is offering out of the kindness of his heart! What an uber-super kind of fella he must be! This tells me everything I could possibly need to know just what kind of person his is... I don't care to discuss anything with him in the future.
Beans reacted to TroopX in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?
I have a few questions....
What MAH batteries are you selling?
Does it fit a normal 510 atty or are the cartos proprietary?
Will LR atty's work on your device?
...I see phrases like 'advanced technology' and you claim your carts last as long as 2 packs of cigarettes. Is this the same advanced technology found in first generation ecigs? Red flags here- as everyone knows the 1 cart to a pack conversion is a flat out lie, but yours are equivalent to 2 packs? I have a really hard time believing that. Can you say with 100% honesty that a two pack a day smoker will only go through 1 carto a day? The 5-7 hours claim on one of those batteries seems a bit far fetched IMO. I've NEVER had a tiny battery give me that much vape time. Anyone else?
These units really look like the same old expensive stick batteries that we tell folks to shy away from for various reasons.
Beans reacted to DAYVAPE in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?
That is one PRICEY P.O.S. "e-cig starter kit" you got advertised my friend! Wow, I hope nobody falls victim to that crap!
Must be kidding... right? Look at ALL THAT STUFF you get with this "KIT"! WOW!! I'm curious to try out the 'one of a kind carts' that these use... sounds like any and all worries we have will be gone forever with these bad boys! And a 5-pack of refill cartridges is only $12.50 every time you need more... what a deal.
2 - Batteries
1 - USB Charger
1 - Wall Adapter
1 - 5 pack of Refill Cartridges
Beans got a reaction from Cheriepye in Drug Interactions And Vaping
LoL, Poor Molly........Just wait till you become the neighborhood postal stalker. Laugh now, but it will happen.
Beans got a reaction from Cheriepye in Drug Interactions And Vaping
Someone I'm sure WILL correct me, but I believe the warnings are new, and inforced to get the items through customs. None of the products have been approved by the FDA, nor are they getting their cut from the profits, so they are trying to scare those of us still willing to use them. They also seem like fairly normal blanket drug warnings.
No, no one can reassure you of the safety, The FDA has not done testing to see if there are any real drug interactions. However, MY body is telling me that I'm healthier now than when I was smoking. I haven't droped dead or overdosed, I'm still taking my normal prescriptions with no abnorma effects or problems. I think you have to decide for yourself the level of risk your willing to take compared to smoking. For me its a NO brainer. 4000 chemicals or 4. I'm healthier, period.
Beans got a reaction from Mark in Question Regarding Vaping
I would honestly say NO, don't start. Most of us here do it because we were so addicted to tobacco that we just couldn't quit even though it was killing us. The honest to god truth is...We have no idea what the results of our vaping is. Do we think it's safer than smoking 1 or 2 packs of cigs a day? We sure hope so, but we don't have any real idea of what the long term effects of PG / VG /Flavorings really are.
I know how it sounds and I never did listen but just don't smoke. Even with how great cigars are.....it's NOT a hobby. If you like them so much I think you would be better off smoking 1 or 2 a month IF YOU MUST instead of vaping.
Again this is all just my opinion. I wish you all the luck in the world and the best of health and smoking/vaping is not the way
Beans reacted to iloozyun in A Simple Bottle Mod To Help Mix Or Refill Carts
i am a month into this, so don't mind me if i say something here that everyone already knows or sounds lame. i started mixing my own juces (such fun!) and read how drops will be different sizes from different dispensers but need to be uniform for best results. sooo... i tried to stick an 18 gauge syringe into one of my various dropper bottles but though the syringe tip went in the very top, it hit a blockage and stopped short. upon closer inspection i noticed that up inside them, they all had a kind of t-shaped bit of plastic just under the tip. i took some small pointed nail scissors and clipped out the t-shaped portion, and out came that plastic bit along with a tiny tube-shaped piece, which cleared the end of the dropper. i shoved the 18 gauge into the tip of the dropper and... presto, it went in tight and securely. after modifying everything i have with a bottle dropper on it, i can now stick my 18 gauge all the way in to a dropper bottle, tip the whole bottle of liquid upside down, pull back on the syringe to get an exact amount, no mess, no waste, drops are all uniform, and no more squeeze/drip.drip.drip, squeeze/drip.drip.drip.... rinse syringe, stick in the next liquid bott, and i can mix new juice really quickly, whether in mls or drops. and all the dropper bottles still work to dispense drops just as well as they did before, no effect.
Beans reacted to BabyHuey in Totally Twisted Texas
I apologize for any inconvenience. We have not received any orders we have not filled. We recently had some issues with the website and for some reason my email addy and phpone number were not reinstated on the contact us page. Feel free to contact me at Brian@TTTeliquids.com via email, or call me at 832-549-3612. We will get everything lined out for you.
Beans reacted to JonHitThingWithRock in Porter Vs Mod
so... i have no idea what a porter is, and yes, i am a mega ultra nerd.... anywho, since beer contains a great deal of "contaminents" (read. things that aren't distilled water), those can cause a circuit to "jump" to and from places that they shouldn't (electrolytes sound electric-ee because they are). I would disassemble your mod as much as possible, get out the rubbing alcohol, and get the softest bristled scrubbing brush you can get (a cheap toothbrush would do fine), dip the brush in the rubbing alcohol, and scrub all the beer residue away, rinse, repeat, and finally rinse with distilled water, then blow out as much water as you can with compressed air as quickly as possible, then let it sit and dry for far longer than you think might be necessary. it just might be salvageable.
if the circuit already jumped and something is fried, get ahold of the people who made it, and find out if they have spare parts lying around, chances are you'll just need to solder in a new wire or circuit board and it could be up and running with relative ease. if nothing works, pm me, i might be able to fix it.
Beans got a reaction from GPurv in Gateshead Doctor Calls For Research Into 'e-Cigarettes'
The fact of the matter is, everyone is different. His lung death may or may not have been caused by liquid/oil. Could have been he was already affected by some sort of lung disease or autoimmune disease. Anything that enters your lungs can damage them. With autoimmune diseases completely harmless chemicals/dust/air can trigger a reactions of various degrees. Even death.
Some of my doctors thought me moving from the desert to LA county where the smog blankets the sky was enough to trigger mine. No other irritants or inhalants were involved. Well besides cigarettes. So them saying that e cigs killed him is most likely false. Underlying disease is the biggest suspect. IMHO of course.