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Beans last won the day on May 4 2011

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    Pulling wings off butterflies ;)

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  1. Hi Pipedreamr, I have an infinity IPro from Notcigs. It's a VV tube mod that runs between 3.5-5.6 volts depending on your chosen setting. Why I LOVE it, because I get that consistent "big hit" much more like a cig than the eGo or other smaller batteries. The VV ability allows me to "fine tune" my flavor. My fruity flavors tend to taste burned at the highest settings and more robust around 4.8-5 V My coffee/vanilla flavors really ramp up at 5-5.5V. Also in the mornings Vaping can be harsh on the old lungs so I dial it down the first hour or so. I almost forgot...I exclusively use Boge cartomizers on all my mods but only SR on my Ipro Hope this helps
  2. Yes the eGo is a very good choice. I would also add a box of Boge 2.0 ohm cartomizers and a drip tip too. It should still be under your limit. Welcome to the forum(( extremewattage )) I don't exactly know what to say other than I am so sorry and I will keep you in my prayers.
  3. Hi twelveday, I make all my own liquids and have no issue with any juices between 80/20-60/40 PG/VG in my Boges. If you still want a higher VG content you can thin it out with alcohol or distilled water. Note Distilled water not regular bottled
  4. Hmmmmm, I got a freshie out the other day and the coil was green, opened the rest in the box. All good? I think their QC is slipping a bit.
  5. Try to lube your o ring with a little juice and instead of pushing your DT in try screwing it in. This should help the DT o ring slid right in your Carto. Welcome back!
  6. Yeah, I'm coming up on a year and have the runs too. My nose that is, more allergy meds in the morning for me and it clears it up nicely.
  7. Hey Raudoc, I'm talking with a few others right now about getting together after Christmas. I'll let you know more when I do. Were thinking the Lounge or Mustard seed sometime in January. It would be fantastic if you could make it too. I'll check in more and keep you in the loop Hope to see ya soon Nina
  8. Yep noXious had it with the 143 I just read her #'s
  9. ?????? I Love you??????
  10. It sounds kind of dirty to mee
  11. Welcome and congrats on your quit! Like King said Boge 2.0 cartomizers are the best. Yes, you did really well with your eGo kit. Check out the suppliers list on the main forum page, someone somewhere is always having a sale, remember to look for discount codes too. It will save you a ton of cash. BTW VT is a great supplier, stand up all the way around. Good luck! Ouch 15 for shipping? I didn't catch that. That's really bad! Check out goodphropets, Vaporkings and Liberty-Flights.
  12. I agree with Cheshyl, the eGo is the best starter set IMHO. I just saw GP goodphropets has a great sale till Sunday on eGo kits. You won't end up spending much more right now for a superior product. I grabed and extra battery myself lol like I really need more backups.
  13. Hey Bugsman, congrats on the new toy. I hope you like it. Can't help you though I went the Reo route. Nice to see you around!
  14. Rinsing your mouth out with water often helps and I've heard eating a piece of plain bread helps too. It happens to all of us. Were just overloading out taste buds with lots of delicious flavors.
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