After reading the entire bill, at the end I believe it was initiated by The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel and here is what they do:
The mission of the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel staff is to: 1) assist the Utah Legislature in the development of sound public policy; 2) ensure the integrity of the legislative process; and 3) preserve the legislative branch in its proper constitutional role in state government.
To accomplish this mission, we pledge to provide objective, accurate, concise, and timely information that facilitates informed decision-making and effective policy development by the legislative branch, and to create a dynamic working environment of cooperation, competence, initiative, respect, integrity, and teamwork.
Now not being good at government stuff, should we send our disapproval to the Utah Senate or the Utah House?
The section they need to take out is: Part 30. Protection of Children and Adults from Nicotine Addiction Act
They may be able to "control" the adults in Utah, or atleast attempt to, but those of us adults that are already addicted need a way out! Pills, patches, hypnosis etc, doesn't work...... I'm using vapor to get off cigarettes 100%, then slowly move down in mg. of nicotine to get to 0 mg.
So, like you said they are just trying to keep us addicted to the really hazardous tobacco cigarettes!
If anyone, who is good at government and how it works, lead us to who/where we need to write and flood emails to, I'm game!
Thank you!