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    Moscow, PA

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  1. I have a bunch of tobacco juice that tastes like crap. Do you think this might help?
  2. . The smoketip products are what got me to give up analogs, so I will be forever grateful.....I just would need like 5 starter kits with a power strip of chargers to use only their products. Plus the flavors I now like vaping are not theirs. But when I first started I was happy with their products...they are a great intro product, and you cannot go wrong with the lifetime warranty on the batteries, and they have free shipping too. But they don't sell liquid to refill the cartos, and I was using 5 of them a day which is rather expensive. I saved all the cartos though because common sense told me they had to be refillable, and cleanable, which of course they are. I am still using the cartos that originally came from them.....just not being filled with their flavors any longer.
  3. I am a heavy smoker and continue to be one with vaping now. I go thru 1-2 carts a day with only 3 battery charges a day.I am looking to try other liquid flavors to mix it up a bit. But I really am a heavy smoker.
  4. Wow, I cant believe what I am reading about cartos. I am using an e-cig company for just over a month now and I was a 1-2 pack a day Marlboro smoker and quit just after I bought it. With my e-cigs, I use a cartimizer type and I go thru 1-2 cartomizers a day. I am disabled and sit on my couch all day from 7:45am until around 1:00am vaping almost the whole time. The batteries last for 4-7 hours per charge. I keep a record of how many carts and battery charges I go thru every day and its consistantly the same. I just cant get having to use a drip type of e-cig. Maybe Im just too lazy. The bateries I use with the brand I use come with a life time warranty so I will never have to buy another one. And the cartomizers are 17.95 for 10 pcs.
  5. I am using SmokeTip, and I found they are the most resonable in price and they have the best warranty (lifetime on batteries).
  6. I'm getting a syringe with the 2 liquids I ordered. I think it will make it even easier and efficiant.
  7. Thanks Sharon, I purchased a liquid to refill my carts and it tasted like crap. I just ordered 2 other liquid flavors and hope they taste better. I love the taste of the brand of cartomizers I use now but I want a variety now and I want to save more money with these Vapor cigs.
  8. What is the best way to store cartimizers? What position should they be kept in? Should they be standing up, lying sideways. And should they be stored at room temp or should they be refrigerated. I was thinking of buying in bulk to save some money and I need to know the best way to store them.
  9. It was the Exotic Tobacco. It did not taste good to me and my wife at all.
  10. I think I will try the Midnight next. I should have done more research and tried that one first. Thanks
  11. I just recieved my first order of e-liquid and I hate it. I am looking for an e-liquid that has a sweet taste. Does anyone know what flavor has a sweet taste to it?
  12. Yes it is, Its been just 4 weeks and I can breath better, no more weezing, no more coughing up some nasty stuff and I am getting my breath back. I can now use the snow shovel instead of the snow blower to get some exercise without getting out of breath.
  13. I quit Marlboro the moment I bought the SmokeTip reg flavor 16mg. I was a pack to 2 pack aday smoker. I saw the green smoke and passed it up for SmokeTip because it was a better deal and the cartidges were cheaper. I ordered some Vapor Talk Tobacco E Liquid and hope its good.
  14. For my first e-cig, I am using SmokeTips reg 16mg flavor cartimizer and like it alot. I want to refill the cartimizers a couple of times after they dry up. Does anyone know what I could use that has a good tobacco flavor? I used to smoke Marlboro reds.
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